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C shell (csh), 144
disk read-ahead, 227, 228
disk write-back, 227
caching name servers, 324
burning errors, 91
customization, 94
CD boot. See boot CD
CD installs testing, 95. See also floppy installs testing
CDC ACM specification, 346
CD-ROM for
Linux installation, 24
network installing, 71
CD-RW for backups, 106, 108
centralized backup management, 109
centralized server
backup server, 121
web server, 84
cfdisk command, 219
chain of rules
ACCEPT rule, 288, 289, 291
ACCEPT, 285, 286
DROP rule, 289, 290, 296
FORWARD chain, 287, 298
FORWARD rule, 296
INPUT chain, 287
PREROUTING chain, 297
QUEUE rule, 289
REJECT rule, 289, 290, 291
RETURN rule, 289
RH-Firewall-1-INPUT chain, 286, 287, 290
rules testing, 289
change attribute (chattr), 243
chattr (change attribute), 243
chattr command, 249
chgrp solution, 445
chipsets for PCI modems, 343
chipsets troubleshooting
3dfx, 187
ATI, 188
Intel i810, 187
chkconfig command for alternatives system, 488, 489
chkconfig command, 438
chkconfig running levels, 529
chkconfig tool for
alternatives system, 492
sshd service, 466, 467
chkrootkit package, 251
chroot mode for running DNS server, 332
clear text protocol, 455. See also encrypted text protocols
backup package, 120
technology, 66
command-line interpreter, shell, 139
commands, shell. See shell commands
comment methods
C style, 317
C++ style, 317
Unix style, 317
Common UNIX Printing System. See CUPS
compromised machine, resecuring, 261
compromised system, 249, 258, 259
config files, 72, 114, 120
configtest command, 438
configuration file testing , Apache, 440
configuration files
/etc/vim/vimrc, 556
for Apache 2.0, 429
for Sendmail, 494
controller-based modems, 342. See also winmodems
controller-based PCI modems, 343, 346
controller-less modems. See winmodems
detecting, 243
rootkit, 252
tools, 258
virus scanner, 251
cracking, 242
critical security patches, 262
csh shell, 144
CUPS (Common UNIX Printing System)
footmatic software package, 360
for Fedora Core, 359
troubleshooting, 359
CUPS daemon, 360, 368, 381
CUPS Web configuration tool, 368
customization, network install floppy and CD, 94
customized boot floppies, 88
customized OS install template, building, 74
CustomLog directive, 434
cyber-squatting, 315

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