List of Sidebars
Chapter 3:
Updating and Upgrading Fedora
Upgrading Using up2date: Not Recommended
Chapter 4:
Securing and Automating Desktop and Server Installs
PXE Booting
Floppies. Laptops, and Kernals
CD Burning Errors
Chapter 5:
Preparing for Backups and Migration
The Myth of RAID Backups
Chapter 8:
Software Package Troubleshooting
Using the RPM Universal Database
Chapter 10:
Detecting and Responding to Intrusions
Trust No One
Chapter 11:
Firewall Troubleshooting
Third-Party Firewall Solutions
Compiling a Daemon List for Non-Red Hat Distributions
Detect and Respond to Port Scans
Firewall State Triggers
Firewalls on CD
Chapter 12:
Troubleshooting BIND9 and DNS
Registering Domain Names
Misconfigured Caching Name Series
The BIND9 Bug
Chapter 13:
Modem TroubleshootIng
Using winmodems
Chapter 15:
Samba Troubleshooting
Using SWAT Remotely
Chapter 17:
Web Server Troubleshooting
Apache on Fedora Core
The Directory Directive
The Red Hat HTTPD GUI Config Tool
Fedora Core and suexec
SCSI versus ATA
Chapter 18:
File Transfer Troubleshooting
Passive FTP and iptables
Chapter 19:
E-Mail Server Troubleshooting
New to Mail Servers?
Dealing with Spam
Appendix B:
Troubleshooting SUSE Linux
Creating a Swap Partition to Install on a Low-Memory Machine