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arithmetic operators, PL/SQL support for, 204–205
as select keywords, using with create view statements, 78
as statement, using with stored procedures in PL/SQL, 234
ASM (Automatic Storage Management)
architecture of, 338–339
benefits of, 341
description of, 26
overview of, 338
ASM disk groups, associating with tables, 340
authority, granting and taking away, 115–116
avg() aggregate function, description of, 53
background processes
explanation of, 3
overview of, 6–7
backup and recovery. See also backups; database backup; recovery; RMAN (Recovery Manager); user-managed backups
cold backups, 164–165
DBA's responsibilities for, 91–92
explanation of, 29
hot backups, 165–166
overview of, 158–159
backup and restore optimization in RMAN, explanation of, 190
backup architecture, overview of, 159–160
backup control files, using for recovery, 169–170
backup sets, listing in RMAN, 191
backup types, overview of, 159
backups. See also backup and recovery; database backup; recovery; RMAN (Recovery Manager); user-managed backups
of archived redo logs, 172–173
automating, 171
multiplexing in RMAN, 189–190
performing with RMAN, 192–195
BEGIN line in PL/SQL program, significance of, 203
between A and B operator, using with where clauses, 46
between keyword, using with where clauses, 43
binaries in Oracle, backup and recovery considerations, 160
blob data type
versus clob, 15
overview of, 12
block media recovery, performing with RMAN, 191
backup and recovery considerations, 162
in schemas, 94–95
boolean data type, using in PL/SQL, 208–209
btitle command, effect of, 84
buffer overflow error message, triggering, 235
Cache Fusion technology, relationship to RAC, 338
candidate table, analyzing for data partitioning, 305–307
capacity planning, DBA's responsibilities for, 91
CASE statements, using in PL/SQL, 227–228
ceil() numeric function, description of, 52
change management, DBA's responsibilities for, 93
change_password command, using with listeners, 139
channels, allocating automatically with RMAN, 190
character functions, overview of, 51–52
character sets, role in Oracle Net Services, 125
CHECK constraints, description of, 82
checkpoints, backup and recovery considerations, 161–162
CIRCUITS initialization parameter for shared servers, definition of, 131
cjq0 (job queue) background process, description of, 7
ckpt (checkpoint process) background process, description of, 6
CLASS_PATH init.ora parameter, description of, 255
clob data type
versus blob, 15
overview of, 12
close command, using with PL/SQL, 215
Cluster Manager, role in RAC, 337
cman.ora configuration file, description of, 145
cold backups
overview of, 164–165
recovering from, 167–168
formatting in SQL*Plus, 84
names of, 12
referencing during FOR loops, 216
command-line utilities, overview of, 149–151
comments, adding to PL/SQL programs, 228
comparison operators, using with where clauses, 44–45. See also set operators
complete versus incomplete recovery, 168, 170
composite partitioning, explanation of, 313–314
compressing data, 323–326. See also index key compression
conditions, including in programs, 222–231
configuration files, syntax for, 144–146
configuration settings, managing with RMAN, 190
connect descriptors
defining, 134–135
example of, 134
Connection Manager. See Oracle Connection Manager
connection pooling, overview of, 140
defining, 134–136
maintaining in Oracle Net Services, 126
relationship to Oracle Net Services, 125
testing, 152–153
CONNECTIONS attribute, setting, 132
consistent parameter, using with Import and Export utilities, 184–185
constraints, overview of, 80–83
control files
backup and recovery considerations, 160–161
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