Calling an External CGI Script with the virtual() Function
If you are converting a site from plain HTML to PHP-enabled pages, you might have noticed that your server-side includes no longer work. If you are running PHP as an Apache module, you can use the virtual() function to call CGI scripts, such as Perl or C Web counters, and include their output in your pages. Any CGI script you write must output HTTP headers.
Let's write a simple Perl CGI script. If you don't know Perl, don't worry about this. It simply outputs an HTTP header and all the environmental variables available to it:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
foreach ( keys %ENV ){
print "$_: $ENV{$_}<br />\n";
Assuming that this script is saved in an executable file called in a cgi-bin directory, you can now call it with the virtual() function, including its output in your PHP document: