!= operator ## escape character 2nd #} delimiters in Smarty configuration files 2nd $ character (regular expressions) 2nd $_COOKIE array $_FILES array $_GET array 2nd 3rd $_POST array 2nd 3rd $_REQUEST array $_SERVER array user authentication $_SESSION array 2nd $argc variable in CLI PHP 2nd $argv variable in CLI PHP 2nd $attribute property tidyNode class $booleanize variable (Smarty) $child property tidyNode class $compile_check configuration variable (Smarty) $compile_dir configuration variable (Smarty) $fix_newlines variable (Smarty) $form_errorlist variable validation errors 2nd 3rd $form_errors variable validation errors 2nd 3rd $id property tidyNode class 2nd 3rd $name property tidyNode class $object-***asXML() function $overwrite variable (Smarty) $plugins_dir configuration variable (Smarty) $read_hidden variable (Smarty) $template_dir variable (Smarty) $this variable $type property tidyNode class $value property tidyNode class 2nd 3rd % (modulus) operator & (ampersand) in WML documents & (ampersand) operator references &[semi] property (WML) &apos[semi] property (WML) >[semi] property (WML) <[semi] property (WML)  [semi] property (WML) &object-***dump file function &object-***dump mem() function &object-***save() function &object-***saveHTML() function &object-***saveHTMLFile() function &object-***saveXML() function "[semi] property (WML) ­[semi] property (WML) () (parentheses) regular expressions 2nd * (Kleene's Star) 2nd 3rd * XSLT pattern *** or &ht[semicolon] operator ***= or >[semicolon] operator + character (regular expressions) -[cb] operator class methods/properties, accessing 2nd -a command-line argument -c command-line argument -d command-line argument -e command-line argument -f command-line argument -h command-line argument 2nd -i command-line argument -l command-line argument -m command-line argument -r command-line argument -s command-line argument -v command-line argument -w command-line argument -z command-line argument . (period) operator . character (regular expressions) 2nd . XSLT pattern .htaccess file user authentication 2nd 3rd 4th .tpl file extension .wmls file extension / XSLT pattern 100[nd]199 General information server response code 200-OK server response code 200[nd]299 Successful client request server response code 300[nd]399 Request was redirected to another location server response code 301 Moved Permanently server response code 307 Moved Temporarily server response code 400[nd]499 Error with client request server response code 401 HTTP status code 401 Unauthorized server response code 404 Not Found server response code 500 Internal Server Error server response code 500[nd]599 Server-side errors server response code 503 Service Unavailable server response code < character in WML documents < or <[semicolon] operator <= or < = operator <?php block identifier 2nd <a element (WML) <anchor element (WML) <b element (WML) <big element (WML) <binding element (WSDL) <br/ element (WML) <card element (WML) <definitions element (WSDL) <em element (WML) <FORM tag file uploads 2nd form submission attributes 2nd <i element (WML) <img element (WML) <IMG tag dynamic generation from arrays <INPUT tag button/submission widgets 2nd check box widgets file upload widgets 2nd hidden form widgets 2nd option button widgets 2nd password field widgets text field widgets <message element (WSDL) <META tag cookies, setting 2nd <optgroup element (WML) <option element (WML) 2nd <OPTION tag list widgets 2nd <p element (WML) <portType element (WSDL) <postfield element (WML) <select element (WML) 2nd <SELECT tag list widgets 2nd 3rd 4th <service element (WSDL) <small element (WML) <strong element (WML) <TEXTAREA tag multi-line text field widgets 2nd <types element (WSDL) <u element (WML) <wml element (WML) <xsl:apply-templates> instruction <xsl:if> instruction <xsl[:value-of> instruction <xsl[colon]attribute-set*** instruction <xsl[colon]decimal-format*** instruction <xsl[colon]for-each*** instruction <xsl[colon]import*** instruction <xsl[colon]include*** instruction <xsl[colon]number*** instruction <xsl[colon]preserve-space*** instruction <xsl[colon]sort*** instruction <xsl[colon]strip-space*** instruction <xsl[colon]template*** instruction <xsl[colon]text*** instruction = operator ? character (regular expressions) 2nd ?[cb] block identifier 2nd @ (ampersand) error-suppression operator @attrib XSLT pattern [.DatabaseSettings] section Smarty configuration file [] (brackets) in Smarty configuration files [] character (regular expressions) [] characters (regular expressions) [bsq] js sb backward single quote (ch22) [bsq] (backtick operator) external application execution [cb] character in WML documents [dq] character in WML documents [ms] character (regular expressions) [sq] character in WML documents ^ character (regular expressions) 2nd _ character (regular expressions) __autoload() function 2nd __call() method 2nd __clone() method 2nd __construct() method 2nd __destruct() method 2nd __get() method 2nd __set() method 2nd __sleep() method 2nd __toString() method 2nd 3rd __wakeup() method 2nd {# delimiters in Smarty configuration files 2nd {$smarty} template variable 2nd {capture} function (Smarty) 2nd {config_load} function (Smarty) 2nd {foreach} function (Smarty) 2nd {if} function (Smarty) 2nd 3rd {include} function (Smarty) 2nd 3rd {ldelim} function (Smarty) {literal} function (Smarty) 2nd {php} function (Smarty) 2nd {rdelim} function (Smarty) {section} function (Smarty) 2nd 3rd 4th 5th {strip} function (Smarty) 2nd {} (brackets) Smarty variables | (pipe character) regular expressions 2nd | (pipe) in Smarty variable modifiers