13.7 CGI Script Trade-offs
As shown in this chapter, PyMailCgi is still something of a system in
the making, but it does work as advertised: by pointing a browser at
the main page's URL, I can check and send email from anywhere I
happen to be, as long as I can find a machine with a web browser. In
fact, any machine and browser will do: Python doesn't even have
to be installed.
That's not the case with the PyMailGui client-side program we
wrote in Chapter 11.
But before we all jump on the collective Internet bandwagon and
utterly abandon traditional APIs like Tkinter, a few words of larger
context are in order. Besides illustrating larger CGI applications in
general, this example was chosen to underscore some of the trade-offs
you run into when building applications to run on the Web. PyMailGui
and PyMailCgi do roughly the same things, but are radically different
PyMailGui is a traditional user-interface program: it runs entirely
on the local machine, calls out to an in-process GUI API library to
implement interfaces, and talks to the Internet through sockets only
when it has to (e.g., to load or send email on demand). User requests
are routed immediately to callback handler functions or methods
running locally, with shared variables that automatically retain
state between requests. For instance, PyMailGui only loads email
once, keeps it in memory, and only fetches newly arrived messages on
future loads because its memory is retained between events.
PyMailCgi, like all CGI systems, consists of scripts that reside and
run on a server machine, and generate HTML to interact with a user at
a web browser on the client machine. It runs only in the context of a
web browser, and handles user requests by running CGI scripts
remotely on the server. Unless we add a real database system, each
request handler runs autonomously, with no state information except
that which is explicitly passed along by prior states as hidden form
fields or URL parameters. As coded, PyMailCgi must reload all email
whenever it needs to process incoming email in any way.
On a basic level, both systems use the Python POP and SMTP modules to
fetch and send email through sockets. But the implementation
alternatives they represent have some critical ramifications that you
should know about when considering delivering systems on the Web:
- Performance costs
Networks are slower than
. As
implemented, PyMailCgi isn't nearly as fast or as complete as
PyMailGui. In PyMailCgi, every time the user clicks a submit button,
the request goes across the network. More specifically, every user
request incurs a network transfer overhead, every callback handler
(usually) takes the form of a newly spawned process on the server,
parameters come in as text strings that must be parsed out, and the
lack of state information on the server between pages means that mail
needs to be reloaded often. In contrast, user clicks in PyMailGui
trigger in-process function calls instead of network traffic and
process forks, and state is easily saved as Python in-process
variables (e.g., the loaded-mail list is retained between clicks).
Even with an ultra-fast Internet connection, a server-side CGI system
is slower than a client-side program.
Some of these bottlenecks may be designed away at the cost of extra
program complexity. For instance, some web servers use threads and
process pools to minimize process creation for CGI scripts. Moreover,
some state information can be manually passed along from page to page
in hidden form fields and generated URL parameters, and state can be
saved between pages in a concurrently accessible database to minimize
mail reloads (see the PyErrata case study in Chapter 14 for an example). But there's no getting
past the fact that routing events over a network to scripts is much
slower than calling a Python function directly.
- Complexity costs
HTML isn't pretty
Because PyMailCgi must generate HTML to interact with the user in a
web browser, it is also more complex (or at least, less readable)
than PyMailGui. In some sense, CGI scripts embed HTML code in Python.
Because the end result of this is a mixture of two very different
languages, creating an interface with HTML in a CGI script can be
much less straightforward than making calls to a GUI API such as
Witness, for example, all the care we've taken to escape HTML
and URLs in this chapter's examples; such constraints are
grounded in the nature of HTML. Furthermore, changing the system to
retain loaded-mail list state in a database between pages would
introduce further complexities to the CGI-based solution. Secure
sockets (e.g., OpenSSL, to be supported in Python 1.6) would
eliminate manual encryption costs, but introduce other overheads.
- Functionality costs
HTML can only say so much. HTML is a portable
way to specify simple pages and forms, but is poor to useless when it
comes to describing more complex user interfaces. Because CGI scripts
create user interfaces by writing HTML back to a browser, they are
highly limited in terms of user-interface constructs.
For example, consider implementing an image-processing and animation
program as CGI scripts: HTML doesn't apply once we leave the
domain of fill-out forms and simple interactions. This is precisely
the limitation that Java applets were designed to
address -- programs that are stored on a server but pulled down to
run on a client on demand, and given access to a full-featured GUI
API for creating richer user interfaces. Nevertheless, strictly
server-side programs are inherently limited by the constraints of
HTML. The animation scripts we wrote at the end of Chapter 8, for example, are well beyond the scope of
server-side scripts.
- Portability benefits
All you need is a
. On
the client side, at least. Because PyMailCgi runs over the Web, it
can be run on any machine with a web browser, whether that machine
has Python and Tkinter installed or not. That is, Python needs to be
installed on only one computer: the web server machine where the
scripts actually live and run. As long as you know that the users of
your system have an Internet browser, installation is simple.
Python and Tkinter, you will recall, are very portable too -- they
run on all major window systems (X, Windows, Mac) -- but to run a
client-side Python/Tk program such as PyMailGui, you need Python and
Tkinter on the client machine itself. Not so with an application
built as CGI scripts: they will work on Macintosh, Linux, Windows,
and any other machine that can somehow render HTML web pages. In this
sense, HTML becomes a sort of portable GUI API language in CGI
scripts, interpreted by your web browser. You don't even need
the source code or bytecode for the CGI scripts themselves -- they
run on a remote server that exists somewhere else on the Net, not on
the machine running the browser.
- Execution requirements
But you do need a browser. That is, the very
nature of web-enabled systems can render them useless in some
environments. Despite the pervasiveness of the Internet, there are
still plenty of applications that run in settings that don't
have web browsers or Internet access. Consider, for instance,
embedded systems, real-time systems, and secure government
applications. While an Intranet (a local network without external
connections) can sometimes make web applications feasible in some
such environments, I have recently worked at more than one company
whose client sites had no web browsers to speak of. On the other
hand, such clients may be more open to installing systems like Python
on local machines, as opposed to supporting an internal or external
- Administration requirements
You really need a server
. You can't write CGI-based
systems at all without access to a web sever. Further, keeping
programs on a centralized server creates some fairly critical
administrative overheads. Simply put, in a pure client/server
architecture, clients are simpler, but the server becomes a critical
path resource and a potential performance bottleneck. If the
centralized server goes down, you, your employees, and your customers
may be knocked out of commission. Moreover, if enough clients use a
shared server at the same time, the speed costs of web-based systems
become even more pronounced. In fact, one could make the argument
that moving towards a web server architecture is akin to stepping
backwards in time -- to the time of centralized mainframes and
dumb terminals. Whichever way we step, offloading and distributing
processing to client machines at least partially avoids this
processing bottleneck.
what's the best way to build applications for the
Internet -- as client-side programs that talk to the Net, or as
server-side programs that live and breathe on the Net? Naturally,
there is no one answer to that question, since it depends upon each
application's unique constraints. Moreover, there are more
possible answers to it than we have proposed here; most common CGI
problems already have common proposed solutions. For example:
- Client-side solutions
Client- and server-side programs can be mixed in many ways. For
instance, applet programs live on a server, but
are downloaded to and run as client-side programs with access to rich
GUI libraries (more on applets when we discuss JPython in Chapter 15). Other technologies, such as embedding
JavaScript or Python directly in HTML code, also support client-side
execution and richer GUI possibilities; such scripts live in HTML on
the server, but run on the client when downloaded and access browser
components through an exposed object model (see the discussion Section 15.8 near the end of Chapter 15). The emerging Dynamic HTML (DHTML) extensions
provide yet another client-side scripting option for changing web
pages after they have been constructed. All of these client-side
technologies add extra complexities all their own, but ease some of
the limitations imposed by straight HTML.
- State retention solutions
Some web application servers (e.g., Zope, described in Chapter 15) naturally support state retention between
pages by providing concurrently accessible object databases. Some of
these systems have a real underlying database component (e.g., Oracle
and mySql); others may make use of files or Python persistent object
shelves with appropriate locking (as we'll explore in the next
chapter). Scripts can also pass state information around in hidden
form fields and generated URL parameters, as done in PyMailCgi, or
store it on the client machine itself using the standard cookie
bits of information stored on the client upon request from the
server. A cookie is created by sending special headers from the
server to the client within the response HTML
(Set-Cookie: name=value). It is
then accessed in CGI scripts as the value of a special environment
variable containing cookie data uploaded from the client
(HTTP_COOKIE). Search http://www.python.org for more details on
using cookies in Python scripts, including the freely available
cookie.py module, which automates the cookie
translation process. Cookies are more complex than program variables and are
somewhat controversial (some see them as intrusive), but they can
offload some simple state retention tasks.
- HTML generation solutions
can also take some of the complexity out of embedding HTML in Python
CGI scripts, albeit at some cost to execution speed. For instance,
the HTMLgen system described in Chapter 15 lets
programs build pages as trees of Python objects that
"know" how to produce HTML. When a system like this is
employed, Python scripts deal only with objects, not the syntax of
HTML itself. Other systems such as PHP and Active Server Pages
(described in the same chapter) allow scripting language code to be
embedded in HTML and executed on the server, to dynamically generate
or determine part of the HTML that is sent back to a client in
response to requests.
Clearly, Internet technology does imply some design trade-offs, and
is still evolving rapidly. It is nevertheless an appropriate delivery
context for many (though not all) applications. As with every design
choice, you must be the judge. While delivering systems on the Web
may have some costs in terms of performance, functionality, and
complexity, it is likely that the significance of those overheads
will diminish with time.