2.4 Installing tcpdump
application may already be installed on your Linux distribution.
tcpdump requires the
libpcap library, which in all likelihood is
also already installed as an RPM package. libpcap is the basis of all
packet-sniffing applications. This library provides a portable
framework for low-level network monitoring. Besides packet sniffing,
it is used for network statistics collection, security monitoring,
and network debugging. Most hardcore security administrators prefer
downloading the latest source, verifying the PGP signature, and
compiling and installing them manually. If tcpdump and libpcap are
not already installed, compile both programs from source. Even if you
already have the RPM version, consider installing the latest version
using the source code. The latest versions very often have much
better performance and stability than the pre-installed binaries.
Simply uninstall the preinstalled versions of libpcap and tcpdump and
proceed. As an example, if your distribution uses RPM packages, you
can remove tcpdump by using the following command line:
# rpm -e tcpdump
After copying the compressed files to a standard location, such as
/usr/local/src/, uncompress the code. Here is an
example install:
# cp tcpdump-3.8.1.tar.gz /usr/local/src/
# cp libpcap-0.8.1.tar.gz /usr/local/src/
# cd /usr/local/src
# tar -zxvf tcpdump-3.8.1.tar.gz
# tar -zxvf libpcap-0.8.1.tar.gz
Replace the version number (as shown above) with the latest release
number. The commands for installing both applications are covered in
the INSTALL files included with each application's
source code. These are fairly standard and do not require much
modification. You may add other configuration options to the install
process. To view these options, use the --help
flag following the configure command. In most
cases, though, you won't need any options.
Here's how to install libpcap and tcpdump from
# cd libpcap-0.8.1
# ./configure ; make ; make install
# cd ../tcpdump-3.8.1
# ./configure ; make ; make install
Rather than use a semicolon to separate multiple commands on the same
line, some developers recommend &&. With &&, a
command is executed only if prior commands succeed. If something
fails during the configuration or make process,
the entire process halts. The ";"
symbol allows the next command to execute regardless of errors. Use
your own discretion when running multiple compilation commands on a
single line.