2.5 tcpdump Basics
effective way to start learning about network
packet formation is to study some examples. tcpdump operates by
capturing packets from a network connection. The output is displayed
in a standard format understandable by other network sniffing
applications. Here's some captured data, as seen by
07:00:48.036746 ping.net > myhost.com: icmp echo request (DF)
07:00:48.036776 myhost.com > ping.net: icmp: echo reply (DF)
07:02:12.622460 log.net.3155 > syslog.com.514: udp 101
07:03:01.132414 send.net.32938 > mail.com.25 S 248631:248631(0) win 8760
tcpdump prints more (verbose)
information about the sniffed traffic with the -v option, and prints
its output in hexadecimal with -x. It can also
write the "raw packets" to a file
using -w rather than sending them to standard
output or to the console. Writing the contents to a file is extremely
useful when you only have command-line access to a sniffer but want
to dump the capture to a file for later analysis (or analysis by
another tool). tcpdump filters assist in specifying data-only traffic
on a particular port, such as port 22, or by using a specific
protocol such as UDP, instead of collecting all data and filling up
the logs. These filters are applied directly within the kernel, so no
circular copying to the user space is needed.
In some cases, tcpdump resolves the port number to a particular
service. For example, port 21, in some instances, is resolved to
"ftp". Check the
/etc/services file for more information
regarding the port number and the actual service.