What's New in Printing in the Solaris 8 Release
This section describes new printing features in the Solaris 8 Operating Environment.
Solaris Print Manager
The Solaris Print Manager, previously available as part of the Solstice AdminSuite Package, is a Java-based graphical user interface that enables you to manage local and remote printers. You can use the Solaris Print Manager with LDAP, NIS, NIS+, NIS+ with Federated Naming Service (xfn), and files nameservices. You must be superuser to use this tool. See "Setting Up Printing Services" on page 411 for more information about the Solaris Print Manager.
Print-Naming Enhancement to the Nameservice Switch File
The Solaris release supports the printers database in the /etc/nsswitch.conf nameservice switch file. The printers database provides centralized printer configuration information to print clients on the network.
See "Print-Naming Enhancement" on page 409 for more information.
Methods for Enabling or Disabling Global Banner Page Printing
The Solaris 8 Operating Environment adds the -banner option with arguments of always, never, and optional to the lpadmin command. When banner page printing is set to optional, the banner is printed by default, but users can disable banner page printing by using the lp -o nobanner command. See "Controlling the Printing of Banner Pages" on page 423 and lpadmin(1M) for more information.