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name service keywords (JumpStart) 2nd
name services 2nd
     DNS exception, the
     exam question answers 2nd 3rd
     exam questions 2nd 3rd 4th
     exercises 2nd 3rd
     getent command 2nd
     JumpStart, setting up 2nd
     overview 2nd
     switch files 2nd 3rd 4th
name services. 2nd [See also NIS] [See also LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)]
name servirces
     switch template files 2nd
name-to-address resolutions. [See mapping]
naming services
     /etc files
     DNS 2nd
     LDAP (lightweight directory access protocol)
     NIS 2nd 3rd
     NIS+ 2nd
     overview 2nd
netstat command
network hardware
     overview 2nd 3rd
network interface layer (TCP/IP) 2nd
network interfaces
     configuring 2nd
         /etc/hostname. interface 2nd
         /etc/inet/hosts files 2nd
         /etc/inet/ipnodes files 2nd 3rd
         /etc/inet/netmasks files
         /lib/svc/method/net-physical files 2nd 3rd
         overview 2nd
         system hostnames 2nd
     controlling 2nd 3rd
network keywords (JumpStart) 2nd
network layers
     list of 2nd
network maintenance
     overview 2nd 3rd
network media. [See also cables]
network models
     encapsulation/decapsulation 2nd
    ISO/OSI models
         overview 2nd
     overview 2nd
    TCP/IP models
         application layer 2nd
         hardware layer 2nd
         internet layer 2nd
         network interface layer 2nd
         overview 2nd
         transport layer 2nd
network printers 2nd
network protocols
    ARP (Address Resolution Protocol)
         description of
     definition of
         description of
    ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol)
         description of
         description of
    RARP (Reverse Address Resolution Protocol)
         description of
    RIP (routing information call)
         description of
    RPC (remote procedure call)
         description of
         description of
    SNMP (simple network management protocol)
         description of
network services
     /etc/default/login file
     overview 2nd 3rd
     securing 2nd
network topologies
     overview 2nd
network-based file systems 2nd
     zones 2nd
     CIDR (classless inter domain routing) 2nd
     Class A networks 2nd
     Class B networks 2nd
     Class C networks 2nd
     Class D networks
     components of 2nd
     exam question answers 2nd 3rd
     exam questions 2nd 3rd
     exercises 2nd 3rd
    NFS services. [See NFS services]
     printers, configuring 2nd
     security 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th
         .rhosts file 2nd
         /etc/default/login file 2nd
         /etc/hosts.equiv file 2nd
         FTP, restricting 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
         modems 2nd
         securing network services 2nd
         ssh (Secure Shell) 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
         trusted hosts 2nd
     standalone systems 2nd
new command mode (OpenBoot)
newfs command
     UFS, creating 2nd 3rd
newgrp command 2nd
newtask command
         overview 2nd 3rd 4th
     Autofs 2nd
    automount command. [See automount command]
     daemons 2nd
     exam question answers 2nd 3rd 4th
     exam questions 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
     exercises 2nd
     overview 2nd
     remote file systems, mounting 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
     server logging 2nd 3rd
     servers and clients
     setting up 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
     swap spaces
NFS (Network File System)
NFS daemons
     list of 2nd
NFS server service, enabling 2nd
NFS services 2nd
nice command
     priorties (processes), changing 2nd
     overview 2nd
NIS 2nd
     binding problems 2nd
     clients, setting up 2nd
     determing hosts as servers 2nd
     determing servers needed 2nd
     domains, planning 2nd
     makefiles, preparing 2nd
         creating custom maps 2nd
         overview 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
     maps. [See also maps]
     master files, creating 2nd
     master group files, creating 2nd
     master host files, creating 2nd
     master passwd files, creating 2nd 3rd
     master servers, configuring 2nd 3rd
     overview 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
     security 2nd
     server problems 2nd
     slave servers 2nd
     starting/stoping 2nd
     structure of 2nd 3rd
     ypinit 2nd
NIS commands 2nd
NIS daemons 2nd
NIS+ 2nd
     authorization 2nd
     hierarchical namespaces 2nd
     overview 2nd 3rd 4th
NIS. 2nd [See also name services] [See also nscd (Name Service Cache Daemon)]
no_content_check keyword (class files)
no_master_check keyword (class files)
     description of
nolargefiles mount option
non-global zones
     description of. [See also zones]
     features of 2nd
    root file system models
         overview 2nd
         sparse root zones 2nd
         whole root zones
nonsystem disks 2nd
nscd (Name Service Cache Daemon)
     overview 2nd 3rd
nscd (Name Service Cache Daemon). [See also name services]
num_clients keyword (class files) 2nd
nvalias command
     device aliases, creating 2nd 3rd
     configuring 2nd
     device aliases, modifying 2nd
     eeprom command 2nd
     overview 2nd
     printenv command 2nd 3rd 4th
     prtconf command 2nd
     variables 2nd
         resetting 2nd
NVRAM variables

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