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It's not uncommon for Sun to change the exam objectives or to shift them around after the exams have been published. It's highly recommended that before you start this book, you visit my Web site at to get the most up-to-date list of exam objectives, the errata for this book, up-to-date sample exam questions, and any other last-minute notes about these exams. We will provide all of the information you need to pass the examall you need to do is devote the time. Learning the objectives is the first step; the next step is to practice. You need to have access to a system running Solaris 10 so that you can practice what you have learned. Unless you have a supernatural memory, it's going to be difficult to pass the exams without practice.

In the back of this book is the ExamGear software test CD that will prepare you for the questions you might see on the exam. The CD-ROMbased test engine has been designed by educational experts to help you learn as you test. It is a preview of the types of questions to expect on the exams and will test your knowledge on all the exam objectives. If you are weak in any area, the sample questions will help you identify that area so that you can go back to the appropriate chapter and study the topic. Each question on the CD-ROM has a flashcard to help you in case you get stuck. This flashcard contains brief, concise, textbook excerpts that explain why each answer is correct so you can learn as you test.

In addition, for an additional cost, you can purchase additional questions for the ExamGear test engine from our Web site. You'll obtain hundreds of questions that will take you deep into each exam objective providing a comprehensive skills assessment and evaluate your readiness and your retention of the materials.

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