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Index: N

Name database handle attribute: 6.1.5. Database Handle Attributes
A.6.2.3. Databases in which a transaction must be explicitly started
NAME statement handle attribute: 6.1.7. Statement Handle Attributes or Statement Metadata
A.7.2. Statement Handle Attributes
NAME_lc statement handle attribute: 6.1.7. Statement Handle Attributes or Statement Metadata
A.7.2. Statement Handle Attributes
NAME_uc statement handle attribute: 6.1.7. Statement Handle Attributes or Statement Metadata
A.7.2. Statement Handle Attributes
naming conventions, DBI: A.2.5. Naming Conventions and Name Space
ndbm database manager: 2.7. DBM Files and the BerkeleyDatabase Manager
NDBM_File module: 2.7. DBM Files and the BerkeleyDatabase Manager
neat() function: 4.6.3. Neat and Tidy Formatting
A.3.2. DBI Utility Functions
neat_list() function: 4.6.3. Neat and Tidy Formatting A quick way to fetch and print
A.3.2. DBI Utility Functions
nfreeze(): 2.5.2. The Storable Module
NOT logical operator: 3.3.2. Queries and Condition Clauses
NULL values: 3.2. Datatypes and NULL Values
4.6.1. Database-Specific Quote Handling
A.2.7.1. Null values
NULLABLE statement handle attribute: 6.1.7. Statement Handle Attributes or Statement Metadata
A.7.2. Statement Handle Attributes
NUMBER numeric datatype: 3.2. Datatypes and NULL Values
numeric testing: 4.6.4. Numeric Testing
NUM_OF_FIELDS statement handle attribute: 6.1.7. Statement Handle Attributes or Statement Metadata
A.7.2. Statement Handle Attributes
NUM_OF_PARAMS statement handle attribute: 6.1.7. Statement Handle Attributes or Statement Metadata
A.7.2. Statement Handle Attributes

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