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Index: 0

& command (ex): 11.13. Alphabetical Summary of ex Commands
< > command (ex): 11.13. Alphabetical Summary of ex Commands
* (asterisk) bash shell metacharacter: 7.3.2. Filename Metacharacters
\ (backslash) character escapes: 9.3. Metacharacters
! (bang)
bash shell metacharacter: 7.3.2. Filename Metacharacters
ex command: 11.13. Alphabetical Summary of ex Commands
^ (circumflex) pattern-matching metacharacter: 9.3. Metacharacters
: (colon)
bash shell command: 7.7. Built-in Commands
csh/tcsh command: 8.9. Built-in csh and tcsh Commands
sed command: 12.5. Alphabetical Summary of sed Commands
$ (dollar sign) pattern-matching metacharacter: 9.3. Metacharacters
. (dot)
bash shell command: 7.7. Built-in Commands
pattern-matching metacharacter: 9.3. Metacharacters
= (equal sign)
ex command: 11.13. Alphabetical Summary of ex Commands
gawk assignment: 13.6. Variable and Array Assignments
sed command: 12.5. Alphabetical Summary of sed Commands
# (hash mark)
bash shell command: 7.7. Built-in Commands
for comments: 12.5. Alphabetical Summary of sed Commands
csh/tcsh command: 8.9. Built-in csh and tcsh Commands
#! command
bash shell command: 7.7. Built-in Commands
csh/tcsh command: 8.9. Built-in csh and tcsh Commands
- (hyphen) pattern-matching metacharacter: 9.3. Metacharacters
+ (plus sign) pattern-matching metacharacter: 9.3. Metacharacters
? (question mark)
bash shell metacharacter: 7.3.2. Filename Metacharacters
pattern-matching metacharacter: 9.3. Metacharacters
~ (tilde) command (ex): 11.13. Alphabetical Summary of ex Commands
| pattern-matching metacharacter: 9.3. Metacharacters

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