object attributes accessing chain of ofs and tells coercion, by scriptable application 2nd creating multiple, applying command to multiple, fetching attribute of 2nd reference as means of access to specifier "reference," in dictionary string specifier target viewing with Script Debugger 2nd object model 2nd defective figuring out, crucial 2nd graphical interface, might not match internal implementation, need not match viewing in script editor application Script Debugger 2nd object specifier object string specifier alias application 2nd getting the name right coercion vs. date file file URL machine POSIX file string can be literal or variable 2nd XML-RPC or SOAP server object-based programming, polymorphism and object-first dispatch object-oriented AppleScript not really classes with inheritance not really Objective-C Apple events, sending with 2nd calling AppleScript from 2nd calling AppleScript Studio from calling from AppleScript 2nd learning objectSpecifier method observable events October (constant) of (preposition) direct object of command of operator accessing attribute of target object accessing top-level entity chain of ofs and tells preposition before direct object vs. value containing is a reference when to use, vs. tell block 2nd 3rd off styles offset command BBEdit terminology conflict with on (preposition) on keyword 2nd on styles OneClick onto (preposition) open command (droplet) open command (Unix) open event handler (droplet) open for access command open location command example operand operation boolean test specifier direct order of operator arithmetic boolean coercion, may perform implicitly comparison concatenation containment scriptable applications may interpret differently from AppleScript or (alternative value types in dictionary) 2nd or operator order of operations ordinal numeric literals orphan class OSA (Open Scripting Architecture) compiling and running scripts component getting a list of languages AppleScript Debugger JavaScript OSA OSABridge QuicKeys Script selecting UserTalk OSABridge 2nd osacompile command osascript command 2nd dialogs illegal osax, osaxen out of (preposition) outline (constant) over (preposition) overshadowed global properties global, by local names, accessing not (free variable) top-level entity, by local