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bc++ command, 209,214
casting, 218
class data structure, 198–199
__classid operator, 224
class inheritance, 156
__closure keyword extension, 224–226
const_cast conversion, 223
__declspec keyword extension, 228–230
delete operator, 204
dynamic_cast operator, 218–222
fundamentals, compared to Java, 244–255
header files, 194, 245
__interface keyword extension, 231–232
language overview, 194–196
Linux development, 193–194
namespaces, 215–216
new operator, 204
object construction sequence in Kylix, 232–235
object references, 206–209
performance, compared to Java, 238, 247
pointers and dynamic memory management, 200–209
__property keyword extension, 227
__published keyword extension, 227
reinterpret_cast conversion, 223–224
static_cast operator, 222
struct data type, 196–197
templates, 211–214
union data structure, 198
virtual methods and polymorphism, 209–211
EJB, 506
Java, 255
Casting, 218, 251
Catch blocks, 264
Cd command (bash shell), 136
CD-ROM (included), 549–550
CGI (Common Gateway Interface), 277
chmod command, 61
C++, 196–199
constructors, 178, 184–185, 199
data structure, C++, 198–199
Delphi, 177–179
derived, 156
destructors, 178, 185, 199, 206
public, private, and protected, 156, 178, 199, 241
Class inheritance
in Delphi, 179–186
in object-oriented programming, 156
Java support for, 237–238, 250–255
__classid operator, 224
client dataset, using, 333–334
client-server architecture, Kylix, 334–336
dataset and in-memory table, 347–352
implementing CORBA, 414–415
JBuilder8, 437–439
TClientDataSet, characteristics of, 336–338
TCP client-server model, 385–392
UDP client-server model, 385–396
Cloning and process execution, 64–65
__closure keyword extension, 224–226
CLX (Component Library for cross-platform development)
BaseCLX, 294
class hierarchy, 293
common dialogs, 302–304
components and Tcomponent class, 296–297
controls and Tcontrol class, 297–298
cross platform compatibility, 154, 273
databases and DataCLX components, 304
exception handling, 312–316
forms and Tform class, 299–302
frames and Tframe class, 302
networking and NetCLX, 304–305
object event model, 309–312
object lists and Tlist class, 307–308
objects and Tobject class, 177–178, 294
persistence and Tpersistent class, 294–296
streaming and Tstream class, 308–309
strings, string lists, and Tstrings class, 305–307
sub-libraries, 293–294
TwidgetControl component, 298
VisualCLX components, 297
Code completion, Kylix, 285–286
Code parameter hints, Kylix, 286
Command command (bash shell), 136
aliasing, 127–128, 134
command-line tools, 69. See also Editors
ex mode, 71
naming conventions, 14
wild card characters, 71
Commercial software support, 5, 8
bc++ command, 209, 214
compiler directives, 159–160
compiling with Kylix (Borland), 209, 286–290
Delphi calling conventions, 175
files generated by, 62
idlj compiler, 407
Java, 238, 241–242, 396, 402
method overloading, 176
rmic compiler, 396–397, 401
CLX Tcomponent class, 296–297
in Kylix 3, 276–278
Tcomponent class, CLX, 296–297
Conditional compiler directive, 159
Conditional statements
in Delphi, 188–193
gawk scripting language, 110–112
in Java, 256–262
in shell scripts, 141–150
Connections, database, 340–342
Const_cast conversion, C++, 223
Constructors, class, 178, 184–185, 199
flow control constructs in shell scripts, 141–150
program control constructs in Delphi, 188–193
program control constructs in Java, 256–262
Tcontrol class, CLX, 297–298
CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture)
building customer name application, 415–421
building customer name example in JDK, 415–421
building customer name example in Visibroker, 422–428
client/server applications, 273
clients, implementing, 414–415
configuration in JBuilder and Visibroker, 422–428
Delegation and Inheritance Models, 408, 411
files generated from IDL interface, 406, 407–411
implementing POA policies, 406–407, 440–441
interfacing with, 405–407
Java support, 238
servant objects, 411–415
CPU and processes, 373
Cron task scheduler, 46
Crontab configuration, 46–47
C-shell (csh), 38. See also Shell scripting
Custom tags in JSP pages, 481–484

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