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Parameter compiler directive, 159
Partitions, hard disk
boot process, 14–20
file systems and, 51
Pascal. See Delphi
Password files, 40, 41, 122
Path and shell scripting, 118–120, 123
Pattern matching
grep utility, 93–96
overview, 92–93
sed stream editor, 97–103
shell scripts, 130–131
PC support for Linux, 7, 8
Performance, C++ compared to Java, 238, 247
file, 59–61
owner, group, or public, 59
shell scripting and execute permission, 118, 128
CLX Tpersistent class, 294–296
EJB, 513, 515
interprocess communication, 66
sed stream editor, 97
POA (Portable Object Adapter), 406–407, 440–441
dynamic memory management, C++, 200–209
pointer data types, Delphi, 187–188
polymorphism, 157
C++ virtual methods, 209–211
object-oriented programming, 156–157
Portable applications, overview of Linux and, 8–9
Ports and servers, 467
POSIX (Portable Operating System Interface), 65
Private access, 199, 248
Private classes, 156, 178, 241
/proc directory, 55
Procedure header/signature, 174–175
defined, 369
execution and forking, 64–65, 373–374
lightweight, 373
monitor, 42–43
PID (process id), 371
Programming, object-oriented
encapsulation, 155–156
execution block, 160
implementation section of Object Pascal unit, 161–162, 178
inheritance, 156, 179–186
initialization section of Object Pascal unit, 162
instantiation, 155
interface section of Object Pascal unit, 161
objects, defined, 154–155
overview of Linux and, 8–9
polymorphism, 156–157
See also C++; Delphi; Java
Project and Project Groups, 63
Project files, Kylix, 283
Project Manager, Kylix, 282–283
__property keyword extension, 227
Protected access, 199, 248
Protected blocks, 313
Protected class, 156, 178
Public access
C++, 59, 178
Java, 248
Public classes
Delphi, 178
Java, 241, 244–245
object-oriented programming, 156
Published access, 178, 227
__published keyword extension, 227
Pwd command (bash shell), 139

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