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Searching for Travel Information

Weather information is important to travelers, as is information about flight and airport delays. Fortunately, you can use the main Google search page to search for this information, just as you did with weather forecasts.


Google's weather search results are provided by Weather Underground (

Viewing Airport Conditions

To search for weather conditions and delays at a particular airport, all you have to do is enter the airport's three-letter code, followed by the word airport. For example, to view conditions at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport (with the code MSP), enter msp airport, as shown in Figure 10.4. This displays a link to conditions at the chosen airport, as provided by the FAA and shown in Figure 10.5. Click this link for detailed information, as shown in Figure 10.6.

Figure 10.4. Searching for airport conditions.

Figure 10.5. Click the link to view airport conditions.

Figure 10.6. Airport conditions, provided by the FAA.


To find the code for any airport anywhere in the world, go to

Tracking Flight Status

Google also lets you track the status of any U.S. flight, and many international flights. All you have to do is enter the flight number into the Google search box. For example, to find out the status of United Airlines flight 116, enter ua116, as shown in Figure 10.7.

Figure 10.7. Searching for flight status.

As you can see in Figure 10.8, Google now displays links to three sites that let you track the flight statusTravelocity, Expedia, and fboweb. Click one of these links to view real-time flight status. (Figure 10.9 shows the flight status as displayed by Travelocity.)

Figure 10.8. Click a link to view the flight status.

Figure 10.9. Flight status information via Travelocity.

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