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Posting New Blog Entries

Once you've launched your blog, it's time to write your first blog post. When you're ready to post, the place to start is the Blogger Dashboard. All you have to do is follow these steps:

From the Blogger Dashboard, click the New Post icon for this particular blog (as shown in Figure 23.7).

Figure 23.7. Click the New Post icon to create a new blog post.

When the Posting page appears, as shown in Figure 23.8, enter a title for this post.

Figure 23.8. Creating a new blog post.

If this post refers to another page on the Web, enter the URL for that page into the Link box.

Enter the text for your post into the large text box. If you like, you can format the text (bold, italic, colors, etc.) using the formatting toolbar above this text box.

If you want to apply more sophisticated formatting (and you know how to code in HTML), click the Edit HTML tab and enter your own HTML codes.

To check the spelling in your post, click the Check Spelling button and follow the onscreen instructions.

To view a preview of your post, click the Preview link.

To save a draft of your post for editing and posting at a future time, click the Save As Draft button.

When you're done writing and formatting, click the Publish Post button.

Blogger now publishes your post, and then displays the screen shown in Figure 23.9. Click the View Blog button to view your blog, with the new post at the top of the page.

Figure 23.9. Your post has been posted!

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