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Editing Your Posts

No one's perfect. Every now and then you'll post something to your blog and then discover an egregious spelling error, or a bad link, or maybe just something you wished you'd never written in the first place. Have no fear, gentle blogger; Blogger lets you edit any post you like.


If you're managing more than one blog, you'll need to pull down the blog list at the top-right corner of the Blog This! window and select which blog you want to post this to.

To edit a Blogger post, follow these steps:

From the Blogger Dashboard, click the link for your blog.

When the list of recent posts appears, as shown in Figure 23.12, click the Edit button next to the post you want to edit.

Figure 23.12. Click the Edit button to edit any recent post.

When the Edit Post window appears, as shown in Figure 23.13, edit your post accordingly.

Figure 23.13. Editing a post.

When done editing, click the Publish Post button.

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