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Personalizing Google News

The default Google News page is good, but you can also create a version of Google News customized for your own personal tastes and interests. That is, you can personalize Google News to display only those types of stories that you want to see.

To personalize Google News, click the Personalize This Page link. This displays a Personalize This Page box, as shown in Figure 29.6.

Figure 29.6. Personalizing Google News.

From here, you can rearrange any of the standard modules by simply dragging and dropping them into new positions. To change the number of stories displayed within each module, or to delete a module from the page, click the link within any section module.

You can also click the Add a Standard Section link to add a module from any of the U.S. or international versions of Google News. Or, if you like, you can create your own custom news modules by clicking the Add a Custom Section link. This displays the Add a Custom Section box, shown in Figure 29.7. Custom modules are essentially custom Google news searches; enter your query into the Keywords box, select how many stories you want to display in the module, and then click the Add Section button.

Figure 29.7. Creating a custom news module.


To add a label or change the language for your custom section, click the Advanced link.

Once you have your personalized page configured the way you like it, you can display this page by clicking the Personalized News link at the top of the Google News page.

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