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Searching for News Articles

While reading Google News' current headlines is nice, if you're searching for specific stories or older stories, you need to use Google's Advanced News Search. You access this advanced search from the Google News page by clicking the Advanced News Search link.

As you can see in Figure 29.8, you can use the Advanced News Search to search by a variety of parameters, as detailed in Table 29.1.

Figure 29.8. The Advanced News Search page.

Table 29.1. Advanced News Search Options



Sort by

Specifies in what order results are displayedby relevance or by date

Find results with all of the words

Default search mode

Find results with the exact phrase

Searches for the exact phrase entered

Find results with at least one of the words

Searches for either one word or another

Find results without the words

Excludes pages that contain the specified word(s)

News source

Searches for articles from a specified newspaper or news site


Searches for articles from news sources located in a specific country or state


 Returns articles where the keywords occur in the article's headline, body, URL, or anywhere in the article


Returns articles published between two specific dates, or within the last hour, day, week, or month

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