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Reading Google News Feeds

I've discussed blog feeds and news feeds several times in this book, so there's no need to go into what a feed is at this point. Suffice to say, you can sign up for RSS or Atom feeds from any Google News section or custom search, and then read the latest headlines for that section or search as a feed in your favorite feed reader or aggregator.


Once you create a query for a specific topic, you can bookmark the search results page in your web browser. Every time you access this bookmark, you'll display an updated search results page containing the latest news stories on the specified topic. You can even put a shortcut to this bookmark on your desktop and double-click it when you want up-to-date news on the topic at hand.

Google lets you sign up for three types of news feeds:

  • News section feeds, which contain headlines from a given Google News section. Click any section link to go to that section page, and then use the RSS or Atom link in the left column.

  • News search results feeds, which contain headlines that match any news search you initiate. Conduct your search, and then use the RSS or Atom link in the left column of the search results page.

  • Customized news feeds, which contain all the headlines from your personalized version of Google News. Click the Personalized News link at the top of the main Google News page, and then use the RSS or Atom link in the left column of the personalized page.


Learn more about feeds and the Google Reader feed aggregator in Chapter 6, "Searching Blogs and Blog Postings."

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