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AvailabilityJavaScript 1.2; JScript 3.0; ECMAScript v3 Synopsisregexp.exec(string) Arguments
ReturnsAn array containing the results of the match, or null if no match was found. The format of the returned array is described below. Throws
Descriptionexec( ) is the most powerful of all the RegExp and String pattern matching methods. It is a general-purpose method that is somewhat more complex to use than RegExp.test( ), String.search( ), String.replace( ), and String.match( ). exec( ) searches string for text that matches regexp. If it finds a match, it returns an array of results; otherwise, it returns null. Element 0 of the returned array is the matched text. Element 1 is the text that matched the first parenthesized subexpression, if any, within regexp. Element 2 contains the text that matched the second subexpression, and so on. The array length property specifies the number of elements in the array, as usual. In addition to the array elements and the length property, the value returned by exec( ) also has two other properties. The index property specifies the character position of the first character of the matched text. The input property refers to string. This returned array is the same as the array that is returned by the String.match( ) method, when invoked on a nonglobal RegExp object. When exec( ) is invoked on a nonglobal pattern, it performs the search and returns the result described above. When regexp is a global regular expression, however, exec( ) behaves in a slightly more complex way. It begins searching string at the character position specified by the lastIndex property of regexp. When it finds a match, it sets lastIndex to the position of the first character after the match. This means that you can invoke exec( ) repeatedly in order to loop through all matches in a string. When exec( ) cannot find any more matches, it returns null and resets lastIndex to zero. If you begin searching a new string immediately after successfully finding a match in another string, you must be careful to manually reset lastIndex to zero. Note that exec( ) always includes full details of every match in the array it returns, whether or not regexp is a global pattern. This is where exec( ) differs from String.match( ), which returns much less information when used with global patterns. Calling the exec( ) method repeatedly in a loop is the only way to obtain complete pattern matching information for a global pattern. ExampleYou can use exec( ) in a loop to find all matches within a string. For example: var pattern = /\bJava\w*\b/g; var text = "JavaScript is more fun than Java or JavaBeans!"; var result; while((result = pattern.exec(text)) != null) { alert("Matched `" + result[0] + "' at position " + result.index + " next search begins at position " + pattern.lastIndex); } BugsIn JScript 3.0, exec( ) does not properly set or use the lastIndex property, so it cannot be used with global patterns in the kind of loop shown in the example above. See AlsoRegExp.lastIndex, RegExp.test( ), String.match( ), String.replace( ), String.search( ); Chapter 10 |
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