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RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks)
backups, 100
data availability aspects, 100
hardware availability aspects, 100
overview, 100
RAM (Random Access Memory)
for Apache server, 449
swap space, 449
RAM installation for Linux
after installation memory checking, 24
memory testing from boot prompt, 24
Random Access Memory. See RAM
rc scripts, 528
reload command, 529
start command, 528
status command, 529
stop command, 528
read-ahead cache option, 228
recursive DNS requests, 324
recursive lookups, 324
Red Hat
boot floppies, 85
configuration tools, 16
intrusion detection tools, 242, 243
kickstart configuration tool, 71
Linux, 5, 14
logs tool, 243
public keys, 194
Red Hat Enterprise
anaconda install, 88
kickstart install, 88
Red Hat Enterprise Linux versions
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3, 11
Red Hat Linux 10, 4
Red Hat Linux 9, 4, 11
Red Hat Fedora
Amanda client/server, using, 120
dump/restore programs, using, 120
Red Hat GUI tool, 72, 334, 447
Red Hat installation
options, 30
program (Anaconda), 16
Red Hat Linux 9, upgrading, 56
Red Hat Linux distribution
Fedora Core, 19
Red Hat Enterprise Linux, 19
Red Hat Linux 9, 19
Red Hat Linux installation
disk partitioning problems, 33
hardware choosing, 23
installation problems, 27
list of choices, 20
RAM testing, 24
reference information, 37
Red Hat Linux installation, 20
Red Hat Linux systems
documentation, 11
end-of-life dates, 59
Red Hat Network (RHN), 40
Red Hat Package Manager. See RPM
Red Hats printer configuration tool, 365
redhat-config-* utilities, 10, 153
redhat-config-bind, 334
redhat-config-httpd, Apache configuring tool, 437
redhat-config-kickstart, 72
redhat-config-packages, 54
redhat-config-securitylevel tool, 474
redhat-config-users, 447
redhat-config-users, GUI tool, 447
redhat-release package, 56
redhat-switch-mail-nox command, 488
registered ports, 266
Regular Expression library, 429
REJECT rule, 286
Release Notes, 34
reload command, 442
remote login, 163
remote printer access troubleshooting, 375
remote procedure calls (RPC), 420
reports, data, 262
rescue mode, 36, 157
reserved ports, 266, 267
restart command, 442
restore programs. See dump/restore programs for backups
restoring, files
from dump, 130
from MySQL databases, 132
from tar, 130
retention times, backing up, 112
reverse lookups. See also forward lookups
/etc/named.conf file, 326
defined, 326
for testing DNS configuration, 327
zone file, 326
RH-Firewall-1-INPUT chain, 287, 290
RHN (Red Hat Network)
protocol, 41
servers, 41
root password, 22
root privilege, obtaining, 151
from GUI, 153
from shell, 151
detection tools, 242
for compromised system, 260
packages, 259
signatures, 251
RPC (remote procedure calls), 420
as security tool, 248
attributes, 248
binaries, 245
file alteration tracking capability, 245
for Fedora Core upgrading, 56
for files verifying, 245
for intrusion detection, 242
for kickstarting, 70
for package management, 245
for system security checking, 247
RPM baseline
comparison, 253
creating, 249
rpm command
for checking, 201
for deleting, 192, 193
for installing, 192
for querying, 203, 205
for software package signature checking, 194
for upgrading, 192
for verifying, 206
-last option, 208
-p option, 203
-qa option, 204
-qf query option, 208
-qi option, 204
-V option, 206, 247
-va option, 247
verify option, 247
-vv option, 207
RPM database, 207, 247, 260
RPM packages
BIND, 315
checking, 193
deleting, 192, 193
installing, 192
querying, 202
rpm command, use of, 192, 193
troubleshooting reference, 208
troubleshooting, 207
upgrading, 192
verifying, 206
RPM tools
overview of, 191
software management aspects, 191
RPM-based Linux distributions, 191
rsync command, 480
RULE project, 24
run level scripts, 529
runlevel 4
command, 117
overview, 117
services shut off, 117
with tar, 122

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