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!= (inequality) operator, using with where clauses, 45
!= (not equals) operator, using with where clauses, 42
() (parentheses), enclosing subqueries in, 72
:=, significance in PL/SQL, 206
^= (inequality) operator, using with where clauses, 45
+ notation in outer joins, significance of, 61
< (less than) operator, using with where clauses, 45
<= (less than or equal to) operator, using with where clauses, 45
<> (inequality) operator, using with where clauses, 45
= (equality) operator, using with where clauses, 45
> (greater than) operator, using with where clauses, 45
>= (greater than or equal to) operator, using with where clauses, 45
; (semicolon)
in PL/SQL IF statements, 225
in SQL statements, 38
abort shutdown approach, explanation of, 100
access, controlling with sqlnet.ora file, 154–155
accounts, locking against passwords, 117
ADD_FILE parameter, using with Oracle Data Pump Export, 177
add_months() date function, description of, 54
ADDRESS attribute, setting with dispatchers, 132
ADDRESS parameters in listener.ora, descriptions of, 138
address XML SQL query, definition for, 292
administration tools
command-line utilities, 149–151
OEM Central Console, 148
OEM components, 148
OEM (Oracle Enterprise Manager), 146
Oracle Advanced Security option, 151
Oracle Internet Directory Configuration Assistant, 149
Oracle Net Configuration Assistant, 148–149
Oracle Net Manager, 147
overview of, 146
advisors, role in self-managing databases, 342
aggregation functions
cube, 345–346
overview of, 53
rollup, 344–345
alert logs, backup up, 163
aliases, using with Oracle inner joins, 58–59
alter database command, syntax for, 110
alter statement, using with parallel execution, 330
alter system command, explanation of, 24
alter table abc drop partition xyz command, effect of, 303
alter table command
compressing data with, 325
using with data partitions, 317
alter table statements, purpose of, 34
ALTER USER statement, issuing, 114
analysis functions, ranking functions, 347–352
analytic partitioning, explanation of, 353
analytic window, explanation of, 353
analyze statements, purpose of, 34
analyze table command, relationship to partitioned tables, 304
and logical operator, purpose of, 42
ANSI full outer joins, overview of, 65
ANSI inner joins, overview of, 59–61
ANSI natural joins, overview of, 61
ANSI outer joins, overview of, 64–65
applets in Java, features of, 250
arc0 (archiver) background process, description of, 7
architecture and design, DBA's responsibilities for, 91, 109
archive log current command, effect of, 166
archive log management in RMAN, explanation of, 189
archive logs
backup and recovery considerations, 162
managing, 110
archived redo logs, backing up, 172–173. See also redo logs
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