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Index: E

eavesdropping: 5.1. Security Issues and Concerns
5.6. Data Encryption
encapsulation in database design: 7.2.2. Defining the Data Objects
encryption: Secure remote transactions
5.2.2. The Core Security API
5.6. Data Encryption
asymmetric algorithms: 5.4.2. Public Key Methods
5.6.1. Ciphers for Secure Data Transfers
available techniques for: Encryption techniques
EncryptedInputStream class (example): Secure remote transactions
PGP for: Pretty Good Privacy (PGP)
public key: 5.4.2. Public Key Methods
SSL for: Secure Socket Layer (SSL)
symmetric algorithms: 5.6.1. Ciphers for Secure Data Transfers
entries, JavaSpace: C.1. Overview of JavaSpaces
Entry class (JavaSpaces): C.2. Entry and EntryRep
EntryReps class (JavaSpaces): C.2. Entry and EntryRep
equals( )
ObjID class: D.3. The java.rmi.server Package
RemoteObject class: D.3. The java.rmi.server Package
UID class: D.3. The java.rmi.server Package
error handling: 1.3.4. Fault Tolerance Through Exception Handling
Event Service (CORBA): B.2. Event Service
AWT: 6.6.3. Pros and Cons
distributed: 6.6.2. Distributed Events
event channels
quality of service: B.2.1. Quality of Service for Channels
EventHandler interface (example): 6.6.2. Distributed Events
EventListener interface: 6.6.1. Event Model Overview
B.2.3. Comparison to the Java Event Model
EventObject class: 6.6.1. Event Model Overview
EventTransceiver class (example): 6.6.2. Distributed Events
message passing and: 6.6. Message Passing with Java Events
example source code, obtaining: 0.3. About the Source Code
exception handling: 1.3.4. Fault Tolerance Through Exception Handling
executeCall( ): D.3. The java.rmi.server Package
executeQuery( ): Statement Statement
ExportException: D.3. The java.rmi.server Package
extendibility: 1.2.2. Flexible, Extendible Communication Protocols

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