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Index: P

parseClassName( ): 2.3.1. Loading Classes from the Network
parseLevel( ): D.3. The java.rmi.server Package
partitioning data and functions: 1.2.1. Partitioning and Distributing Data and Functions
collaboration and: 9.2.4. Performance
distribution of workload: 3.2.3. Other Issues
monitoring: 4.4.3. Improving Efficiency with Thread Priorities
multithreading and: 1.2.3. Multithreading Requirements
thread management: 1.3.7. Multithreading Support
thread priorities: 4.3.3. Priorities
4.4.3. Improving Efficiency with Thread Priorities
PermissionImpl class: 5.3.1. Access Control Lists
permissions, adding to ACL entries: 5.3.1. Access Control Lists
persistent objects: B.4. Other Key CORBA Services
PGP (Pretty Good Privacy): Pretty Good Privacy (PGP)
PipedClient class (example): 2.1.4. Streams, Readers, and Writers for Input and Output
PipedInputStream class: 2.1.4. Streams, Readers, and Writers for Input and Output
PipedOutputStream class: 2.1.4. Streams, Readers, and Writers for Input and Output
PipedServer class (example): 2.1.4. Streams, Readers, and Writers for Input and Output
platform independence: 1.3.3. Platform Independence
Java RMI versus CORBA: 3.7.1. The Language Barrier: Advantage or Disadvantage?
specifying object interfaces: 3.3.1. Object Interface Specification
port numbers: 2.1.1. IP Addressing
PostCmd class (example): 1.3.5. Network Support
postConsume( ): 8.4.2. Real Data Monitoring
postProduction( ): 8.4.2. Real Data Monitoring
preConsume( ): 8.4.2. Real Data Monitoring
prepareCall( ): Statement
PreparedStatement class: Statement
prepareStatement( ): Statement
preProduction( ): 8.4.2. Real Data Monitoring
Pretty Good Privacy (PGP): Pretty Good Privacy (PGP)
Principal interface: 5.3. Identities and Access Control
PrincipalAuthenticator interface: B.3.2. Security Model
PrincipalImpl class: 5.3.1. Access Control Lists
priorities, thread: 1.3.7. Multithreading Support
4.3.3. Priorities
4.4.3. Improving Efficiency with Thread Priorities
private keys: 5.4.2. Public Key Methods
PrivateKey class: 5.4.3. Keys in the Java Security API
privileges for database objects: 7.2.3. A Scheduling Example
ProblemSet interface (example): 3.4. Distributed Object Schemes for Java
in CORBA environment: 3.5.5. A CORBA Solver
Runnable interface with: 4.2.1. Implementing Runnable
using Java RMI: 3.6.7. An RMI Solver
processes: 1.1. Anatomy of a Distributed Application
processing messages (see message handlers)
produce( ): 8.4.2. Real Data Monitoring
produceAll( )
AudioProducer class: 8.5.1. Streaming Multimedia
ContentProducer class: 8.4.2. Real Data Monitoring
production pipelines: 8.4.2. Real Data Monitoring
provider API ( The Provider API
Provider interface: The Provider API
pseudo-random number generator: 5.4.3. Keys in the Java Security API
public keys
certificates: 5.4.2. Public Key Methods
digital signatures and: 5.5.2. Public Key Signatures for Authentication
distributing: 5.5.5. Distributing Certified Public Keys
encryption: 5.4.2. Public Key Methods
PublicKey class: 5.4.3. Keys in the Java Security API
5.5.5. Distributing Certified Public Keys
RSA encryption: Encryption techniques
pull( ): B.2. Event Service
push( ): B.2. Event Service
PushbackInputStream class: 2.1.4. Streams, Readers, and Writers for Input and Output
PushbackReader class: 2.1.4. Streams, Readers, and Writers for Input and Output
PushSupplier interface: B.2.2. Interface Specifics

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