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Index: S

SchedDbaseImpl class (example): Distributed objects from the data server
SchedResource class (example): 7.2.4. JDBC-Enabled Data Objects
data caching and: 7.2.5. Data Caching Issues
message-passing version: Message passing with the data server
RMI-enabled version: Distributed objects from the data server
SchedResourceImpl class (example): Distributed objects from the data server
SchedTask class (example): 7.2.4. JDBC-Enabled Data Objects
7.2.4. JDBC-Enabled Data Objects
scheduling system (example): 7.2.3. A Scheduling Example
data caching: 7.2.5. Data Caching Issues
with JDBC-enabled data objects: 7.2.4. JDBC-Enabled Data Objects
secret keys: 5.4.1. Secret Keys
SecretKey class: 5.4.3. Keys in the Java Security API
Secure Socket Layer (SSL): Secure Socket Layer (SSL)
SecureAgent client (example): 5.6.2. Back to Our Credit Agent
SecureRandom class: 5.4.3. Keys in the Java Security API
security: 1.2.4. Security Issues
1.3.6. Security
5.1. Security Issues and Concerns
authentication (see authentication)
certification (see certification)
development object systems and: 3.3.6. Security
encryption (see encryption)
general protocols for: 5.7.3. General Security Protocols
Java API for (see Java Security API)
keys (see keys)
RMI security manager: 3.6.5. Registering and Using a Remote Object
Security Service (CORBA): B.3. Security Service
send( )
Collaborator interface: 9.3.1. Building the Infrastructure with Message Passing
Mediator interface: 9.3.1. Building the Infrastructure with Message Passing
MulticastSocket class: 2.1.3. Multicast Sockets
RMICollaboratorImpl class (example): 9.3.2. Collaborating with RMI
sendEvent( ): 6.6.2. Distributed Events
sendMsg( ): 9.3.1. Building the Infrastructure with Message Passing
serialization: 3.2.1. Creating Remote Objects
3.6.6. Serializing Objects
JavaSpace interface and: C.2. Entry and EntryRep
Serializable interface: 1.3.5. Network Support
3.6.6. Serializing Objects
BankServer interface (example): 3.5.2. The Interface Definition Language (IDL)
ChessServer class (example): 6.4. Fixed Protocols
6.4. Fixed Protocols
implementation of object classes: 3.3. Features of Distributed Object Systems
java.rmi.server package: D.3. The java.rmi.server Package
object skeleton: 3.3. Features of Distributed Object Systems
IDL interface and: 3.5.3. Server Implementations The server skeleton and implementation
Java RMI and: 3.6.4. Client Stubs and Server Skeletons
PipedServer class (example): 2.1.4. Streams, Readers, and Writers for Input and Output
registration/naming service: 3.3. Features of Distributed Object Systems
3.3.3. Registration/Naming Service
CORBA and: 3.5.3. Server Implementations Pulling it all together
remote database data servers: 7.2.6. Remote Data Servers
RemoteServer class: 3.6.2. Server Implementations
D.3. The java.rmi.server Package
RMI implementation: 3.6.2. Server Implementations
RunnableSolveServer class (example): 4.2.1. Implementing Runnable
ServerCloneException: D.3. The java.rmi.server Package
ServerError: D.1. The java.rmi Package
ServerException: D.1. The java.rmi Package
ServerNotActiveException: D.3. The java.rmi.server Package
ServerRef interface: D.3. The java.rmi.server Package
ServerRuntimeException: D.1. The java.rmi Package
ServerSocket class: 2.1.2. Your Basic Socket
SimpleServer class (example): 1.3.5. Network Support
setAutoCommit( ): Statement
setDefaultStream( ): D.3. The java.rmi.server Package
setLog( ): D.3. The java.rmi.server Package
setOutputStream( ): D.3. The java.rmi.server Package
setPrincipal( ): 5.3.1. Access Control Lists
setRef( ): D.3. The java.rmi.server Package
shared data, collaboration and: 9.2.3. Shared State Information
shared whiteboard (example): 9.2.2. Maintaining Agent Identities
10.2. A Shared Whiteboard
sharing, systems of (see collaborative systems)
sign( ): 5.5.2. Public Key Signatures for Authentication
digital: 5.2.2. The Core Security API
5.5. Digital Signatures
DSA (Digital Signature Algorithm): The User API Encryption techniques
public key: 5.5.2. Public Key Signatures for Authentication
Signature class: 5.5.2. Public Key Signatures for Authentication
SimpleAgent client (example): 5.2.2. The Core Security API
certification and: 5.5.1. A Motivating Example: A Credit Agent
SimpleClient class (example): 1.3.5. Network Support
SimpleCmd class (example): 1.3.5. Network Support
SimpleCmdInputStream class (example): 1.3.5. Network Support
SimpleServer class (example): 1.3.5. Network Support
skeleton, server: 3.3. Features of Distributed Object Systems
IDL interface and: 3.5.3. Server Implementations
Solver interface (example): The server skeleton and implementation
Java RMI and: 3.6.4. Client Stubs and Server Skeletons
Skeleton class: D.3. The java.rmi.server Package
SkeletonMismatchException: D.3. The java.rmi.server Package
SkeletonNotFoundException: D.3. The java.rmi.server Package
sockets: 2.1.2. Your Basic Socket
DatagramSocket class: 2.1.2. Your Basic Socket
multicast: 2.1.3. Multicast Sockets
Socket class: 2.1.2. Your Basic Socket
SocketSecurityException: D.3. The java.rmi.server Package
Solver interface (example): 3.4. Distributed Object Schemes for Java
in CORBA environment: 3.5.5. A CORBA Solver
Runnable interface with: 4.2.1. Implementing Runnable
using Java RMI: 3.6.7. An RMI Solver
sophistication of cryptographic algorithms: Sophistication and complexity
source code, obtaining: 0.3. About the Source Code
speed (see performance)
SQL (see databases)
SSL (Secure Socket Layer): Secure Socket Layer (SSL)
standards for distributed computing: 0. Preface
start( ): 4.3.2. Thread Groups
state information, sharing: 9.2.3. Shared State Information
Statement class: 7.1.1. Data Retrieval Example Statement
StreamClassLoader class (example): 2.3.1. Loading Classes from the Network
streaming audio example: 8.5.1. Streaming Multimedia
streams: 2.1.4. Streams, Readers, and Writers for Input and Output
StringBufferInputStream class: 2.1.4. Streams, Readers, and Writers for Input and Output
StringReader class: 2.1.4. Streams, Readers, and Writers for Input and Output
StringWriter class: 2.1.4. Streams, Readers, and Writers for Input and Output
stub, client: 3.3. Features of Distributed Object Systems
IDL interface and: 3.5.4. Client Stubs
Solver base interface (example): The client stubs
Java RMI and: 3.6.4. Client Stubs and Server Skeletons
to remote data objects: Distributed objects from the data server
StubNotFoundException: D.1. The java.rmi Package package: 5.3.1. Access Control Lists
SupplierAdmin interface: B.2.2. Interface Specifics
SurrogateActionListener interface (example): 6.6.3. Pros and Cons
suspend( ): 4.4.2. Distributed ThreadGroups
symmetric encryption techniques: 5.6.1. Ciphers for Secure Data Transfers
synchronization of threads: 4.3.1. Synchronizing Threads
4.4.4. Synchronizing Distributed Threads
synchronized statement: 4.3.1. Synchronizing Threads
synchronous message handling: 6.3.1. Asychronous vs. Synchronous Message Handling
system performance (see performance)

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