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Index: X

X509 certificates: 10.4.3. The X509Certificate Class, Java Security
advanced methods for: 10.4.4. Advanced X509Certificate Methods, Java Security
distinguished names (DNs): 11.1.1. Principals, Java Security
revoked: 10.4.5. Revoked Certificates, Java Security
serialization and: 12.1.3. Signing and Certificates, Java Security
standard certificate format: Certificates and authentication techniques, Java Distributed Computing
X509Certificate class: 10.4.3. The X509Certificate Class, Java Security
D.2. Package, Java Security
X509CRL class: 10.4.5. Revoked Certificates, Java Security
D.2. Package, Java Security
X509EncodedKeySpec class: The EncodedKeySpec class, Java Security
D.4. Package, Java Security
X509Extension class: D.2. Package, Java Security
x-compress compression format: 6.2. Compressed Content, Java Servlet Programming
X.500 directory services standard: 6.9. Accessing Directory Services, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
attribute type definition: 6.9.3. The Attributes Interface, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
Directory Access Protocol (DAP), simplifying: 6.9.1. X.500 Directories, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
object names, differing from filesystems: 6.9.2. The DirContext Interface, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
x-gzip compression format: 6.2. Compressed Content, Java Servlet Programming
XA API (distributed transactions standard): 1.3.8. JTA: Managing Distributed Transactions, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
XA interface: 29. The javax.transaction.xa Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
XAConnection interface: 21. The javax.jms Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
27. The javax.sql Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
XAConnectionFactory interface: 21. The javax.jms Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
XAException class: 29. The javax.transaction.xa Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
XAQueueConnection interface: 21. The javax.jms Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
XAQueueConnectionFactory interface: 21. The javax.jms Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
XAQueueSession interface: 21. The javax.jms Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
XAResource interface: 29. The javax.transaction.xa Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
XASession interface: 21. The javax.jms Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
XATopicConnection interface: 21. The javax.jms Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
XATopicConnectionFactory interface: 21. The javax.jms Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
XATopicSession interface: 21. The javax.jms Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
X509Certificate class: 19. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
19. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
19. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
19. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
(see also Certificate class)
X509CRL class: 19. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
19. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
19. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
19. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
19. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
X509CRLEntry class: 19. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
19. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
(see also CRLEntry class)
XDR-formatted data I/O (example): 2.1.4. Streams, Readers, and Writers for Input and Output, Java Distributed Computing
X509EncodedKeySpec interface: 21. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
X509Extension interface: 19. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
Xid interface: 29. The javax.transaction.xa Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
XML deployment descriptors: 10.1 What Is an XML Deployment Descriptor?, Enterprise JavaBeans
D.3 XML Deployment Descriptors, Enterprise JavaBeans
7.9.1. XML-Based Deployment Descriptors, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
application deployment descriptor: 11.4.1 J2EE Application Client Components, Enterprise JavaBeans
bean-managed entity beans (EJB 1.1): 6.2.11 EJB 1.1: Deploying the Bean-Managed Ship Bean, Enterprise JavaBeans
body of document: 10.4 The Descriptor's Body, Enterprise JavaBeans
for client components: 11.4.1 J2EE Application Client Components, Enterprise JavaBeans
container-managed entity bean: EJB 1.1: Deploying the ShipBean, Enterprise JavaBeans
contents of: 10.2 The Contents of a Deployment Descriptor, Enterprise JavaBeans
EJB DTD (Document Type Definition): EJB 1.1: Deployment descriptors, Enterprise JavaBeans
in ejb-Jar files: 10.7 The ejb-jar File, Enterprise JavaBeans
EJB references, declaring: TravelAgentBean: The bean class, Enterprise JavaBeans
elements: 10.4 The Descriptor's Body, Enterprise JavaBeans
headers: 10.3 The Document Header, Enterprise JavaBeans
method-permission element: EJB 1.1: Role-driven access control, Enterprise JavaBeans
primkey-field element: Single-field key, Enterprise JavaBeans
resource-ref element: EJB 1.1: Using JDBC in EJB, Enterprise JavaBeans
security roles: EJB 1.1: Role-driven access control, Enterprise JavaBeans
Servlets and Java Server Pages (JSP), packaging in: 11. Java 2, Enterprise Edition, Enterprise JavaBeans
session beans: 4.3.4 EJB 1.1: TravelAgent Bean's Deployment Descriptor , Enterprise JavaBeans
stateful session beans: EJB 1.1: The TravelAgent deployment descriptor, Enterprise JavaBeans
stateless session bean: EJB 1.1: The ProcessPayment bean's deployment descriptor, Enterprise JavaBeans
transaction attributes: 8.2.2 Transaction Attributes, Enterprise JavaBeans
setting: EJB 1.1: Setting a transaction attribute, Enterprise JavaBeans
for web components: 11.4 J2EE Fills in the Gaps, Enterprise JavaBeans
XML documents
!DOCTYPE element: EJB 1.1: Deployment descriptors, Enterprise JavaBeans
4.2.5 EJB 1.1: The Deployment Descriptor, Enterprise JavaBeans
generating with JSP: 11.2 Java Server Pages, Enterprise JavaBeans
tagging in: 4.2.5 EJB 1.1: The Deployment Descriptor, Enterprise JavaBeans
XOPEN specification (data types): 18. The java.sql Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
X/Open XA interface specification: 29. The javax.transaction.xa Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
xterm window: 1.3.1. Compiling and Running the Program, Java in a Nutshell

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