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Index: R

radians: 4.3. Numbers and Math, Java in a Nutshell
radio buttons: 9. The java.awt Package, Java Foundation Classes
AWT: 2.2 Components, Java Foundation Classes
Swing: 2.2 Components, Java Foundation Classes
23. The javax.swing Package, Java Foundation Classes
23. The javax.swing Package, Java Foundation Classes
Random class: 4.3. Numbers and Math, Java in a Nutshell
23. The java.util Package, Java in a Nutshell
23. The java.util Package, Java in a Nutshell
random numbers: D.1. Package, Java Security
generator: 5.4.3. Keys in the Java Security API, Java Distributed Computing
RandomAccessFile class: 4.9. Files and Directories, Java in a Nutshell
11. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
11. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
Raster class: 18. The java.awt.image Package, Java Foundation Classes
RasterOp class: 18. The java.awt.image Package, Java Foundation Classes
raw data throughput: 8.4.1. Raw Data Monitoring, Java Distributed Computing
raw socket connections and HTTP: 10.1.1. HTTP and Raw Socket Connections, Java Servlet Programming
10.3.1. The Design, Java Servlet Programming
11.2.1. An Improved getServlet( ), Java Servlet Programming
RC2ParameterSpec class: 28. The javax.crypto.spec Package, Java in a Nutshell
RDBMS (relational database management system)
definition: 9.1. Relational Databases, Java Servlet Programming
internal programming language: 9.5.1. Stored Procedures, Java Servlet Programming
tables: 8.1. Relational Databases, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
reactivation constructors: The Activatable class, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell Implementing an activatable object, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
read( ): 24. The java.util.jar Package, Java in a Nutshell
ChangedCharSetException class: 30. The javax.swing.text Package, Java Foundation Classes
CheckedInputStream class: 25. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
DataInputStream class: 11. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
DigestInputStream class: 17. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
DTD class: 32. The javax.swing.text.html.parser Package, Java Foundation Classes
EditorKit class: 30. The javax.swing.text Package, Java Foundation Classes
FileInputStream class: 11. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
FilterInputStream class: 11. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
FilterReader: 11. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
GZIPInputStream class: 25. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
HTMLEditorKit class: 31. The javax.swing.text.html Package, Java Foundation Classes
InflaterInputStream class: 25. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
InputStream class: 11. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
JavaSpace interface: C.4.2. read( ), Java Distributed Computing
JEditorPane class: 3.21 JTextComponent and HTML Text Display, Java Foundation Classes
Manifest class: 24. The java.util.jar Package, Java in a Nutshell
ObjID class: D.3. The java.rmi.server Package, Java Distributed Computing
17. The java.rmi.server Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
Reader class: 11. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
RTFEditorKit class: 33. The javax.swing.text.rtf Package, Java Foundation Classes
Socket class: 16. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
UID class: D.3. The java.rmi.server Package, Java Distributed Computing
ZipInputStream class: 25. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
Read Committed isolation level: 8.3.3 Transaction Isolation Levels, Enterprise JavaBeans
read locks: 8.3.2 Database Locks, Enterprise JavaBeans
read-only result sets: 2.13.1. Results Handling, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
Read Uncommitted isolation level: 8.3.3 Transaction Isolation Levels, Enterprise JavaBeans
8.3.4 Balancing Performance Against Consistency, Enterprise JavaBeans
readArgs( ): 6.4.1. Heterogeneous Argument Lists, Java Distributed Computing
readClass( ): 2.3.1. Loading Classes from the Network, Java Distributed Computing
Reader class: 4.10. Input and Output Streams, Java in a Nutshell
2.1.4. Streams, Readers, and Writers for Input and Output, Java Distributed Computing
11. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
11. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
BufferedReader class: 11. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
11. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
CharArrayReader class: 11. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
FileReader class: 11. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
FilterReader class: 11. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
InputStreamReader class: 11. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
LineNumberReader class: 11. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
PipedReader class: 11. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
PushbackReader class: 11. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
StringReader class: 11. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
readExternal( ): 11. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
Externalizable interface: 2.1.1. Object Serialization and Memory Integrity, Java Security
readFields( ) (ObjectInputStream): 11. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
11. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
readFully( )(DataInputStream): 11. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
reading files: 4.3.2. Methods Relating to File Access, Java Security
reading private data: 7.1.2. Data Authentication, Java Security
reading signed JAR files: 12.2.1. Reading Signed JAR Files, Java Security
readJarFile( ) (example): 3.5.2. A JAR File Class Loader, Java Security
readLine( ): 4.4.9. Wading the Input Stream, Java Servlet Programming
BufferedReader class: 11. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
11. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
DataInputStream class: 11. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
LineNumberReader class: 11. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
ServletInputStream: 25. The javax.servlet Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
readMsg( ): 6.3.2. A Basic Message Processor, Java Distributed Computing
6.4.1. Heterogeneous Argument Lists, Java Distributed Computing
9.3.1. Building the Infrastructure with Message Passing, Java Distributed Computing
readObject( ): 2.1.1. Object Serialization and Memory Integrity, Java Security
ObjectInputStream class: 11. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
11. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
11. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
11. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
OptionalDataException: 11. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
Serializable interface: 11. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
readUnsignedByte( ) (DataInputStream): 11. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
readUnsignedShort( ) (DataInputStream): 11. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
readUTF( ), DataInputStream class: 11. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
ready( ) (Reader): 11. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
Ready state: The entity bean life cycle, Enterprise JavaBeans
6.3.3 The Ready State, Enterprise JavaBeans
6.3.4 Life in the Ready State, Enterprise JavaBeans
bean moving from instance pool to: Overview of state transitions, Enterprise JavaBeans
transition from Pooled state via activation: Transitioning from the Pooled state to the Ready State via activation, Enterprise JavaBeans
transition to Pooled state via passivation: Transitioning from the Ready State to the Pooled state via passivation, Enterprise JavaBeans
transition to Pooled state via removal: Transitioning from the Ready State to the Pooled state via removal, Enterprise JavaBeans
transitioning from Pooled state via find methods: Transitioning from the Pooled state to the Ready State via a find method, Enterprise JavaBeans
transitioning to/from Pooled state via creation: Transitioning from the Pooled state to the Ready State via creation, Enterprise JavaBeans
real data throughput: 8.4.2. Real Data Monitoring, Java Distributed Computing
real-time (see bandwidth-limited applications)
Real-Time Control Protocol (RTCP): 8.2.3. Levels of Monitoring and Management, Java Distributed Computing
Real-Time Protocol (RTP): 8.2.3. Levels of Monitoring and Management, Java Distributed Computing
rebind( )
Context interface: 6.8. Binding Objects, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
Naming class: 13. The java.rmi Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
NamingContext interface: 35. The org.omg.CosNaming Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
Naming interface: D.1. The java.rmi Package, Java Distributed Computing
Registry interface: 3.4.1. The Registry and Naming Services, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
16. The java.rmi.registry Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
Remote interface: D.2. The java.rmi.registry Package, Java Distributed Computing
rebind_context( ) (NamingContext): 35. The org.omg.CosNaming Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
receive( ) (DatagramSocket): 16. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
receiveEvent( ): 6.6.2. Distributed Events, Java Distributed Computing
Rectangle class: 9. The java.awt Package, Java Foundation Classes
Rectangle2D class: 16. The java.awt.geom Package, Java Foundation Classes
rectangles, Java 2D: 4.4 Shapes, Java Foundation Classes
rectangular arrays: 2.9.4. Multidimensional Arrays, Java in a Nutshell
RectangularShape class: 16. The java.awt.geom Package, Java Foundation Classes
redirected output: 13.4.4. Executing Finger with Redirected Output, Java Servlet Programming
redirecting a request: 5.6.2. Redirecting a Request, Java Servlet Programming
redo( )
AbstractUndoableEdit class: 35. The javax.swing.undo Package, Java Foundation Classes
CompoundEdit class: 35. The javax.swing.undo Package, Java Foundation Classes
UndoableEdit interface: 35. The javax.swing.undo Package, Java Foundation Classes
UndoManager class: 35. The javax.swing.undo Package, Java Foundation Classes
reentrance (see also concurrency): Reentrance, Enterprise JavaBeans
4.2.6 EJB 1.0: The Deployment Descriptor, Enterprise JavaBeans
4.2.6 EJB 1.0: The Deployment Descriptor, Enterprise JavaBeans
deployment descriptor specification: 7.7. Deploying an Enterprise JavaBeans Object, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
multithreaded access vs.: Reentrance, Enterprise JavaBeans
reentrant element: 4.2.5 EJB 1.1: The Deployment Descriptor, Enterprise JavaBeans
10.5.1 Session and Entity Beans, Enterprise JavaBeans
Ref interface: 18. The java.sql Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
RefAddr class: 22. The javax.naming Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
reference books
CGI: 1.1.1. Common Gateway Interface, Java Servlet Programming
digital certificates: 8.2. Digital Certificates, Java Servlet Programming
HTTP: 2.1. HTTP Basics, Java Servlet Programming
4.4.8. Request Headers, Java Servlet Programming
Java: 0.1.1. What You Need to Know, Java Servlet Programming
SQL: 9.1. Relational Databases, Java Servlet Programming
see also books: 1.1.1. Common Gateway Interface, Java Servlet Programming
Reference class: 22. The javax.naming Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
13. The java.lang.ref Package, Java in a Nutshell
13. The java.lang.ref Package, Java in a Nutshell
reference, invalid: 1.3.4. Safety, Java Servlet Programming
reference types: 2.4.7. Reference Types, Java in a Nutshell
2.10. Reference Types, Java in a Nutshell
conversions: 2.10.6. Reference Type Conversions, Java in a Nutshell
Referenceable interface: 22. The javax.naming Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
ReferenceQueue class: 13. The java.lang.ref Package, Java in a Nutshell
13. The java.lang.ref Package, Java in a Nutshell
references: 10.5.1 Session and Entity Beans, Enterprise JavaBeans
2.10. Reference Types, Java in a Nutshell
accessing in EJB 1.0 and 1.1: TravelAgentBean: The bean class, Enterprise JavaBeans
to beans, looking up for: 10.5.4 References to Other Beans, Enterprise JavaBeans
to EJB home: EJB 1.1: TravelAgentBean, Enterprise JavaBeans EJB 1.0: TravelAgentBean, Enterprise JavaBeans
to external resources: 10.5.5 References to External Resources, Enterprise JavaBeans
JNDI ENC, making available through: 10.5.1 Session and Entity Beans, Enterprise JavaBeans
local and remote registries, obtaining: 3.4.1. The Registry and Naming Services, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
null: 2.10.3. The null Reference, Java in a Nutshell
to other beans, defining within JNDI ENC: 10.5.4 References to Other Beans, Enterprise JavaBeans
referent: 13. The java.lang.ref Package, Java in a Nutshell
Referer header: 4.4.8. Request Headers, Java Servlet Programming
ReferralException class: 22. The javax.naming Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
referrals, identifying: 4.4.8. Request Headers, Java Servlet Programming
RefFSContextFactory class: 6.2. A JNDI Example, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
6.3.1. Using the InitialContext Class, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
reflection: 4.7. Types, Reflection, and Dynamic Loading, Java in a Nutshell
package for: 4.1. Java Platform Overview, Java in a Nutshell
reflection API: 1.4.1. Outline of the JavaRunner Application, Java Security
constructing classes with: 3.3. Loading Classes, Java Security
permission to set accessible flag: 5.2.2. Permissions of the Java API, Java Security
D.8. Miscellaneous Packages, Java Security
reflection to invoke methods: 11.1. Servlet Manipulation, Java Servlet Programming
ReflectPermission class: 14. The java.lang.reflect Package, Java in a Nutshell
5.2.2. Permissions of the Java API, Java Security
D.8. Miscellaneous Packages, Java Security
refresh( ), Policy class: 5.3. The Policy Class, Java Security
17. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
Refresh header: 6.3. Server Push, Java Servlet Programming
register( ) (Activatable): Registering an activatable object without instantiating, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
14. The java.rmi.activation Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
registerComponent( ) (ToolTipManager): 23. The javax.swing Package, Java Foundation Classes
registered name: 2.3.2. Running Hello World, Java Servlet Programming
2.4.1. Writing a Server-Side Include, Java Servlet Programming
3.1.5. A Holistic Counter, Java Servlet Programming
4.1.2. Getting Init Parameter Names, Java Servlet Programming
registerEditor (PropertyEditorManager): 9. The java.beans Package, Java in a Nutshell
registerEditorKitForContentType( ) (JEditorPane): 23. The javax.swing Package, Java Foundation Classes
registerGroup( ) (ActivationSystem): Registering activation groups, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
14. The java.rmi.activation Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
registerKeyboardAction( ): 3.8.3 Keyboard Actions, Java Foundation Classes
JComponent class: 23. The javax.swing Package, Java Foundation Classes
registerObject( ) (ActivationSystem): 14. The java.rmi.activation Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
registerOutParameter( ) (CallableStatement): 2.11. Stored Procedures, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
18. The java.sql Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
registerSynchronization( ) (Transaction): 28. The javax.transaction Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
28. The javax.transaction Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
registerTag( )
HTMLReader class: 31. The javax.swing.text.html Package, Java Foundation Classes
TagAction class: 31. The javax.swing.text.html Package, Java Foundation Classes
registerValidation( ) (ObjectInputStream): 11. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
11. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
registration service: 3.3. Features of Distributed Object Systems, Java Distributed Computing
3.3.3. Registration/Naming Service, Java Distributed Computing
CORBA and: 3.5.3. Server Implementations, Java Distributed Computing Pulling it all together, Java Distributed Computing
RMI Registry: 3.6.3. The RMI Registry, Java Distributed Computing
local and remote, obtaining references: 3.4.1. The Registry and Naming Services, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
RMI services provided: Naming/registry service, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
Registry interface: D.2. The java.rmi.registry Package, Java Distributed Computing Naming/registry service, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
3.4.1. The Registry and Naming Services, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
16. The java.rmi.registry Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
Registry, Java RMI: 3.6.3. The RMI Registry, Java Distributed Computing
registry, naming: 13. The java.rmi Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
registry server: 10.1.3. JDBC, RMI, and a Little CORBA, Java Servlet Programming The superclass, Java Servlet Programming The superclass, Java Servlet Programming
RegistryHandler class: 16. The java.rmi.registry Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
RegistryHandler interface: D.2. The java.rmi.registry Package, Java Distributed Computing
registryImpl( ): D.2. The java.rmi.registry Package, Java Distributed Computing
registryStub( ): D.2. The java.rmi.registry Package, Java Distributed Computing
regular expressions: 13.3. Using Regular Expressions, Java Servlet Programming
1.3.2. Power, Java Servlet Programming
rejectDrop( ): 6.3 Drag-and-Drop, Java Foundation Classes
RejectMoveMessage class (example): 6.4. Fixed Protocols, Java Distributed Computing
related tables (RDBMS): 8.1. Relational Databases, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
Relational Database Management System (see also RDBMS)
9.1. Relational Databases, Java Servlet Programming
8.1. Relational Databases, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
relational databases: 2. JDBC, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
arrays of Strings, converting for storage in: Using ejbLoad( ) and ejbStore( ) in container-managed beans, Enterprise JavaBeans
connections, obtaining with JDBC: 6.2.6 Obtaining a Connection to the Database, Enterprise JavaBeans
container-managed persistence and: 6.1 Container-Managed Persistence, Enterprise JavaBeans
CTMs, analogies to: 1.5.4 Analogies to Relational Databases, Enterprise JavaBeans
entity bean fields, mapping to: Object-to-relational persistence, Enterprise JavaBeans
JDBC, working with: 1.3.1. JDBC: Working with Databases, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
not object-oriented: 2.13.3. Java-Aware Databases, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
object-to-relational mapping tools: 9.8 Object-to-Relational Mapping Tools, Enterprise JavaBeans
SQL standard: 1.6.3 Benefits of a Standard Server-Side Component Model, Enterprise JavaBeans
EJB server support for: 4.1 Choosing and Setting Up an EJB Server, Enterprise JavaBeans
structure: 8. SQL Reference, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
Relationship Service (CORBA): 11.5. Life Cycle Service, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
11.8. Relationship Service, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
relationships (entity beans): 9.7 Entity Bean Relationships, Enterprise JavaBeans
complex: 9.7.2 Complex Entity Relationships, Enterprise JavaBeans Native Java persistence, Enterprise JavaBeans
database IDs vs. business concepts: Maintaining the database mapping, Enterprise JavaBeans
database mapping: Maintaining the database mapping, Enterprise JavaBeans
mapping serializable: Mapping serializable to VARBINARY, Enterprise JavaBeans
simple: 9.7.1 Simple Associations, Enterprise JavaBeans Native Java persistence, Enterprise JavaBeans
releaseBeanContextResources( ) (BeanContextChildSupport): 10. The java.beans.beancontext Package, Java in a Nutshell
releaseInputStream( ): D.3. The java.rmi.server Package, Java Distributed Computing
releaseOutputStream( ): D.3. The java.rmi.server Package, Java Distributed Computing
releaseService( )
BeanContextServiceProvider interface: 10. The java.beans.beancontext Package, Java in a Nutshell
BeanContextServices interface: 10. The java.beans.beancontext Package, Java in a Nutshell
reloading servlets: 3.2. Servlet Reloading, Java Servlet Programming
RemarshalException class: 33. The org.omg.CORBA.portable Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
database data servers: 7.2.6. Remote Data Servers, Java Distributed Computing
databases: 7.2. Remote Database Applications, Java Distributed Computing
method invocation: 3.2.2. Remote Method Calls, Java Distributed Computing
object interfaces: 3.6.1. Remote Object Interfaces, Java Distributed Computing
object references: 3.2.1. Creating Remote Objects, Java Distributed Computing
communication protocol for: 3.3.4. Object Communication Protocol, Java Distributed Computing
creating: 3.2.1. Creating Remote Objects, Java Distributed Computing
for message passing: 6.7. Using Remote Objects, Java Distributed Computing
registering (RMI): 3.6.5. Registering and Using a Remote Object, Java Distributed Computing
Remote interface: 3.6.1. Remote Object Interfaces, Java Distributed Computing
D.1. The java.rmi Package, Java Distributed Computing
Remote Method Invocation (see Java RMI)
RemoteCall interface: D.3. The java.rmi.server Package, Java Distributed Computing
RemoteException: 3.6.1. Remote Object Interfaces, Java Distributed Computing
C.2. Entry and EntryRep, Java Distributed Computing
D.1. The java.rmi Package, Java Distributed Computing
RemoteObject class: D.3. The java.rmi.server Package, Java Distributed Computing
RemoteRef interface: D.3. The java.rmi.server Package, Java Distributed Computing
RemoteServer class: 3.6.2. Server Implementations, Java Distributed Computing
D.3. The java.rmi.server Package, Java Distributed Computing
RemoteStub class: D.3. The java.rmi.server Package, Java Distributed Computing
transaction security: Secure remote transactions, Java Distributed Computing
remote element: EJB 1.1: Deployment descriptors, Enterprise JavaBeans
10.5.1 Session and Entity Beans, Enterprise JavaBeans
remote interface: 5.2.2 EJB 1.1 and 1.0: The Java RMI Programming Model, Enterprise JavaBeans
10.5.1 Session and Entity Beans, Enterprise JavaBeans
7.4. Implementing a Basic EJB Object, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
7.9.5. Assorted Other Changes, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
business methods available to client: 7.2.2. The Enterprise JavaBeans Object, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
business methods, defining: 2.1.1 Classes and Interfaces, Enterprise JavaBeans
A.1.7 EJBObject interfaceEJB API EJBObject, Enterprise JavaBeans
client-side API: 5.2.4 The Remote Interface, Enterprise JavaBeans
defining: The remote interface, Enterprise JavaBeans
7.4.2. Remote Interface, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
dependent class: Dependent classes: The CreditCard and Check classes, Enterprise JavaBeans
in ejb-jar files: 10.7 The ejb-jar File, Enterprise JavaBeans
EJB, RMI vs.: 7.2.2. The Enterprise JavaBeans Object, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
entity beans: 4.2.1 Cabin: The Remote Interface, Enterprise JavaBeans
container-managed: 6.1.1 The Remote Interface, Enterprise JavaBeans
finder methods: 7.6.2. Finder Methods, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
directly (EJB class): 7.4.3. The Bean Implementation, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
stub and skeleton classes: 3.2. Defining Remote Objects, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
JAR files: 7.7.4. Packaging Enterprise JavaBeans, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
Java RMI-IIOP restrictions on: EJB 1.1: Java RMI-IIOP type restrictions, Enterprise JavaBeans
Java RMI return types, parameters, and exceptions: 6.1.4 Java RMI Return Types, Parameters, and Exceptions, Enterprise JavaBeans
distinguishing from home interface: Remote/home differentiation, Enterprise JavaBeans
relation to home interface and bean implementation methods: 7.4. Implementing a Basic EJB Object, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
problems with bean class implementation: 9.5 Implementing a Common Interface, Enterprise JavaBeans
remote exceptions, declaring: 3.2. Defining Remote Objects, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
remote object, specifying: 3.2. Defining Remote Objects, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
security roles, mapping to methods: Assigning roles to methods, Enterprise JavaBeans
session beans: 4.3.1 TravelAgent: The Remote Interface, Enterprise JavaBeans TravelAgent: The remote interface, Enterprise JavaBeans
set and get methods: Set and get methods, Enterprise JavaBeans
stateful session beans: 7.3.1 The TravelAgent Bean, Enterprise JavaBeans
stateless session beans: ProcessPayment: The remote interface, Enterprise JavaBeans ProcessPayment: The remote interface, Enterprise JavaBeans
stub and skeleton classes, implementing: 9. RMI Tools, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
remote method calls, executing with DII and DSI: 4.5. What If I Don't Know the Interface?, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
remote method invocation (see Java RMI)
Remote Method Invocation, see RMI: 10.1.3. JDBC, RMI, and a Little CORBA, Java Servlet Programming
remote methods
arguments: 3.4.2. Remote Method Arguments and Return Values, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
CORBA, out or inout arguments: 4.2.2. Turning IDL Into Java, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
declaring (remote interface): 3.2. Defining Remote Objects, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
IDL, inout parameter: The holder class, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
implementation, server (IDL/Java conversion): 4.2.3. Writing the Implementation, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
return values: 3.4.2. Remote Method Arguments and Return Values, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
remote object servlet: The servlet, Java Servlet Programming The superclass, Java Servlet Programming The superclass, Java Servlet Programming
remote objects
activatable, implementing: 3.6.2. Defining an Activatable Remote Object, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell Implementing an activatable object, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
activatable, defining: 3.6. Remote Object Activation, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
3.6.2. Defining an Activatable Remote Object, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
activation: 3.6. Remote Object Activation, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
activation groups: 3.6.4. Activation Groups, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
registering with: Assigning activatable objects to groups, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
activation service (RMI): Object activation service, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
binding to CORBA Naming Service (JNDI): 3.8. RMI over IIOP, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
binding to names: 3.4.1. The Registry and Naming Services, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
class names, finding: 3.6.4. Activation Groups, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
tracking (serialver utility): 9. RMI Tools, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
implementation (RMI): 3.2.1. Key RMI Classes for Remote Object Implementations, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
RMI registry: 3.4.1. The Registry and Naming Services, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
clients accessing: 4.3. Putting It in the Public Eye, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
containers (EJB),
converting primary keys: 7.6.2. Finder Methods, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
delegates: The helper class, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
life cycle, controlling: 11.5. Life Cycle Service, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
creating and using: 3. Remote Method Invocation, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
defining: 3.2. Defining Remote Objects, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
3.2.1. Key RMI Classes for Remote Object Implementations, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
disassociating from beans: 7.6.5. Life Cycle of an Entity Bean, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
EJB: 7.2. EJB Roles, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
7.2.1. The EJB Client, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
factory classes: 3.4.3. Factory Classes, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
finding: 4.4. Finding Remote Objects, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
getting from other remote objects: 4.4.2. Getting Objects from Other Remote Objects, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
IDL (interfaces, describing): 4. Java IDL, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
interaction, starting: 3.5. Dynamically Loaded Classes, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
interface, defining: 3.1.1. RMI in Action, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
interfaces not available: 4.5. What If I Don't Know the Interface?, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
JNDI, looking up: 6. JNDI, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
looking up (RMI registry): 3.4.1. The Registry and Naming Services, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
naming service (CORBA): 4.1.3. The Naming Service, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
native code, exporting (RMI and JNI): 3.7.1. RMI with JNI Versus CORBA, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
nonremote objects vs.: 3.4.2. Remote Method Arguments and Return Values, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
nonreplicated: 17. The java.rmi.server Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
references as printable character strings: 4.4.3. Stringified Object References, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
registering (RMI registry): 3.1.1. RMI in Action, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
remote reference, generating: 3.4.2. Remote Method Arguments and Return Values, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
server implementations: 17. The java.rmi.server Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
server-side implementation: 17. The java.rmi.server Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
session beans vs.: 7.5. Implementing Session Beans, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
stub and skeleton classes, generating: 9. RMI Tools, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
stubs, skeletons and objects, relationship: 3.2. Defining Remote Objects, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
remote procedure calls (RPCs): 1.5.1 TP Monitors, Enterprise JavaBeans
remote references
client stubs: 3.1.2. RMI Architecture, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
clients, obtaining (IDL/Java conversion): 4.3. Putting It in the Public Eye, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
CORBA: 4.4. Finding Remote Objects, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
EJB objects, comparing: Comparing beans for identity, Enterprise JavaBeans
expiring: Distributed garbage collection, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
explicit narrowing with PortableRemoteObject: EJB 1.1: Explicit narrowing using PortableRemoteObject, Enterprise JavaBeans
circumstances for use: EJB 1.1: Explicit narrowing using PortableRemoteObject, Enterprise JavaBeans
circumstances not requiring: EJB 1.1: Explicit narrowing using PortableRemoteObject, Enterprise JavaBeans
factory classes: 3.4.3. Factory Classes, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
finding: 4.4. Finding Remote Objects, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
handle, obtaining through: ProcessPayment: The remote interface, Enterprise JavaBeans
in bean-to-bean interaction: 9.5.1 Why the Bean Class Shouldn't Implement the Remote Interface, Enterprise JavaBeans
to object servers: 1.3.1 Rolling Your Own Distributed Object, Enterprise JavaBeans
objects, copying vs.: 3.4.2. Remote Method Arguments and Return Values, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
persistence: 3.2.1. Key RMI Classes for Remote Object Implementations, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
3.6. Remote Object Activation, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
3.6.1. Persistent Remote References, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
point-to-point, nonpersistent: 3.2.1. Key RMI Classes for Remote Object Implementations, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
reestablishing with handles: 7.6.6. Handles on Entity Beans, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
RemoteObject, containing: 3.2.1. Key RMI Classes for Remote Object Implementations, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
RMI architecture: 3.1.2. RMI Architecture, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
serializable objects vs.: 5.2.2 EJB 1.1 and 1.0: The Java RMI Programming Model, Enterprise JavaBeans
stringified: 4.4.3. Stringified Object References, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
stubs (server objects): The client and server stubs, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
RemoteCall interface: 17. The java.rmi.server Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
RemoteDaemonHttpServlet class: 10.3. Chat Server, Java Servlet Programming
remoteEquals( ): D.3. The java.rmi.server Package, Java Distributed Computing
17. The java.rmi.server Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
RemoteException: 5.2.2 EJB 1.1 and 1.0: The Java RMI Programming Model, Enterprise JavaBeans
3.1.1. RMI in Action, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
3.2. Defining Remote Objects, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
7.4.1. Home Interface, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
7.6.2. Finder Methods, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
13. The java.rmi Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
13. The java.rmi Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
5.2.4 The Remote Interface, Enterprise JavaBeans
6.1.4 Java RMI Return Types, Parameters, and Exceptions, Enterprise JavaBeans
bean-managed persistence, requirements for: 6.2.1 Making the ShipBean a Bean-Managed Entity, Enterprise JavaBeans
checked sybsystem exceptions, wrapping: 6.2.2 Exception Handling, Enterprise JavaBeans
EJB callback methods, use in: 6.2.8 The ejbLoad( ) and ejbStore( ) Methods, Enterprise JavaBeans
find methods: 6.2.10 ejbFind( ) Methods, Enterprise JavaBeans
stateless session beans: ProcessPayment: The remote interface, Enterprise JavaBeans
remoteHashCode( ): D.3. The java.rmi.server Package, Java Distributed Computing
17. The java.rmi.server Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
RemoteHttpServlet class: The superclass, Java Servlet Programming
RemoteObject class: 3.2.1. Key RMI Classes for Remote Object Implementations, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
17. The java.rmi.server Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
RemoteRef interface: 17. The java.rmi.server Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
RemoteServer class: 3.2.1. Key RMI Classes for Remote Object Implementations, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
3.6.2. Defining an Activatable Remote Object, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
14. The java.rmi.activation Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
17. The java.rmi.server Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
RemoteStub class: 17. The java.rmi.server Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
remoteToString( ): D.3. The java.rmi.server Package, Java Distributed Computing
17. The java.rmi.server Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
remove( ): 7.6.3. Entity Bean Implementation, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
EJBHome interface: removing beans Removing beans, Enterprise JavaBeans
EJBObject interface: Removing beans, Enterprise JavaBeans
remove methods, transactional attributes required in deployment descriptor: 10.6.1 Specifying a Bean's Transactional Attributes, Enterprise JavaBeans
removeAll( ), Collection interface: 23. The java.util Package, Java in a Nutshell
removeCertificate( ), Identity class: B.1.1.1. Using the identity class, Java Security
B.1.1.3. The Identity class and the security manager, Java Security
RemoveException: Application exceptions, Enterprise JavaBeans
A.1.16 RemoveException, Enterprise JavaBeans
19. The javax.ejb Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
removeHandler( ): 6.6.2. Distributed Events, Java Distributed Computing
removeIdentity( ), IdentityScope class: B.2.1. Using the IdentityScope Class, Java Security
B.2.3. IdentityScope and the Security Manager, Java Security
removeItemListener( ) (ItemSelectable): 9. The java.awt Package, Java Foundation Classes
removeLayoutComponent( ) (LayoutManager): 9. The java.awt Package, Java Foundation Classes
removeMember( ): 9.3.1. Building the Infrastructure with Message Passing, Java Distributed Computing
removeNodeFromParent( ) (DefaultTreeModel): 34. The javax.swing.tree Package, Java Foundation Classes
removePropertyChangeListener( ): 9. The java.beans Package, Java in a Nutshell
9. The java.beans Package, Java in a Nutshell
removeSelectionPaths( ), (DefaultTreeSelectionModel): 34. The javax.swing.tree Package, Java Foundation Classes
removeShutdownHook( ): 12. The java.lang Package, Java in a Nutshell
removeStyle( ) (StyleContext): 30. The javax.swing.text Package, Java Foundation Classes
removeTableModelListener( ) (TableModel): 29. The javax.swing.table Package, Java Foundation Classes
removeUndoableEditListener( ) (UndoableEditSupport): 35. The javax.swing.undo Package, Java Foundation Classes
removeValue( ): 26. The javax.servlet.http Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
7.5.1. Session-Tracking Basics, Java Servlet Programming
removing beans: Overview of state transitions, Enterprise JavaBeans removing beans Removing beans, Enterprise JavaBeans Transitioning from the Ready State to the Pooled state via removal, Enterprise JavaBeans
entity beans, bean-managed persistence: 6.2.9 The ejbRemove( ) Method, Enterprise JavaBeans
stateless session beans: Transitioning to the Method-Ready Pool, Enterprise JavaBeans
removing <BLINK>: 2.5.1. Creating a Servlet Chain, Java Servlet Programming
13.3.1. Improving Deblink with Regular Expressions, Java Servlet Programming
renameTo( ) (File): 11. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
RenderableImage interface: 19. The java.awt.image.renderable Package, Java Foundation Classes
RenderableImageOp class: 19. The java.awt.image.renderable Package, Java Foundation Classes
RenderableImageProducer class: 19. The java.awt.image.renderable Package, Java Foundation Classes
RenderContext class: 19. The java.awt.image.renderable Package, Java Foundation Classes
RenderedImage class: 18. The java.awt.image Package, Java Foundation Classes
RenderedImageFactory interface: 19. The java.awt.image.renderable Package, Java Foundation Classes
Renderer interface: 23. The javax.swing Package, Java Foundation Classes
rendering hints: 9. The java.awt Package, Java Foundation Classes
Java 2D: 4.2 Java 2D Graphics Attributes and Operations, Java Foundation Classes
4.8 Rendering Hints, Java Foundation Classes
9. The java.awt Package, Java Foundation Classes
text: 4.9.4 Text-Rendering Hints, Java Foundation Classes
RenderingHints class: 4.8 Rendering Hints, Java Foundation Classes
4.9.4 Text-Rendering Hints, Java Foundation Classes
9. The java.awt Package, Java Foundation Classes
renew( ): C.4.5. renew( ), Java Distributed Computing
RepaintManager class: 23. The javax.swing Package, Java Foundation Classes
Repeatable Read isolation level: 8.3.3 Transaction Isolation Levels, Enterprise JavaBeans
repeatable reads: 8.3.1 Dirty, Repeatable, and Phantom Reads, Enterprise JavaBeans Repeatable reads, Enterprise JavaBeans
transactions: 2.10. Transactions, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
repetitive tasks, threads for: 4.8. Threads, Java in a Nutshell
replace( ): 12. The java.lang Package, Java in a Nutshell
AbstractUndoableEdit: 35. The javax.swing.undo Package, Java Foundation Classes
StringBuffer class: 12. The java.lang Package, Java in a Nutshell
replaceEdit( )
CompoundEdit class: 35. The javax.swing.undo Package, Java Foundation Classes
UndoableEdit interface: 35. The javax.swing.undo Package, Java Foundation Classes
UndoManager class: 35. The javax.swing.undo Package, Java Foundation Classes
replaceText( ) (TextArea): 9. The java.awt Package, Java Foundation Classes
ReplicateScaleFilter class: 18. The java.awt.image Package, Java Foundation Classes
replication (remote objects): 3.1.2. RMI Architecture, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
17. The java.rmi.server Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
Repository interface (CORBA), Java IDL not supporting: 12. Java IDL Tools, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
request( ), TopicRequestor interface: 21. The javax.jms Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
Request class: 30. The org.omg.CORBA Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
request dispatching (servlets): 5.10.1. Request Dispatching, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
Request interface: 4.5.1. Dynamic Invocation Interface, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
request parameters, parsing: 13.1. Parsing Parameters, Java Servlet Programming
request( ) (QueueRequestor): 21. The javax.jms Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
RequestDispatcher interface: 5.10.1. Request Dispatching, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
25. The javax.servlet Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
requestFocus( ): 3.8.1 Focus Management, Java Foundation Classes
requestFocusEnabled: 3.8.1 Focus Management, Java Foundation Classes
requestPasswordAuthentication( ) (Authenticator): 16. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
16. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
requests (servlets): 5.2.5. Servlet Requests, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
attributes, setting: 5.10.1. Request Dispatching, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
Required transaction attribute: 8.2.3 Transaction Attributes Defined, Enterprise JavaBeans
10.6.1 Specifying a Bean's Transactional Attributes, Enterprise JavaBeans
Requires New transaction attribute: 8.2.3 Transaction Attributes Defined, Enterprise JavaBeans
res-auth element: 10.5.5 References to External Resources, Enterprise JavaBeans
res-ref-name element: EJB 1.1: Using JDBC in EJB, Enterprise JavaBeans
10.5.5 References to External Resources, Enterprise JavaBeans
res-type element: EJB 1.1: Using JDBC in EJB, Enterprise JavaBeans
10.5.5 References to External Resources, Enterprise JavaBeans
ResAssignment class (example): 7.2.4. JDBC-Enabled Data Objects, Java Distributed Computing
7.2.4. JDBC-Enabled Data Objects, Java Distributed Computing
RescaleOp class: 4.10.6 Processing a BufferedImage, Java Foundation Classes
4.10.6 Processing a BufferedImage, Java Foundation Classes
18. The java.awt.image Package, Java Foundation Classes
reservations, using entity bean for: Why use a Reservation entity bean?, Enterprise JavaBeans
reserved words: 2.3. Identifiers and Reserved Words, Java in a Nutshell
reset( )
ByteArrayOutputStream class: 11. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
BytesMessage: 21. The javax.jms Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
CertificateFactory class: 19. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
CharArrayReader class: 11. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
CharArrayWriter class: 11. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
Checksum interface: 25. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
InputStream class: 11. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
MessageDigest class: 9.1. Using the Message Digest Class, Java Security
17. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
Reader class: 11. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
StringReader class: 11. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
resetSyntax( ): 11. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
resetting message digests: 9.1. Using the Message Digest Class, Java Security
9.3. Implementing a MessageDigest Class, Java Security
resizeBuffer( ): 8.5.1. Streaming Multimedia, Java Distributed Computing
resolve( ) (NamingContext): 35. The org.omg.CosNaming Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
resolveClass( ): Protected methods in the ClassLoader class, Java Security
resolve_initial_references( ) (ORB): 4.1.3. The Naming Service, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
4.1.3. The Naming Service, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
4.3. Putting It in the Public Eye, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
4.4.1. Initial ORB References, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
30. The org.omg.CORBA Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
Resolver interface: 24. The javax.naming.spi Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
ResolveResult class: 24. The javax.naming.spi Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
resolving classes: 3.2. Anatomy of a Class Loader, Java Security Protected methods in the ClassLoader class, Java Security
resolving object names: B.1. Naming Service, Java Distributed Computing
resource abstraction (servlets): 5.10.3. Resource Abstraction, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
resource bundles: 12.5.3. Resource Bundles, Java Servlet Programming
resource factories: 10.5.1 Session and Entity Beans, Enterprise JavaBeans
resource management: 3. Resource Management and the Primary Services, Enterprise JavaBeans
bindings, listing: 6.6.3. Listing the Bindings of a Context , Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
database connections, closing: 2.4. Connecting to the Database, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
dependent classes, use of: Dependent classes: The CreditCard and Check classes, Enterprise JavaBeans
instance pooling: 3.1.1 instance pooling Instance Pooling, Enterprise JavaBeans Instance swapping, Enterprise JavaBeans
listing behavior vs. entity beans: 9.3.2 Resource Consumption, Enterprise JavaBeans
ORBS, lacking support for: 1.5.3 CTMs: The Hybrid of ORBs and TP Monitors, Enterprise JavaBeans
servers (EJB), container role in: 7.2.3. The EJB Container, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
servlets, benefits: 5.1. The Servlet Life Cycle, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
shared attributes (servlets): 5.10.2. Shared Attributes, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
resource pooling, container management of EJB: 7.2.3. The EJB Container, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
resource-ref element: 10.5.1 Session and Entity Beans, Enterprise JavaBeans
declaration for DataSource connection factory: 10.5.5 References to External Resources, Enterprise JavaBeans
ResourceBundle class: 23. The java.util Package, Java in a Nutshell
23. The java.util Package, Java in a Nutshell
resources (see system resources)
resources for further information: C. Security Resources, Java Security
applets: 5. Java Security, Java in a Nutshell
beans: 6. JavaBeans, Java in a Nutshell
enterprise packages: 4.1. Java Platform Overview, Java in a Nutshell
examples in this book: 0.5. Examples Online, Java in a Nutshell
graphics/GUI packages: 4.1. Java Platform Overview, Java in a Nutshell
IDL tool: 8. Java Development Tools, Java in a Nutshell
InfoBus standard extension: 6. JavaBeans, Java in a Nutshell
Java Activation Framework standard extension: 6. JavaBeans, Java in a Nutshell
Java programming
books: 0.3. Related Books, Java in a Nutshell
language: 2. Java Syntax from the Ground Up, Java in a Nutshell
tutorial: 1.3.3. Exceptions, Java in a Nutshell
web sites: 0.4. Java Programming Resources Online, Java in a Nutshell
JavaBeans API event model: 6.1. Bean Basics, Java in a Nutshell
portability certification program (Sun): 7.2. Portability Conventions and Pure Java Rules, Java in a Nutshell
quick reference material, generating: 0.8. How the Quick Reference Is Generated, Java in a Nutshell
RMI tool: 8. Java Development Tools, Java in a Nutshell
security: 5.5.3. Security for System Administrators, Java in a Nutshell
standard extensions: 4.1. Java Platform Overview, Java in a Nutshell
body: 5.1. The Structure of a Response, Java Servlet Programming
example: 2.1.1. Requests, Responses, and Headers, Java Servlet Programming
partial table of: 5.6. HTTP Headers, Java Servlet Programming
image: 6.1. Images, Java Servlet Programming
structure: 5.1. The Structure of a Response, Java Servlet Programming
ResponseHandler interface: 33. The org.omg.CORBA.portable Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
on anonymous classes: 3.12.2. Restrictions on Anonymous Classes, Java in a Nutshell
on encryption: 13.1. Export Restrictions, Java Security
on local classes: 3.11.2. Restrictions on Local Classes, Java in a Nutshell
on member classes: 3.10.2. Restrictions on Member Classes, Java in a Nutshell
on static member classes: 3.9.2. Restrictions on Static Member Classes, Java in a Nutshell
result sets
deleting rows: 2.13.1. Results Handling, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
multiple: 2.5.1. Multiple Result Sets, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
structure, discovering: 2.9. Metadata, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
results, SQL queries: 2.6. Results, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
ResultSet class: 7.1.1. Data Retrieval Example, Java Distributed Computing ResultSet, Java Distributed Computing
getAsciiStream( ) method: 9.5.2. Binaries and Books , Java Servlet Programming
getBinaryStream( ) method: 9.5.2. Binaries and Books , Java Servlet Programming
9.5.2. Binaries and Books , Java Servlet Programming
getObject( ) method: 9.2.3. Executing SQL Queries, Java Servlet Programming
getString( ) method: 9.2.3. Executing SQL Queries, Java Servlet Programming
indexes, numbered 1 to n: 9.2.5. Result Sets in Detail, Java Servlet Programming
next( ) method: 9.2.3. Executing SQL Queries, Java Servlet Programming
ResultSet interface: 2.2. JDBC Basics, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
2.6. Results, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
18. The java.sql Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
BLOBs and CLOBs: 2.13.4. BLOBs and CLOBs, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
cursor location (JDBC 2.0): 2.13.1. Results Handling, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
data types
large, handling: 2.6.2. Large Data Types, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
JDBC 2.0 vs. 1.0, navigating: 2.6. Results, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
JDBC 1.0 vs. JDBC 2.0: 2.13.1. Results Handling, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
result set types, listed: 2.13.1. Results Handling, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
rows, inserting, deleting, editing data: 2.13.1. Results Handling, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
scroll-sensitive, updateable: 2.13.1. Results Handling, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
SQL queries: 2.5. Statements, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
updating (single table without joins): 2.13.1. Results Handling, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
ResultSetMetaData class
getColumnCount( ) method: 9.2.5. Result Sets in Detail, Java Servlet Programming
getColumnLabel( ) method: 9.2.5. Result Sets in Detail, Java Servlet Programming
ResultSetMetaData interface: 2.9. Metadata, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
18. The java.sql Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
database table, contents and data types (example program): 2.9.2. ResultSetMetaData, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
resume( ): 4.4.2. Distributed ThreadGroups, Java Distributed Computing
resume( ) (Thread): 12. The java.lang Package, Java in a Nutshell
retainAll( ) (Collection): 23. The java.util Package, Java in a Nutshell
Retry-After header: 5.6. HTTP Headers, Java Servlet Programming
return codes (SQL): 8.6. Return Codes, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
@return doc-comment tag: 7.3.2. Doc-Comment Tags, Java in a Nutshell
7.3.2. Doc-Comment Tags, Java in a Nutshell
return statements: 2.6.13. The return Statement, Java in a Nutshell
return types: Return type, Java in a Nutshell
Java RMI: 6.1.4 Java RMI Return Types, Parameters, and Exceptions, Enterprise JavaBeans
return values: Defining a method, Java in a Nutshell
return values (remote methods): 3.4.2. Remote Method Arguments and Return Values, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
serializable, required: 3.4.2. Remote Method Arguments and Return Values, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
returnConnection( ) method: 9.4.3. Connection Pooling, Java Servlet Programming
returning results: Returning the result, Java in a Nutshell
return_value( ) (Request): 30. The org.omg.CORBA Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
reusing abilities of another servlet: 11.2. Servlet Reuse, Java Servlet Programming
11.2.2. Reusing ChatServlet, Java Servlet Programming
reverse( ) (Collections): 23. The java.util Package, Java in a Nutshell
reverseOrder( ) (Collections): 23. The java.util Package, Java in a Nutshell
revoked certificates: 10.4.5. Revoked Certificates, Java Security
D.2. Package, Java Security
D.2. Package, Java Security
RevokedCertificate class: D.2. Package, Java Security
D.2. Package, Java Security
revokeService( ) (BeanContextServices): 10. The java.beans.beancontext Package, Java in a Nutshell
rewind( ) (DynAny): 30. The org.omg.CORBA Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
rewriting URLs: 7.3. URL Rewriting, Java Servlet Programming
RFC 1630 (about URIs, URLs, and URNs): 4.4.5. Determining What Was Requested, Java Servlet Programming
RFC 1521 (Base64 encoding): 8.1.2. Custom Authorization, Java Servlet Programming
RFC 2278 (charsets): 12.3.1. Charsets, Java Servlet Programming
RFC 2109 (cookie specification): 7.4. Persistent Cookies, Java Servlet Programming
RFC 1867 (file-uploading specification): Receiving files using the input stream, Java Servlet Programming
RFC 2070 (HTML internationalization): 12.6. HTML Forms, Java Servlet Programming
RFC 2279 (UTF-8 character set): 12.4.1. UCS-2 and UTF-8, Java Servlet Programming
RGBImageFilter class: 18. The java.awt.image Package, Java Foundation Classes
RGBtoHSB( ) (Color): 9. The java.awt Package, Java Foundation Classes
Rich Text Format (RTF): 3.21 JTextComponent and HTML Text Display, Java Foundation Classes
33. The javax.swing.text.rtf Package, Java Foundation Classes
right-to-left associativity: Associativity, Java in a Nutshell
RMI: 3.6. Java RMI, Java Distributed Computing
1.3.2. RMI: Remote Method Invocation, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
3. Remote Method Invocation, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
activation features, listed: 3.6. Remote Object Activation, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
activation system: 3.2.1. Key RMI Classes for Remote Object Implementations, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
14. The java.rmi.activation Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
advantages: 10.1.3. JDBC, RMI, and a Little CORBA, Java Servlet Programming
API: 10.1.3. JDBC, RMI, and a Little CORBA, Java Servlet Programming
architecture: 3.1.2. RMI Architecture, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
converting to RMI/IIOP: 3.8. RMI over IIOP, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
loading: 3.5. Dynamically Loaded Classes, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
client servlets: 13.6. Acting as an RMI Client, Java Servlet Programming
communication: 10.2.5. RMI Communication, Java Servlet Programming
communication styles, remote objects: 3.1.2. RMI Architecture, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
CORBA distributed object API vs.: 3.7.1. RMI with JNI Versus CORBA, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
CORBA vs.: 4.1. The CORBA Architecture, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
disadvantages: 10.1.3. JDBC, RMI, and a Little CORBA, Java Servlet Programming
EJB and: 7. Enterprise JavaBeans, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
firewall limitations: 10.1.3. JDBC, RMI, and a Little CORBA, Java Servlet Programming
fundamental roles: 7.2. EJB Roles, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
IIOP: 3.8. RMI over IIOP, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
interfaces (elements): 3. Remote Method Invocation, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
JNDI, looking up remote objects: 6. JNDI, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
JNI vs. CORBA: 3.7.1. RMI with JNI Versus CORBA, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
language dependence (Java only): 3.1. Introduction to RMI, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
native method calls: 3.7. RMI and Native Method Calls, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
no requests or responses: 10.1.3. JDBC, RMI, and a Little CORBA, Java Servlet Programming
object services: 3.1.3. RMI Object Services, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
objects, accessing from CORBA: 3.8.1. Accessing RMI Objects from CORBA, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
registry (see RMI registry)
registry server: 10.1.3. JDBC, RMI, and a Little CORBA, Java Servlet Programming The superclass, Java Servlet Programming The superclass, Java Servlet Programming
rmic compiler: The servlet, Java Servlet Programming
10.3.5. The RMI Applet, Java Servlet Programming
servlet feature: 1.3.2. Power, Java Servlet Programming
stub/skeleton layer: 3.4.2. Remote Method Arguments and Return Values, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
supported by Netscape Navigator only: 10.1.3. JDBC, RMI, and a Little CORBA, Java Servlet Programming
transport layer: 10.1.3. JDBC, RMI, and a Little CORBA, Java Servlet Programming
activation daemon: 9. RMI Tools, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
registry, environment (classpath): 9. RMI Tools, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
RMI registry: 9. RMI Tools, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
rmic compiler (see rmic)
serial version utility: 9. RMI Tools, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
tools: 9. RMI Tools, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
RMI class loaders: 3.2.3. The RMI Class Loader, Java Security
3.2.6. Choosing the Right Class Loader, Java Security
D.8. Miscellaneous Packages, Java Security
RMI compiler (see rmic)
RMI Naming registry: Registering an activatable object without instantiating, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
(see also RMI registry)
JNDI, conversion (talking to CORBA Naming Service): 3.8. RMI over IIOP, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
remote objects, registering: Registering an activatable object without instantiating, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
rmi protocol (object URLs): 3.4.1. The Registry and Naming Services, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
RMI registry: Naming/registry service, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
3.4.1. The Registry and Naming Services, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
activatable class, registering: 3.6. Remote Object Activation, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
classpath, stubs and skeletons: 3.5.1. Configuring Clients and Servers for Remote Class Loading, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
factory class: 3.4.3. Factory Classes, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
3.4.3. Factory Classes, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
naming service: 13. The java.rmi Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
registering remote objects without activation: 3.6. Remote Object Activation, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
remote objects, looking up: 3.4.1. The Registry and Naming Services, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
remote objects, registering: 3.1.1. RMI in Action, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
RMI security manager: The RMI security manager, Java Security
rmic: 9. RMI Tools, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
Skeleton interface: 17. The java.rmi.server Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
stubs and skeletons: 3.1.1. RMI in Action, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
3.3. Creating the Stubs and Skeletons, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
3.2. Defining Remote Objects, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
updated, RMI/IIOP: 3.8. RMI over IIOP, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
rmic compiler: 3.6.4. Client Stubs and Server Skeletons, Java Distributed Computing The servlet, Java Servlet Programming
10.3.5. The RMI Applet, Java Servlet Programming
RMIChatClient class (example): 10.1. A Simple Chat System, Java Distributed Computing
RMIChessMove interface (example): 6.7. Using Remote Objects, Java Distributed Computing
RMIChessMoveImpl class (example): 6.7. Using Remote Objects, Java Distributed Computing
RMIChessPlayer interface (example): 6.7. Using Remote Objects, Java Distributed Computing
RMIChessPlayerImpl class (example): 6.7. Using Remote Objects, Java Distributed Computing
RMIClassLoader class: D.3. The java.rmi.server Package, Java Distributed Computing
3.5. Dynamically Loaded Classes, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
3.5.1. Configuring Clients and Servers for Remote Class Loading, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
17. The java.rmi.server Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
3.2.3. The RMI Class Loader, Java Security
3.2.6. Choosing the Right Class Loader, Java Security
D.8. Miscellaneous Packages, Java Security
RMIClientSocketFactory class: 17. The java.rmi.server Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
17. The java.rmi.server Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
RMICollaborator interface (example): 9.3.2. Collaborating with RMI, Java Distributed Computing
9.3.2. Collaborating with RMI, Java Distributed Computing
RMICollaboratorImpl class (example): 9.3.2. Collaborating with RMI, Java Distributed Computing
9.3.2. Collaborating with RMI, Java Distributed Computing
10.1. A Simple Chat System, Java Distributed Computing
10.2. A Shared Whiteboard, Java Distributed Computing
rmid command: 9. RMI Tools, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
RMIDatabaseItem interface (example): Distributed objects from the data server, Java Distributed Computing
RMIFailureHandler class: 17. The java.rmi.server Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
D.3. The java.rmi.server Package, Java Distributed Computing
RMI/IIOP: 3.5. CORBA, Java Distributed Computing
casting, not supporting: EJB 1.1: Explicit narrowing using PortableRemoteObject, Enterprise JavaBeans
problems with firewalls: 11.3 Web Components and EJB, Enterprise JavaBeans
RMI communicating with CORBA remote objects: 3.1. Introduction to RMI, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
servers, client compatibility with: 7.9.5. Assorted Other Changes, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
TCP/IP protocol base: 4.1.4. Inter-ORB Communication, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
tnameserv utility: 3.8. RMI over IIOP, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
web sites for information: 10.1.3. JDBC, RMI, and a Little CORBA, Java Servlet Programming
RMIMediator interface (example): 9.3.2. Collaborating with RMI, Java Distributed Computing
9.3.2. Collaborating with RMI, Java Distributed Computing
RMIMediatorImpl class (example): 9.3.2. Collaborating with RMI, Java Distributed Computing
10.2. A Shared Whiteboard, Java Distributed Computing
rmiregistry command: 3.6.3. The RMI Registry, Java Distributed Computing
RMISchedDbase interface (example): Distributed objects from the data server, Java Distributed Computing
RMIScheduler class (example): Distributed objects from the data server, Java Distributed Computing
RMISecurityException: D.1. The java.rmi Package, Java Distributed Computing
13. The java.rmi Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
RMISecurityManager class: D.1. The java.rmi Package, Java Distributed Computing
3.5.1. Configuring Clients and Servers for Remote Class Loading, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
13. The java.rmi Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
13. The java.rmi Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell The RMI security manager, Java Security
D.8. Miscellaneous Packages, Java Security
setting for remote class loading: 3.5.1. Configuring Clients and Servers for Remote Class Loading, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
RMIServerSocketFactory class: 17. The java.rmi.server Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
17. The java.rmi.server Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
RMISocketFactory class: D.3. The java.rmi.server Package, Java Distributed Computing
17. The java.rmi.server Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
RMISolver interface (example): 3.6.7. An RMI Solver, Java Distributed Computing
RmtThreadGroup class (example): 4.4.2. Distributed ThreadGroups, Java Distributed Computing
rogues, fiendish: 8. Security, Java Servlet Programming
role-driven access control: EJB 1.1: Role-driven access control, Enterprise JavaBeans
role-link element: 10.5.6 Security Roles, Enterprise JavaBeans
role-name element: 10.5.6 Security Roles, Enterprise JavaBeans
RoleIdentity class: 6.2.5 EJB 1.0: EJBContext, Enterprise JavaBeans
roll( ): 23. The java.util Package, Java in a Nutshell
rollback( )
2.10. Transactions, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
8.5.3 UserTransaction, Enterprise JavaBeans
9.4.1. Using Transactions with JDBC, Java Servlet Programming
1.3.8. JTA: Managing Distributed Transactions, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell Statement, Java Distributed Computing
Connection interface: 18. The java.sql Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
EJBContext methods: 8.5.5 EJBContext Rollback Methods, Enterprise JavaBeans
marking transaction for: 8.5.3 UserTransaction, Enterprise JavaBeans
UserTransaction interface: 28. The javax.transaction Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
rollback/commit control in updating databases: 8.2.4 Transaction Propagation , Enterprise JavaBeans
RollbackException class: 28. The javax.transaction Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
root cause exception, specifying (Servlet API Version 2.1): 5.10. The Servlet API 2.1, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
root (CORBA naming directory): 4.1.3. The Naming Service, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
root directories, listing: 11. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
root directory of server: 4.2.1. Getting Information About the Server, Java Servlet Programming
root element: EJB 1.1: Deployment descriptors, Enterprise JavaBeans
4.2.5 EJB 1.1: The Deployment Descriptor, Enterprise JavaBeans
10.4 The Descriptor's Body, Enterprise JavaBeans
root object class (CORBA): 4.4. Finding Remote Objects, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
root packages (IDL/Java mapping): 12. Java IDL Tools, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
RootLayout class: 23. The javax.swing Package, Java Foundation Classes
RootPaneContainer interface: 2.4 Containers and Containment, Java Foundation Classes
23. The javax.swing Package, Java Foundation Classes
rotate( )
AffineTransform class: 4.2 Java 2D Graphics Attributes and Operations, Java Foundation Classes
4.11.1 Setting Up an AffineTransform, Java Foundation Classes
Graphics2D class: 4.3 The Coordinate System, Java Foundation Classes
4.3 The Coordinate System, Java Foundation Classes
RoundRectangle2D class: 16. The java.awt.geom Package, Java Foundation Classes
RowMapper interface: 34. The javax.swing.tree Package, Java Foundation Classes
insertions, preventing: 2.10. Transactions, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
navigating (ResultSet): 2.6. Results, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
accessing: 2.13.1. Results Handling, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
editing data, inserting or deleting: 2.13.1. Results Handling, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
RowSet interface: 2.13.5. The JDBC Standard Extension, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
27. The javax.sql Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
RowSetEvent class: 27. The javax.sql Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
RowSetInternal interface: 27. The javax.sql Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
RowSetListener interface: 27. The javax.sql Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
RowSetMetaData interface: 27. The javax.sql Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
RowSetReader interface: 27. The javax.sql Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
RowSetWriter interface: 27. The javax.sql Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
RPCs (remote procedure calls): 1.5.1 TP Monitors, Enterprise JavaBeans
RSA and DSA public and private keys: 20. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
representing and encoding: 21. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
RSA encryption: 13.6.3. SSL Encryption, Java Security
RSAPrivateKeyCrtSpec class: Secret key specifications, Java Security
RSAPrivateKeySpec class: Secret key specifications, Java Security
D.4. Package, Java Security
RSAPublicKey interface: D.7. Package javax.crypto.spec, Java Security
RSAPublicKeySpec class: Secret key specifications, Java Security
D.4. Package, Java Security
RSA public key encryption: Encryption techniques, Java Distributed Computing
RSAKey interface: 20. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
RSAKeyGenParameterSpec interface: 21. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
RSAKeyPairGenerator class: 5.4.3. Keys in the Java Security API, Java Distributed Computing
RSAPrivateCrtKey interface: 20. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec interface: 21. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
RSAPrivateKey interface: 20. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
RSAPrivateKeySpec interface: 21. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
RSAPublicKey interface: 20. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
20. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
RSAPublicKeySpec interface: 21. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
RTCP (Real-Time Control Protocol): 8.2.3. Levels of Monitoring and Management, Java Distributed Computing
RTF (Rich Text Format): 3.21 JTextComponent and HTML Text Display, Java Foundation Classes
33. The javax.swing.text.rtf Package, Java Foundation Classes
RTFEditorKit class: 33. The javax.swing.text.rtf Package, Java Foundation Classes
RTInputStream class (example): 8.4.1. Raw Data Monitoring, Java Distributed Computing
RTOutputStream class (example): 8.4.1. Raw Data Monitoring, Java Distributed Computing
RTP (Real-Time Protocol): 8.2.3. Levels of Monitoring and Management, Java Distributed Computing
RuleBasedCollator class: 22. The java.text Package, Java in a Nutshell
rules: 6.2. JavaBeans Conventions, Java in a Nutshell
(see also conventions)
pure Java: 7.2. Portability Conventions and Pure Java Rules, Java in a Nutshell
run( ): 1.3.7. Multithreading Support, Java Distributed Computing
4.1. Thread and Runnable, Java Distributed Computing
run-as-identity: 7.7.2. Access-Control Deployment Attributes, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
run-as-mode: 7.7.2. Access-Control Deployment Attributes, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
runAs Identity: EJB 1.0: Method-driven access control, Enterprise JavaBeans EJB 1.0: Method-driven access control, Enterprise JavaBeans
RunElement class: 31. The javax.swing.text.html Package, Java Foundation Classes
runFinalization( ): 12. The java.lang Package, Java in a Nutshell
System class: 12. The java.lang Package, Java in a Nutshell
Runnable interface: 1.3.7. Multithreading Support, Java Distributed Computing
4.1. Thread and Runnable, Java Distributed Computing
12. The java.lang Package, Java in a Nutshell
for asynchronous message passing: 6.3.2. A Basic Message Processor, Java Distributed Computing
implementing: 4.2.1. Implementing Runnable, Java Distributed Computing
Runnable method: 4.8. Threads, Java in a Nutshell
RunnableSolver class (example): 4.2.1. Implementing Runnable, Java Distributed Computing
RunnableSolverClient class (example): 4.2.1. Implementing Runnable, Java Distributed Computing
RunnableSolveServer class (example): 4.2.1. Implementing Runnable, Java Distributed Computing
running Java applications: 1.4. Running a Java Application, Java Security
JavaRunner for (example): 1.4. Running a Java Application, Java Security
Launcher for (example): 1.4.2. Built-in Java Application Security, Java Security
running programs: 1.3.1. Compiling and Running the Program, Java in a Nutshell
runtime behaviors
customizing with deployment descriptors: 2.1.2 Deployment Descriptors and JAR Files, Enterprise JavaBeans
modifying at deployment in server-side components: 1.1.2 Server-Side Components, Enterprise JavaBeans
runtime bytecode verification: 2.2.3. Runtime Enforcement, Java Security
Runtime class: 12. The java.lang Package, Java in a Nutshell
12. The java.lang Package, Java in a Nutshell
runtime environment
Java RMI Registry: 3.6.3. The RMI Registry, Java Distributed Computing
loading class definitions: 2.3. The ClassLoader, Java Distributed Computing
object serialization versus: 3.6.6. Serializing Objects, Java Distributed Computing
managing threads: 4.3. Managing Threads at Runtime, Java Distributed Computing
remote objects and: 3.3. Features of Distributed Object Systems, Java Distributed Computing
security and: Runtime environment, Java Distributed Computing
runtime exceptions: 6.2.2 Exception Handling, Enterprise JavaBeans
Runtime interface: 2.1.4. Streams, Readers, and Writers for Input and Output, Java Distributed Computing
RuntimeException: 12. The java.lang Package, Java in a Nutshell
Runtime.exec( ) method, conventions/rules for: 7.2. Portability Conventions and Pure Java Rules, Java in a Nutshell
RuntimePermission class: 12. The java.lang Package, Java in a Nutshell
5.2.2. Permissions of the Java API, Java Security
6.3.6. Establishing a Security Policy in 1.2, Java Security
D.8. Miscellaneous Packages, Java Security

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