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Index: U

UCS-2 (Universal Character Set, 2-byte): 12.4.1. UCS-2 and UTF-8, Java Servlet Programming
UDP (Unreliable Datagram Protocol): 2.1.2. Your Basic Socket, Java Distributed Computing
UI delegate objects: 2.7 Swing Component Architecture, Java Foundation Classes
custom components and: 3.24.5 Handling Events, Java Foundation Classes
Uicode character set, subset: 12. The java.lang Package, Java in a Nutshell
UID class: D.3. The java.rmi.server Package, Java Distributed Computing
17. The java.rmi.server Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
UIDefaults class: 23. The javax.swing Package, Java Foundation Classes
UIDefaults.LazyValue interface: 23. The javax.swing Package, Java Foundation Classes
UIManager class: 3.22 Pluggable Look-and-Feel, Java Foundation Classes
23. The javax.swing Package, Java Foundation Classes
UIResource interface: 3.22.1 Using Themes with the Metal Look-and-Feel, Java Foundation Classes
23. The javax.swing Package, Java Foundation Classes
23. The javax.swing Package, Java Foundation Classes
28. The javax.swing.plaf Package, Java Foundation Classes
29. The javax.swing.table Package, Java Foundation Classes
unary (~) operator (see bitwise complement operator)
unary minus (-): 2.5.2. Arithmetic Operators, Java in a Nutshell
unauthorized copying: 4.2.2. Locking a Servlet to a Server, Java Servlet Programming
UnavailableException class: Servlet exceptions, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
25. The javax.servlet Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
A. Servlet API Quick Reference, Java Servlet Programming
unbind( )
Context interface: 6.8. Binding Objects, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
Naming class: 13. The java.rmi Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
Naming interface: D.1. The java.rmi Package, Java Distributed Computing
NamingContext interface: 35. The org.omg.CosNaming Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
Registry interface: 3.4.1. The Registry and Naming Services, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
16. The java.rmi.registry Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
Remote interface: D.2. The java.rmi.registry Package, Java Distributed Computing
uncaughtException( ) (ThreadGroup): 12. The java.lang Package, Java in a Nutshell
unchecked exceptions: 8.7.4 Unchecked Exceptions, Enterprise JavaBeans
8.7.4 Unchecked Exceptions, Enterprise JavaBeans
UndeclaredThrowableException: 14. The java.lang.reflect Package, Java in a Nutshell
14. The java.lang.reflect Package, Java in a Nutshell
undecremented values: 2.5.4. Increment and Decrement Operators, Java in a Nutshell
UnderlineAction class: 30. The javax.swing.text Package, Java Foundation Classes
underscore (_) in identifier name: 2.3. Identifiers and Reserved Words, Java in a Nutshell
Understanding Digital Signatures book: 8.2. Digital Certificates, Java Servlet Programming
undo( )
AbstractUndoableEdit class: 35. The javax.swing.undo Package, Java Foundation Classes
CompoundEdit class: 35. The javax.swing.undo Package, Java Foundation Classes
StateEdit class: 35. The javax.swing.undo Package, Java Foundation Classes
UndoableEdit interface: 35. The javax.swing.undo Package, Java Foundation Classes
UndoManager class: 35. The javax.swing.undo Package, Java Foundation Classes
UndoableEdit interface: 35. The javax.swing.undo Package, Java Foundation Classes
UndoableEditEvent class: 26. The javax.swing.event Package, Java Foundation Classes
UndoableEditListener interface: 26. The javax.swing.event Package, Java Foundation Classes
UndoableEditSupport class: 35. The javax.swing.undo Package, Java Foundation Classes
UndoManager class: 35. The javax.swing.undo Package, Java Foundation Classes
UnexpectedException: D.1. The java.rmi Package, Java Distributed Computing
UnexpectedException class: 13. The java.rmi Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
unexportObject( ) (Activatable): 14. The java.rmi.activation Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
unicast events (JavaBeans): 6.1. Bean Basics, Java in a Nutshell
UnicastRemoteObject class: 3.6.2. Server Implementations, Java Distributed Computing
D.3. The java.rmi.server Package, Java Distributed Computing
3.1.1. RMI in Action, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
3.2.1. Key RMI Classes for Remote Object Implementations, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
14. The java.rmi.activation Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
17. The java.rmi.server Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell The superclass, Java Servlet Programming
nonpersistent references: 3.6. Remote Object Activation, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
alternative to escapes: 12.3.3. Reading and Writing Encoded Output, Java Servlet Programming
currency symbols: 2.3. Identifiers and Reserved Words, Java in a Nutshell
detailed description: 12.1.2. Unicode Escapes, Java Servlet Programming
for non-HTML output: 12.1.1. HTML Character Entities, Java Servlet Programming
for special characters: 12.1. Western European Languages, Java Servlet Programming
PrintWriter conversion from: 2.3.1. Writing Hello World, Java Servlet Programming
web site for information: 12.1.2. Unicode Escapes, Java Servlet Programming
web site for standard: 12.1.2. Unicode Escapes, Java Servlet Programming
Unicode character set: 2.1. The Unicode Character Set, Java in a Nutshell
7.1. Naming and Capitalization Conventions, Java in a Nutshell
PrintStream class and: 11. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
UnicodeBlock class: 12. The java.lang Package, Java in a Nutshell
UTFDataFormatException: 11. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
Unicom's Servlet CGI Development Kit, web site for information: 1.2.2. Add-on Servlet Engines, Java Servlet Programming
uniform resource locators (see URLs)
Uniform Resource Name (URN): 4.4.5. Determining What Was Requested, Java Servlet Programming
uninitialized variables: 2.1. Java Language Security Constructs, Java Security
uninstallUI( ) (UIResource): 28. The javax.swing.plaf Package, Java Foundation Classes
UnionMember class: 30. The org.omg.CORBA Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
unions (IDL): 10.7.6. Unions, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
30. The org.omg.CORBA Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
idltojava compiler bugs: 12. Java IDL Tools, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
mapping to Java: Mapping unions to Java, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
unique identifier class (UID): 17. The java.rmi.server Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
unit-of-work in transactions: 8.1 ACID Transactions, Enterprise JavaBeans
8.2.1 Transaction Scope, Enterprise JavaBeans
Universal Resource Identifier (URI): 4.4.5. Determining What Was Requested, Java Servlet Programming
Universal Time Coordinated (UTC): 11.13. Time Service, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
Unix systems, RMI registry daemon: 3.4.1. The Registry and Naming Services, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
UNKNOWN class: 30. The org.omg.CORBA Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
UnknownError: 12. The java.lang Package, Java in a Nutshell
UnknownGroupException class: 14. The java.rmi.activation Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
UnknownHostException: D.1. The java.rmi Package, Java Distributed Computing
16. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
UnknownObjectException class: 14. The java.rmi.activation Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
UnknownServiceException: 16. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
UnknownUserException class: 30. The org.omg.CORBA Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
unloading servlets: 3.3.2. A Counter with Init and Destroy, Java Servlet Programming
UnmarshalException: D.1. The java.rmi Package, Java Distributed Computing
13. The java.rmi Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
unmarshaling: 3.1.2. RMI Architecture, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
3.1.2. RMI Architecture, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
(see also marshaling)
classes, finding: 3.5.1. Configuring Clients and Servers for Remote Class Loading, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
remote method arguments: Mapping strings and characters to Java, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
unmarshalling IDL objects: 33. The org.omg.CORBA.portable Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
unmodifiable methods (Collection): 23. The java.util Package, Java in a Nutshell
unread( )
PushbackInputStream class: 11. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
PushbackReader class: 11. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
UnrecoverableKeyException: 17. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
unreferenced( ): D.3. The java.rmi.server Package, Java Distributed Computing
Unreferenced class: 17. The java.rmi.server Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
Unreferenced interface: D.3. The java.rmi.server Package, Java Distributed Computing
unreferenced( ) (Unreferenced): 17. The java.rmi.server Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
unregister( ) (Activatable): 14. The java.rmi.activation Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
unregisterComponent( ) (ToolTipManager): 23. The javax.swing Package, Java Foundation Classes
unreliable datagram packets: 16. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
Unreliable Datagram Protocol (UDP): 2.1.2. Your Basic Socket, Java Distributed Computing
UnresolvedPermission class: 17. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
5.2.2. Permissions of the Java API, Java Security
D.1. Package, Java Security
UnsatisfiedLinkError: 12. The java.lang Package, Java in a Nutshell
unsetEntityContext( ) 7.6.3. Entity Bean Implementation, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
6.3.5 End of the Life Cycle, Enterprise JavaBeans
19. The javax.ejb Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
unsigned right shift (>>>) operator: 2.5.7. Bitwise and Shift Operators, Java in a Nutshell
UnsupportedClassVersionError: 12. The java.lang Package, Java in a Nutshell
UnsupportedEncodingException: 11. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
UnsupportedFlavorException class: 11. The java.awt.datatransfer Package, Java Foundation Classes
UnsupportedLookAndFeelException class: 23. The javax.swing Package, Java Foundation Classes
UnsupportedOperationException: 12. The java.lang Package, Java in a Nutshell
23. The java.util Package, Java in a Nutshell
23. The java.util Package, Java in a Nutshell
23. The java.util Package, Java in a Nutshell
until loop: Looping and computing the factorial, Java in a Nutshell
untrusted applets: 10.1. Communication Options, Java Servlet Programming
untrusted classes: 4.2. Trusted and Untrusted Classes, Java Security
file access and: 4.3.2. Methods Relating to File Access, Java Security
network access and: 4.3.3. Methods Relating to Network Access, Java Security
opening sockets, inCheck variable and: 6.1.2. Protected Instance Variables in the Security Manager, Java Security
trusted classes as members of: 6.1. Protected Methods of the Security Manager, Java Security
untrusted code: 5. Java Security, Java in a Nutshell
UnusableEntryException: C.2. Entry and EntryRep, Java Distributed Computing
update( ): 5.5.2. Public Key Signatures for Authentication, Java Distributed Computing
Checksum interface: 25. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
Cipher class: 13.5.1. Using the Cipher Class, Java Security
26. The javax.crypto Package, Java in a Nutshell
MessageDigest class: 9.1. Using the Message Digest Class, Java Security
17. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
Observable class: 23. The java.util Package, Java in a Nutshell
Observer interface: 23. The java.util Package, Java in a Nutshell
Signature class: 12.1.1. Using the Signature Class, Java Security
17. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
12.1.1. Using the Signature Class, Java Security
update( ) (PaintEvent): 14. The java.awt.event Package, Java Foundation Classes
updateChooser( ) (AbstractColorChooserPanel): 25. The javax.swing.colorchooser Package, Java Foundation Classes
updateComponentTreeUI( ) (SwingUtilities): 23. The javax.swing Package, Java Foundation Classes
updateFromDbase( ): 7.2.4. JDBC-Enabled Data Objects, Java Distributed Computing
7.2.4. JDBC-Enabled Data Objects, Java Distributed Computing
7.3. Multi-Database Applications, Java Distributed Computing
updateInt( ) (ResultSet): 2.13.1. Results Handling, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
updateRow( ) (ResutSet): 2.13.1. Results Handling, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
updates (ResultSet), JDBC 1.0 vs. JDBC 2.0: 2.13.1. Results Handling, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
updateToDbase( ): 7.2.4. JDBC-Enabled Data Objects, Java Distributed Computing
7.3. Multi-Database Applications, Java Distributed Computing
attributes: 23. The Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
23. The Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
batch updates (JDBC): 2.13.2. Batch Updates, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
result sets
existing rows, editing data: 2.13.1. Results Handling, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
result sets, updateable: 2.13.1. Results Handling, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
JDBC 2.0 support: 2.13.1. Results Handling, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
support information (DataBaseMetaData): 2.13.1. Results Handling, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
SQL databases: 9.2.7. Updating the Database, Java Servlet Programming
SQL tables: 8.4.3. UPDATE, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
update counts: 2.5.1. Multiple Result Sets, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
2.13.2. Batch Updates, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
uploading files: Receiving files using the input stream, Java Servlet Programming
URI path, specifying: 5.10.3. Resource Abstraction, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
URL class: 2.2. URLs, URLConnections, and ContentHandlers, Java Distributed Computing
16. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
16. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
4.11. Networking, Java in a Nutshell
13.6.3. SSL Encryption, Java Security
input/output streams and: 4.11. Networking, Java in a Nutshell
URL class loaders: 3.2.5. The URL Class Loader, Java Security
3.6.1. Delegation, Java Security
D.8. Miscellaneous Packages, Java Security
defining classes in packages: 3.4.3. Implementing Security Policies in the Class Loader, Java Security
URLClassLoader class: 16. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
D.8. Miscellaneous Packages, Java Security
example: 2.3.1. Loading Classes from the Network, Java Distributed Computing
URLConnection class: Back to the applet, Java Servlet Programming
2.2. URLs, URLConnections, and ContentHandlers, Java Distributed Computing
16. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
16. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
URLDecoder class: 16. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
URLEncoder class: 16. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
URLStreamHandler class: 16. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
URLStreamHandlerFactory interface: 16. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
URLs: 4.11. Networking, Java in a Nutshell
2.2. URLs, URLConnections, and ContentHandlers, Java Distributed Computing
access to: 1.3.2. Power, Java Servlet Programming
bundling into MarshalledObject: Passing data with the MarshalledObject, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
class bytecodes, storing: 3.6.3. Registering Activatable Objects, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
class file name, encoding (marshalling): 3.5.1. Configuring Clients and Servers for Remote Class Loading, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
class names, loading: 3.6.4. Activation Groups, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
classes, loading: 17. The java.rmi.server Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
encoding (session tracking): 5.8. Session Tracking, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
examples in this book: 0.5. Examples Online, Java in a Nutshell
for access to servlet: 2.3.2. Running Hello World, Java Servlet Programming
https\:: 8.3. Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), Java Servlet Programming
identifying: 4.4.5. Determining What Was Requested, Java Servlet Programming
initial context, filesystem service (Sun): 6.2. A JNDI Example, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
HttpURLConnection class: 16. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
InfoBus standard extension: 6. JavaBeans, Java in a Nutshell
Java language specification: 2. Java Syntax from the Ground Up, Java in a Nutshell
JAR archive URLs: 16. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
Java Activation Framework standard extension: 6. JavaBeans, Java in a Nutshell
JavaBeans conventions: 6. JavaBeans, Java in a Nutshell
6. JavaBeans, Java in a Nutshell
Java programming: 0.4. Java Programming Resources Online, Java in a Nutshell
tutorial: 1.3.3. Exceptions, Java in a Nutshell
JDBC: 2.3.1. JDBC URLs, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
odbc subprotocol: 2.3.2. The JDBC-ODBC Bridge, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
finding for vendors: EJB 1.0: Using JDBC in EJB, Enterprise JavaBeans
6.2.12 EJB 1.0: Deploying the Bean-Managed Ship Bean, Enterprise JavaBeans
JNDI server, connecting with: 7.8.1. Finding Home Interfaces Through JNDI, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
JNDI, use of: 5.1 Locating Beans with JNDI, Enterprise JavaBeans
length limit: 2.1.2. GET and POST, Java Servlet Programming
length limitations, exceeding (POST requests): 5.2.3. POST, HEAD, and Other Requests, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
loading classes from (example): 2.3.1. Loading Classes from the Network, Java Distributed Computing
loading images from: 4.1.5 Images, Java Foundation Classes
MalformedURLException: 16. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
marshaled byte stream classes, finding (remote): 3.5.1. Configuring Clients and Servers for Remote Class Loading, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
method names, changes: 5.10. The Servlet API 2.1, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
object names, fully qualified: Naming/registry service, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
Oracle JDBC-Thin driver: 2.3.1. JDBC URLs, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
portability certification program (Sun): 7.2. Portability Conventions and Pure Java Rules, Java in a Nutshell
quick reference material, generating: 0.8. How the Quick Reference Is Generated, Java in a Nutshell
reading policies from: 5.3.1. The Default Policy, Java Security
resource abstraction (servlets): 5.10.3. Resource Abstraction, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
rewriting: 7.3. URL Rewriting, Java Servlet Programming
RMI remote objects: 3.4.1. The Registry and Naming Services, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
SDK: 1.3.1. Compiling and Running the Program, Java in a Nutshell
security: 5.5.3. Security for System Administrators, Java in a Nutshell
servlets: 5.2.1. HTTP Servlets, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
5.2.2. Forms and Interaction, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
target, updating (request dispatching): 5.10.1. Request Dispatching, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
XML deployment descriptors: 10.3 The Document Header, Enterprise JavaBeans
US-ASCII character set: 12.3.1. Charsets, Java Servlet Programming
12.4. Multiple Languages, Java Servlet Programming
U.S. restriction on encryption: 13.1. Export Restrictions, Java Security
-usepolicy flag: 1.4.2. Built-in Java Application Security, Java Security
1.4.2. Built-in Java Application Security, Java Security
5.3.1. The Default Policy, Java Security
useProtocolVersion( ) (ObjectOutputStream): 11. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
user access, restricting: 5.2.5. Servlet Requests, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
User-Agent header: 2.1.1. Requests, Responses, and Headers, Java Servlet Programming
4.4.8. Request Headers, Java Servlet Programming
6.2. Compressed Content, Java Servlet Programming
user API ( The User API, Java Distributed Computing
user authentication (see authentication)
user authorization
advantages: 7.1. User Authorization, Java Servlet Programming
example: 7.1. User Authorization, Java Servlet Programming
in request header: 4.4.8. Request Headers, Java Servlet Programming
type of: 4.3.3. Getting Information About the User, Java Servlet Programming
user information, access to: 4.3.6. Methods Protecting System Resources, Java Security
user preference files, Properties class and: 4.6. Collections, Java in a Nutshell
user space: 4.3 The Coordinate System, Java Foundation Classes
UserException class: 30. The org.omg.CORBA Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
username and password, encapsulating: 16. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
authenticating: 5.2.7. Security, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
database connections: 2.4. Connecting to the Database, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
identifying: 4.3.3. Getting Information About the User, Java Servlet Programming
listing: 13.4.1. Finger, Java Servlet Programming
security and: 5.5. Security for Everyone, Java in a Nutshell
UserTransaction interface: 8.5 Explicit Transaction Management, Enterprise JavaBeans
7.3. Transaction Management, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
7.8.3. Using Client-Side Transactions, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
28. The javax.transaction Package, Java Enterprise in a Nutshell
defining: 8.5.3 UserTransaction, Enterprise JavaBeans
methods, defined: 8.5.3 UserTransaction, Enterprise JavaBeans
UTFDataFormatException: 11. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
12.4.1. UCS-2 and UTF-8, Java Servlet Programming
UTFDataFormatException: 11. The Package, Java in a Nutshell
Utilities class: 30. The javax.swing.text Package, Java Foundation Classes
utility classes for policy implementation: 6.3.1. Utility Classes, Java Security

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