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Index: A

access control: 5.6. Order, Allow, and Deny
12.2. Blocking Access
anonymous access: 5.8. Anonymous Access
checking: 15.3.12. Check Access
configuration and request information: 14.5. Access to Configuration and Request Information
logging accesses: 11.5.2. TransferLog
modules for: 12.2. Blocking Access
server information: 3.4.5. ServerTokens
throttling connections: 12.8. Throttling Connections
access.conf file: 5.9.1. Access.conf
AccessFileName directive: 5.11.1. AccessFileName
acquire_event(): Event Functions
ACTION attribute (HTML): 4.1.3. The Form
Action directive: 4.9.1. Action
actions, CGI and: 4.9. Actions
AddAlt directive: 7.1.5. AddAlt
AddAltByEncoding directive: 7.1.11. AddAltByEncoding
AddAltByType directive: 7.1.9. AddAltByType
AddDescription directive: 7.1.6. AddDescription
AddEncoding directive: 6.1.4. AddEncoding
AddHandler directive: 4.2.2. Script in DocumentRoot
4.8.1. AddHandler
11.3. Server Status
type maps: 6.4. Type Maps
AddIcon directive: 7.1.4. AddIcon
AddIconByEncoding directive: 7.1.10. AddIconByEncoding
AddIconByType directive: 7.1.8. AddIconByType
AddModuleInfo directive: 11.1. AddModuleInfo
email, for automatic replies: 3.4.3. ServerAdmin
IP (see IP addresses)
loopback: 2.4.2. Running Apache Under Unix
AddType directive: 6.1.2. AddType
adduser command: 2.4.1. Webuser and Webgroup
5.5.1. DBM Files on Unix
alarms: 14.6.16. Timeout and Alarm Functions
alias command (Unix): 2.4.6. Our Experimental Micro Web
Alias directive: 8.3. Alias
alias module: 8. Redirection
CGI scripts: 4.3.1. ScriptAlias
8.3. Alias
hosts, listing: 3.4.6. ServerAlias
AliasMatch directive: 8.4. AliasMatch
All option (Options): 3.11. Options
allow directive: 5.6. Order, Allow, and Deny
11.3. Server Status
AllowOverride directive: 5.12.1. AllowOverride
15.3.5. Command Table
alternate text for browsers: 7.1.5. AddAlt
7.1.9. AddAltByType
access: 5.8. Anonymous Access
key exchange (SSL): D.1.1.1. Anonymous key exchange
Anonymous directive: 5.8.1. Anonymous
Anonymous_Authoritative directive: 5.8.5. Anonymous_Authoritative
Anonymous_LogEmail directive: 5.8.3. Anonymous_LogEmail
Anonymous_MustGiveEmail directive: 5.8.6. Anonymous_MustGiveEmail
Anonymous_NoUserID directive: 5.8.2. Anonymous_NoUserID
Anonymous_VerifyEmail directive: 5.8.4. Anonymous_VerifyEmail
directives (see directives, Apache)
history of: 0.1. Who Wrote Apache, and Why?
modules (see modules)
multiple copies: 3.9. Two Copies of Apache
NCSA server and: C. NCSA and Apache Compatibility
restarting: 3.12. Restarts
security (see security)
technical support: A. Support Organizations
under Win32 (see Win32)
versions of: 0. Preface
1.7. Which Apache?
Apache API: 14. The Apache API
functions of (list): 14.6. Functions
apache command flags: 2.2. Apache's Flags
Apache FTP directory: 12. Extra Modules
Apache-SSL patch: 13.6.2. Get the Apache-SSL Patch
apachect1 script: 2.4. Setting Up a Unix Server
apache.exe: 1.1. How Does Apache Work?
1.9. Apache Under Windows
ap_acquire_mutex(): Mutex Functions
ap_add_cgi_vars(): 14.6.7. Process and CGI Functions
ap_add_common_vars(): 14.6.7. Process and CGI Functions
ap_add_version_component(): 14.6.19. Server Information Functions
ap_allow_options(): 14.6.18. Configuration Information Functions
ap_allow_overrides(): 14.6.18. Configuration Information Functions
ap_auth_name(): 14.6.18. Configuration Information Functions
ap_auth_type(): 14.6.18. Configuration Information Functions
ap_bclose(): 14.6.22. Buffering Functions
ap_bcreate(): 14.6.22. Buffering Functions
ap_bfileno(): 14.6.22. Buffering Functions
ap_bflush(): 14.6.22. Buffering Functions
ap_bgetc(): 14.6.22. Buffering Functions
ap_bgetflag(): 14.6.22. Buffering Functions
ap_bgets(): 14.6.22. Buffering Functions
ap_blookc(): 14.6.22. Buffering Functions
ap_bnonblock(): 14.6.22. Buffering Functions
ap_bonerror(): 14.6.22. Buffering Functions
ap_bprintf(): 14.6.22. Buffering Functions
ap_bpushfd(): 14.6.22. Buffering Functions
ap_bpushh(): 14.6.22. Buffering Functions
ap_bputc(): 14.6.22. Buffering Functions
ap_bputs(): 14.6.22. Buffering Functions
ap_bread(): 14.6.22. Buffering Functions
ap_bskiplf(): 14.6.22. Buffering Functions
ap_bspawn_child(): 14.6.7. Process and CGI Functions
ap_bvputs(): 14.6.22. Buffering Functions
ap_bwrite(): 14.6.22. Buffering Functions
ap_can_exec(): 14.6.7. Process and CGI Functions
ap_cfg_closefile(): 14.6.17. Configuration Functions
ap_cfg_getc(): 14.6.17. Configuration Functions
ap_check_alarm(): 14.6.16. Timeout and Alarm Functions
ap_check_cmd_context(): 14.6.17. Configuration Functions
ap_checkmask(): 14.6.11. String Functions
ap_child_terminate(): 14.6.24. Miscellaneous Functions
ap_clear_pool(): 14.6.1. Pool Functions
ap_clear_table(): 14.6.3. Table Functions
ap_close_piped_log(): 14.6.21. Piped Log Functions
ap_create_mutex(): Mutex Functions
ap_default_port(): 14.6.24. Miscellaneous Functions
ap_default_port_for_scheme(): 14.6.24. Miscellaneous Functions
ap_default_type(): 14.6.24. Miscellaneous Functions
ap_destroy_mutex(): Mutex Functions
ap_error_log2stderr(): 14.6.20. Logging Functions
ap_escape_html(): 14.6.11. String Functions
ap_find_last_token(): 14.6.11. String Functions
ap_fnmatch(): 14.6.12. Path, Filename, and URL Manipulation Functions
ap_get_basic_auth_pw(): 14.6.24. Miscellaneous Functions
ap_get_module_config(): 14.6.24. Miscellaneous Functions
ap_get_remote_host(): 14.6.14. TCP/IP and I/O Functions
ap_get_remote_logname(): 14.6.24. Miscellaneous Functions
ap_get_server_built(): 14.6.19. Server Information Functions
ap_get_server_name(): 14.6.24. Miscellaneous Functions
ap_get_server_port(): 14.6.24. Miscellaneous Functions
ap_get_server_version(): 14.6.19. Server Information Functions
ap_http_method(): 14.6.24. Miscellaneous Functions
ap_ind(): 14.6.11. String Functions
ap_is_default_port(): 14.6.24. Miscellaneous Functions
ap_is_empty_table(): 14.6.3. Table Functions
ap_is_fnmatch(): 14.6.12. Path, Filename, and URL Manipulation Functions
ap_is_initial_req(): 14.6.24. Miscellaneous Functions
ap_kill_cleanups_for_socket(): 14.6.4. Cleanup Functions
ap_log_error(): 14.6.20. Logging Functions
ap_log_reason(): 14.6.20. Logging Functions
ap_make_dirstr_parent(): 14.6.12. Path, Filename, and URL Manipulation Functions
ap_make_dirstr_prefix(): 14.6.12. Path, Filename, and URL Manipulation Functions
ap_matches_request_vhost(): 14.6.24. Miscellaneous Functions
ap_md5(): 14.6.8. MD5 Functions
ap_md5contextTo64(): 14.6.8. MD5 Functions
ap_md5digest(): 14.6.8. MD5 Functions
ap_MD5Final(): 14.6.8. MD5 Functions
ap_MD5Update(): 14.6.8. MD5 Functions
ap_note_cleanups_for_file(): 14.6.4. Cleanup Functions
ap_note_cleanups_for_socket(): 14.6.4. Cleanup Functions
ap_open_mutex(): Mutex Functions
ap_open_piped_log(): 14.6.21. Piped Log Functions
ap_os_canonical_filename(): 14.6.12. Path, Filename, and URL Manipulation Functions
ap_os_dso_error(): 14.6.24. Miscellaneous Functions
ap_os_dso_load(): 14.6.24. Miscellaneous Functions
ap_os_dso_sym(): 14.6.24. Miscellaneous Functions
ap_os_dso_unload(): 14.6.24. Miscellaneous Functions
ap_os_is_path_absolute(): 14.6.6. Regular Expression Functions
ap_overlay_tables(): 14.6.3. Table Functions
ap_parse_hostinfo_components(): 14.6.23. URI Functions
ap_parse_uri_components(): 14.6.23. URI Functions
ap_pcfg_open_custom(): 14.6.17. Configuration Functions
ap_pcfg_openfile(): 14.6.17. Configuration Functions
ap_pclosedir(): 14.6.24. Miscellaneous Functions
ap_pclosesocket(): 14.6.5. File and Socket Functions
ap_pduphostent(): 14.6.23. URI Functions
ap_pgethostbyname(): 14.6.23. URI Functions
ap_piped_log_write_fd(): 14.6.21. Piped Log Functions
ap_popendir(): 14.6.24. Miscellaneous Functions
ap_pregfree(): 14.6.6. Regular Expression Functions
ap_pregsub(): 14.6.6. Regular Expression Functions
ap_psignature(): 14.6.24. Miscellaneous Functions
ap_psocket(): 14.6.5. File and Socket Functions
ap_psprintf(): 14.6.11. String Functions
ap_pvsprintf(): 14.6.11. String Functions
ap_release_mutex(): Mutex Functions
ap_requires(): 14.6.18. Configuration Information Functions
ap_rflush(): 14.6.14. TCP/IP and I/O Functions
ap_rind(): 14.6.11. String Functions
ap_rwrite(): 14.6.14. TCP/IP and I/O Functions
ap_satisfies(): 14.6.18. Configuration Information Functions
ap_scan_script_header(): 14.6.7. Process and CGI Functions
ap_scan_script_header_err(): 14.6.7. Process and CGI Functions
ap_scan_script_header_err_buff(): 14.6.7. Process and CGI Functions
ap_send_fb(): 14.6.14. TCP/IP and I/O Functions
ap_send_fb_length(): 14.6.14. TCP/IP and I/O Functions
ap_send_mmap(): 14.6.14. TCP/IP and I/O Functions
ap_send_size(): 14.6.14. TCP/IP and I/O Functions
ap_server_root_relative(): 14.6.12. Path, Filename, and URL Manipulation Functions
ap_set_file_slot(): 14.6.17. Configuration Functions
ap_set_flag_slot(): 14.6.17. Configuration Functions
ap_set_string_slot(): 14.6.17. Configuration Functions
ap_set_string_slot_lower(): 14.6.17. Configuration Functions
ap_str_tolower(): 14.6.11. String Functions
ap_table_do(): 14.6.3. Table Functions
ap_unparse_uri_components(): 14.6.23. URI Functions
ap_vbprintf(): 14.6.22. Buffering Functions
ap_vformatter(): 14.6.24. Miscellaneous Functions
API for Apache: 14. The Apache API
functions of (list): 14.6. Functions
append_arrays(): 14.6.2. Array Functions
array_cat(): 14.6.2. Array Functions
arrays, API functions for: 14.6.2. Array Functions
AS/400: 1.10. Apache Under BS2001/OSD and AS/400
AuthDBMGroupFile directive: 5.5.1. DBM Files on Unix
AuthDBMUserFile directive: 5.5.1. DBM Files on Unix
5.5.1. DBM Files on Unix
AuthDBUserFile directive: 5.5.1. DBM Files on Unix
authentication: 1. Getting Started
5. Authentication
anonymous access: 5.8. Anonymous Access
checking: 15.3.14. Check Auth
controlling access: 5.6. Order, Allow, and Deny
digest authentication: 5.1. Authentication Protocol
5.7. Digest Authentication
directives for: 5.2. Authentication Directives
forms and: 5.5. New Order Form
.htaccess file (see .htaccess file)
modules for: 12.1. Authentication
SSL protocol and: D.1.1. Authentication and Key Exchange
user information: 5.10. Automatic User Information
AuthGroupFile directive: 5.2.3. AuthGroupFile
AuthName directive: 5.2.2. AuthName
AuthType directive: 5.2.1. AuthType
5.7. Digest Authentication
AuthUserFile directive: 5.2.4. AuthUserFile
await_thread(): Thread Functions

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