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Index: P

packet filtering: 13.4.1. Packet Filtering
palloc(): 14.6.1. Pool Functions
parseHTTPdate(): 14.6.10. Time and Date Functions
parsing headers: 15.3.11. Header Parser
parsing paths and URLs: 14.6.12. Path, Filename, and URL Manipulation Functions
PassEnv directive: 4.6.3. PassEnv
anonymous access: 5.8. Anonymous Access
checking (see authentication)
DBM files for: 5.5.1. DBM Files on Unix
Unix systems: 5.3. Passwords Under Unix
Win32 systems: 5.4. Passwords Under Win32
patents: 13.5.1. Patent Rights
pathnames: 0.3.3. Pathnames
1.4. What the Client Does
API functions for: 14.6.12. Path, Filename, and URL Manipulation Functions
paths: 3.4.7. ServerPath
pcalloc(): 14.6.1. Pool Functions
pclosef(): 14.6.5. File and Socket Functions
per-directory configuration: 14.3. Per-Directory Configuration
15.3.2. Create Per-Directory Config Structure
15.3.4. Per-Directory Merger
per-request information: 14.4. Per-Request Information
per-server configuration: 14.2. Per-Server Configuration
15.3.1. Create Per-Server Config Structure
15.3.3. Per-Server Merger
caching: 9.2. Caching
improving CGI programs: 12.4. Faster CGI Programs
PK encryption: 13.3. Binary Signatures, Virtual Cash
throttling connections: 12.8. Throttling Connections
permissions (Unix): 2.4.4. Unix Permissions
suEXEC utility: 4.7. suEXEC on Unix
persistent-state cookies: 5.10.3. CookieLog
pfclose(): 14.6.5. File and Socket Functions
pfdopen(): 14.6.5. File and Socket Functions
pfopen(): 14.6.5. File and Socket Functions
PidFile directive: 3.4.9. PidFile
PIDs (process identifiers): 2.4. Setting Up a Unix Server
pinging IP addresses: 2.5. Setting Up a Win32 Server
piped logs, API functions for: 14.6.21. Piped Log Functions
PK encryption: 13.3. Binary Signatures, Virtual Cash
legal issues: 13.5.2. National Security
point-sized imagemap hotspots: 7.3.4. HTML File
polygonal imagemap hotspots: 7.3.4. HTML File
pools: 14.1. Pools
14.6. Functions
popenf(): 14.6.5. File and Socket Functions
port-based virtual hosting: 3.8.4. Port-Based Virtual Hosting
Port directive: 3.9.2. Port
ports: 1. Getting Started
1.3. How Does Apache Use TCP/IP?
3.9.2. Port
POST method (HTTP): 4.1.2. What Is an HTTP Method?
post read requests: 15.3.8. Post Read Request
pregcomp(): 14.6.6. Regular Expression Functions
prerun fixups to modules: 15.3.16. Prerun Fixups
process identifiers (see PIDs)
API functions for: 14.6.7. Process and CGI Functions
limiting for CGI scripts: 4.3.8. RLimitNPROC
processes, killing: 2.4. Setting Up a Unix Server
2.4.3. Several Copies of Apache
protecting application data: D.2. Protecting Application Data
protocols: 1.3. How Does Apache Use TCP/IP?
proxy servers: 1. Getting Started
9. Proxy Server
configuring cache: 9.3. Setup
ProxyDomain directive: 9.1.4. ProxyDomain
ProxyPass directive: 9.1.3. ProxyPass
ProxyPassReverse directive: 9.1.6. ProxyPassReverse
ProxyRemote directive: 9.1.2. ProxyRemote
ProxyRequests directive: 9.1.1. ProxyRequests
ps utility: 2.4. Setting Up a Unix Server
pstrcat(): 14.6.1. Pool Functions
pstrdup(): 14.6.1. Pool Functions
pstrndup(): 14.6.1. Pool Functions
public key encryption: 13.3. Binary Signatures, Virtual Cash
legal issues: 13.5.2. National Security
push_array(): 14.6.2. Array Functions
PUT method (HTTP): 4.1.2. What Is an HTTP Method?

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