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Index: D

-d flag (httpd/apache): 2.2. Apache's Flags
3.4.8. ServerRoot
data, protecting: D.2. Protecting Application Data
db_auth_module: 1.8.3. Modules
DBM files: 8.8.4. RewriteMap
dbm_auth_module: 1.8.3. Modules
dbmmanage script: 5.5.1. DBM Files on Unix
debugging CGI scripts: 4.5. Debugging Scripts
DefaultIcon directive: 7.1.7. DefaultIcon
DefaultType directive: 6.1.3. DefaultType
DELETE method (HTTP): 4.1.2. What Is an HTTP Method?
mutexes: Mutex Functions
pools: 14.6.1. Pool Functions
semaphores: Semaphore Functions
suEXEC security against: 4.7.1. A Demonstration of suEXEC
threads: Thread Functions
demonstration web sites: 0.3. Conventions Used in This Book
deny directive: 5.6. Order, Allow, and Deny
destroy_event(): Event Functions
destroy_pool(): 14.6.1. Pool Functions
destroy_semaphore(): Semaphore Functions
destroy_sub_req(): 14.6.15. Request-Handling Functions
diagnostic information: 11.2. Status
Diffie-Hellman key exchange: D.1.1.3. Diffie-Hellman key exchange with authentication
digest authentication: 5.1. Authentication Protocol
5.7. Digest Authentication
digital signatures: 13.3. Binary Signatures, Virtual Cash
directives, Apache: 0.3.4. Directives
3.6.1. MaxClients
actions with CGI: 4.9. Actions
anonymous access: 5.8.1. Anonymous
authentication: 5.2. Authentication Directives
browsers: 4.6.4. Browsers
caching: 9.2. Caching
CGI scripts: 4.3. Script Directives
cipher suites: 13.8.1. SSLRequiredCiphers
controlling virtual hosts: 3.6. Controlling Virtual Hosts on Unix
environment variables: 4.6. Setting Environment Variables
expiration: 3.15. Expirations
handlers: 4.8. Handlers
housekeeping: 3.4. Other Directives
HTTP response headers: 3.10. HTTP Response Headers
indexing: 7.1. Making Better Indexes in Apache
limiting application of: 3.3. Block Directives
5.2.5. Limit
logging: 11.5. Logging the Action
metafiles: 3.14. CERN Metafiles
multiple Apache copies: 3.9. Two Copies of Apache
overriding: 5.12. Overrides
proxy servers: 9.1. Proxy Directives
redirection: 8. Redirection
rewriting URLs: 8.8. Rewrite
SSL: 13.7. Apache-SSL's Directives
user information: 5.10. Automatic User Information
controlling access to: 5.6.1. Allow from
execute permission for: 2.4.4. Unix Permissions
home directory: 8.5. UserDir
indexes of (see indexing)
limiting directives to: 3.3.2. <Directory> and <DirectoryMatch>
per-directory configuration: 14.3. Per-Directory Configuration
15.3.2. Create Per-Directory Config Structure
15.3.4. Per-Directory Merger
web site: 1.1. How Does Apache Work?
DirectoryIndex directive: 7.2.1. DirectoryIndex
type maps: 6.4. Type Maps
distributions directory (on CD-ROM): 0.2. The Demonstration CD-ROM
DMB files: 5.5.1. DBM Files on Unix
DNS, reverse lookup: 3.4.17. HostNameLookups
AddDescription directive: 7.1.6. AddDescription
headers: 7.1.12. HeaderName
technical support: A. Support Organizations
DocumentRoot directive: DocumentRoot
CGI scripts: 4.2.2. Script in DocumentRoot
DOS window for Apache: 2.5. Setting Up a Win32 Server
downgrade-1.0 variable: downgrade-1.0
DSO (Dynamic Shared Objects): 12.12. DSO

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