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Saving Your Changes

Once you've completed editing and adding special effects to your photos, it's time to save your changes. Picasa always retains your original photo in its original state, just in case you want to return to it for different editing in the future; your edited photo is exported (saved) under a new filename.

Saving an Edited File

To save an edited photo, follow these steps:

Click the Export button.

When the Export to Folder dialog box appears, as shown in Figure 34.14, check the Use Original Size option.

Figure 34.14. Exporting an edited photo.

Click the OK button.

Picasa now saves your edited picture in the My Pictures/Picasa Exports folder on your hard disk. Note that Picasa only saves files in the JPG format.

Resizing a Photo for the Web

Here's something else you can do from the Export to Folder dialog boxresize your photos to use on a web page.

If you have a high megapixel camera and you're shooting at the highest quality setting, you're creating some very large photos, too large to fit comfortably on a web page. You don't want photos any wider than 800 pixels on a web pageand probably a lot smaller than that. For this reason, you should resize your photos to make them small enough for web use.


Picasa can also export a folder full of pictures as a photo web page, which you can then upload to your website. Select Folder, Export As Web Page to begin the process.

Picasa lets you resize any photo when you export it. All you have to do is check the Resize To option in the Export to Folder dialog box, and then adjust the slider to a new width (in pixels). You can also enter a custom width in the corresponding box. It's that easy.

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