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Title and Short DescriptionEvery reference entry begins with a four-part title block like that above. The entries are alphabetized by title. The short description, shown below the title, gives you a quick summary of the item documented in the entry; it can help you quickly decide if you're interested in reading the rest of the page. AvailabilityThe availability information is shown in the upper-right corner of the title block. This information tells you which version of Netscape's JavaScript interpreter and Microsoft's JScript interpreter the item (class, method, or property) was introduced in. If the item has been standardized in ECMAScript, it tells you which version of the standard introduced it. You can assume that anything available in one version of JavaScript is also available in later versions. Note, however, that if this section says the item is deprecated it may be removed in the future and you should avoid using it. Inherits from/OverridesIf a class inherits from a superclass or a method overrides a method in a superclass, that information is shown in the lower-right corner of the title block. As described in Chapter 8, JavaScript classes can inherit properties and methods from other classes. For example, the String class inherits from Object, and the RangeError class inherits from Error, which in turn inherits from Object. When you see this inheritance information, you may also want to look up the listed superclasses. When a method has the same name as a method in a superclass, the method overrides the superclass's method. See Array.toString( ) for an example. ConstructorIf the reference page documents a class, it usually has a "Constructor" section that shows you how to use the constructor method to create instances of the class. Since constructors are a type of method, the "Constructor" section looks a lot like the "Synopsis" section of a method's reference page. SynopsisReference pages for functions, methods, and properties have a "Synopsis" section that shows how you might use the function, method, or property in your code. For example, the synopsis for the Array.concat( ) method is: array.concat(value, ...) The italic font indicates text that is to be replaced with something else. array should be replaced with a variable or JavaScript expression that holds or evaluates to an array. And value simply represents an arbitrary value that is to be concatenated to the array. The ellipsis (...) indicates that this method can take any number of value arguments. Because the terms concat and the open and close parentheses are not in italics, you must include them exactly as shown in your JavaScript code. ArgumentsIf a reference page documents a function, a method, or a class with a constructor method, the "Constructor" or "Synopsis" section is followed by an "Arguments" subsection that describes the arguments to the method, function, or constructor. If there are no arguments, this subsection is simply omitted.
ReturnsIf a constructor, function, or method has a return value, this subsection explains that value. ThrowsIf a constructor, function, or method can throw an exception, this subsection lists the types of exceptions that may be thrown and explains the circumstances under which this can occur. PropertiesIf the reference page documents a class, the "Properties" section lists the properties defined by the class and provides short explanations of each. In this core reference section, each property also has a complete reference page of its own. For example, the reference page for the Array class lists the length property in this section and gives a brief explanation of it, but the property is fully documented in the "Array.length" reference page. The property listing looks like this:
MethodsThe reference page for a class that defines methods includes a "Methods" section. It is just like the "Properties" section, except that it summarizes methods instead of properties. All methods also have reference pages of their own. DescriptionMost reference pages contain a "Description" section, which is the basic description of the class, method, function, or property that is being documented. This is the heart of the reference page. If you are learning about a class, method, or property for the first time, you may want to skip directly to this section and then go back and look at previous sections such as "Arguments," "Properties," and "Methods." If you are already familiar with a class, method, or property, you probably won't need to read this section and instead will just want to quickly look up some specific bit of information (for example, from the "Arguments" or "Properties" sections). In some entries, this section is no more than a short paragraph. In others, it may occupy a page or more. For some simple methods, the "Arguments" and "Returns" sections document the method sufficiently by themselves, so the "Description" section is omitted. ExampleSome pages include an example that shows typical usage. Most pages do not contain examples, however -- you'll find those in first half of this book. BugsWhen an item doesn't work quite right, this section describes the bugs. Note, however, that this book does not attempt to catalog every bug in every version and implementation of JavaScript. See AlsoMany reference pages conclude with cross-references to related reference pages that may be of interest. Sometimes reference pages also refer back to one of the main chapters of the book. |
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