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ACCEPT rule, 286, 473
access control forms for
iptables, 272, 274
TCP wrappers, 272, 273
access control list. See ACL
access control rules
INPUT, 286
REJECT, 285, 286
access control, trusted, 270
access controlling in Apache
.htaccess file, use of, 440, 441
.htpasswd file, use of, 441
htpasswd command, use of, 441
password protection, enabling of, 441
ACL (access control list)
for Apache, 433
use of, 287, 306
ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface), 232, 235
acpid daemon, 235
ADS (Active Directory Service) mode, 398
Advanced Maryland Automatic Network Disk Archiver. See Amanda
Advanced Power Management. See APM
allow ssh rule, 307
AllowOverride directive, 477
alternatives command, 488
alternatives system
defined, 486
GUI configuration tools, 491
MTA and, 486
MTAs switching process, 488, 489
rebooting aspects, 490
runlevel changes, 489
runlevels changes, 490
using PostFix MTA, 488, 490
using Sendmail MTA, 489
backup aspects, 120
client/server, 120, 136
features, 120
overview of, 120
Fedora Core installer, 51, 52
Red Hat installation program, 16
Apache 1.3, 427. See also Apache 2.0
Apache 1.x to 2.0, migrating from
DirectoryIndex directive defaults, 439
RPM base package name, 439
security features, 439
VirtualHost blocks, copying, 439
Apache 1.x versions, 428
Apache 2.0
Apache 1.x, migration from, 439
API, 428
autoconf build system, 428
configuration files, 429
filtering, 429
for non-UNIX platforms, 428
IPv6 support, 428
libtool build system, 428
multilanguage error responses, 429
multiprotocol support, 428
Regular Expression Library, 429
security features, 439
simplified configuration, 429
UNIX threading, 427
Apache 2.0 tips and tricks
configuration file testing, 440
restarting versus reloading, 442
user access, controlling, 440
virtual host settings, 443
Apache Benchmark, 450, 452
Apache commands, 437
Apache compile-time options
httpd binary, use of, 443
httpd -l flag, use of, 443
httpd -V flag, use of, 443
MPM (multiprocessing module support), 444
suexec binary package, 444
Apache configuration files
/etc/httpd/conf.d/ directory, 430
httpd.conf file, 430
Apache configuring
configuration files, use of, 430
httpd.conf files, use of, 431
log files, 430
main server, 432
redhat-config-httpd tool, 437
Apache daemon, 442
Apache directories
/home/httpd/, 431
/var/www/cgi-bin/, 431
/var/www/html/, 431
subdirectories, 430
Apache for higher loads
benchmarking, 450
MaxClients directive, use of, 448
server status for performance tracking, using, 452
Apache HTTP server, 444
Apache log files
/var/log/httpd/access_log, 430
/var/log/httpd/error_log, 431
/var/log/messages, 431
apache migrations, 135. See also server migrations
Apache on Fedora Core, 429
Apache resources, 453
Apache RPM base package name
for Apache 1.x systems, 439
for Apache 2.x systems, 439
Apache server configuration file, 431
Apache server loads and hardware requirements
ATA drives, 449
ATA RAID cards, 450
dynamic content operations, 449
RAM, 449
SCSI hardware, 449
SCSI/RAID systems, 450
Apache subdirectories for SSL transactions management
ssl.crt, 430
ssl.csr, 430
ssl.key, 430
Apache troubleshooting
DNS problems, 453
of access problems, 453
of permissions errors, 452
run time error generation, 453
virtual site, non-working of, 453
Apache Web directory permissions
chgrp solution, 445
for defining new virtual hosts, 444
relaxed permissions, 446
security through obscurity method, 447
user private groups, 447
API for Apache modules, 428
APM (advanced power management)
configuring, 233
in Fedora Core, 233
software, 232
apm command, 234
apmscript file events handling
change battery, 234
change power, 234
resume, 234
start, 234
stop, 234
suspend, 234
apt package manager, 14
apt-cache tool, 550
apt-rpm (apt-get) for Fedora upgrading, 51, 56
archiving file system/directory, 119
ash shell, 143
AT commands, 350, 353
ATA RAID cards for Apache, 450
ATA versus SCSI, 449
ATA/UDMA-based system for Apache, 450
ATAPI tape drives for backup, 110
ATI chipsets, 188
key-based, 456, 469
SSH-key based, 80
via SMTP-Auth, 503
authentication packets, 286
name servers, 322
TTL values, 324
automated update. See also manual update; source update
up2date, using, 40
yum, using, 43
automatically mounted file systems, 214
autorefresh setting, 452
Autoyast, 541
axfr option, 331

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