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bounces problems, 511
Mail Transfer Agent. See MTA
redirecting, 499
relaying, defined, 503
server misconfiguration, 510
servers overview, 485
mailing lists, 27
man command, 12
manual update formats
non-security-related update, 48
security-related update, 46
manual update, 40, 46. See also automated update; source update
manually mounted file systems, 214
master and slave DNS servers, 313
master boot record (MBR), 115
master DNS server, configuring, 315
master PostFix daemon, 515
master server, defined, 313
directive, 448
setting, 432, 448
MBR (master boot record), 115
defined, 243
for files validity tracking, 243
for RPM baseline, creating, 250
use of, 248
MDMA (multiword DMA), 229
medium- to large-scale backup, 109. See also small-to-medium backup
metapackages, 70
minicom command
for changing modem settings, 352
for modem testing, 351
starting, 351
using, 350
mkswap command, 535
configuring in kudzu, 345
controller-based, 342
dial-up, 347, 349
drivers, Linux-based, 342
Host Controller (HCF), 341
linmodems, 341
PCI, 342
probing and trying, 347
troubleshooting resources, 355
winmodems, 341
modem settings
permanent settings, 354
via minicom command, 352
modem troubleshooting tips
dead modem, 354
modem keeps disconnecting, 355
modem not detected, 354
modem performs slowly, 354
not getting a dial tone, 355
not logging in, 355
modem, choosing
overview, 342
PCI modems, 342
serial modems, 347
USB modems, 346
modem, setting up
through GUI, 349
with minicom, 350
modem, setting up steps for
dial-up modem configuring, 349
on Fedora desktop, 349
modinfo command, 160
modprobe command, 161
module configuration
dbe, 178
dri, 179
extmod, 178
fbdevhw, 178
font modules, 179
glx, 178
record, 179
Module section, 178. See also Device section
modules loading, 161. See also loaded modules, checking
monitor configuring, 171, 177
Monitor section, 177
buttons remapping, 189
configuring, 171, 173, 176
troubleshooting tips, 188
Mouse Configuration window, 189
MPM (multiprocessing module support), 444
mt command for backup, 121
MTA (Mail Transfer Agent)
alternatives system and, 486
PostFix, 511
sendmail configuration, 493
Sendmail, 493
MTA binary, 487
multi-homed network firewall configurations, 283
multiprocessing module support (MPM), 444
multiserver backup, 106
multiword DMA (MDMA), 229
MySQL database backup methods
Backup Agent, 115
Freeze and Copy option, 116
MySQL databases file restoring aspects, 132
mysqldump program, 115, 116, 132. See also mysqlhotcopy program
mysqlhotcopy program, 115, 116, 124, 132. See also mysqldump program

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