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hosting, 330
PXE boot solution, 88
LAN-free backup, 109
power settings, 232
using boot media, 90
laptop installations problems
boot failure, 27
intalling problems on notebooks, 27
LDP (Linux Documentation Project), 570
LED error codes, 111
LED flash codes. See LED error codes
legacy operating systems (OS), 59
level 0, backup, 104, 125
level 1, backup, 104
levels 2-9, backup, 104
levels of backups. See backup levels
libwrap support, 273, 276
LILO boot loader, 21
Linear Tape Open standard (LTO), 109
linmodems, 341, 342, 343. See also winmodems
backup, 136
driver for winmodem, 343
Fedora, 4
firewall mechanisms, 272
intallation, Red Hat Linux, 20
kernel, 274
modem drivers, 342
modem reference, 355
using iptables-based firewalling, 274
using TCP wrappers-based firewalling, 273
workstation, 8
Linux booting
kernel options after installation, 35
rescue mode, entering, 36
Linux distribution
Debian, 545
instrusion detection tools, 242
SUSE, 523
Linux Documentation Project (LDP), 570
Linux file systems, troubleshooting
overview, 211
partitions and file system, checking of, 212
partitions and file system, troubleshooting, 215
Linux hardware choosing aspects
CD-ROM installation, 24
laptop installing problems, 27
RAM installation, 23
video cards installation, 25
Linux installation problems
CD drive not booting, 28
CD drive not found, 28
from boot prompt, 29
no CD drive, 29
nonbootable CD drive or floppy, 28
not bootable CD drive, 28
PXE (Preboot execution Environment), use of, 28
unreadable screen, 29
Linux installation problems, overcoming
disk partitioning, 33
from boot prompt, 29
Linux installation types
graphical, 29
text-based, 29
Linux installation, troubleshooting
failures in Linux installing, countering, 27
Fedora, 20
hardware choosing, 23
installation problems overcoming, 27
Linux booting, 35, 36
reference installation, 37
tips for, 34
Linux installation, choices list for
boot disk, 22
configure networking, 22
disk partitioning, 21
firewall, 22
GRUB boot loader, 21
install type, 21
Keyboard, 20
language, 20
LILO boot loader, 21
media checking, 20
monitor, 20
mouse, 20
packages, 22
root password, 22
upgrade options, 20
Linux operating system, Fedora Core, 10
Linux ports, 266
ephemeral or dynamic, 266
registered, 266
reserved or well-known, 266
Linux printer
commands, 380
references, 383
Linux server/machine talking to centralized backup SAN, 110
Linux system back up, making, 114
Linux system, commonly attacked files on
/bin/login, 248
/bin/Is, 248
/bin/netstat, 248
/bin/ps, 248
/sbin/ifconfig, 248
/usr/bin/chattr, 248
/usr/bin/passwd, 248
Linux troubleshooting tips
grabbing install screens, 34
partitions changing, 34
Release Notes, reading, 34
virtual consoles, 34
list attribute, 249
Listen directive, 429
loaded modules, checking, 160. See also modules loading
localhost zone file, 320, 324
lock down measures
iptable/firewall service restrictions, 80
SSH-key based authentication, 80
locking down desktop and servers
% postscript, 80
desktop needs identifying, 73
server needs identifying, 74
template installs locking, 74
log file
Apache, 430
for Sendmail problems diagnosing, 503
monitoring, 244
logical volume manager (LVM), 536
login commands
rlogin, 163
ssh, 163
telnet, 163, 165
logwatch automated monitoring service, 243
lpadmin command, 382
lpoptions command, 378
lsattr command, 249
lsmod command, 160
LTO (Linear Tape Open standard), 109
LVM (logical volume manager), 536

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