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Index: M

main( ): Removing beans
Mandatory transaction attribute: 8.2.3 Transaction Attributes Defined
10.6.1 Specifying a Bean's Transactional Attributes
manifest, JAR files: 2.1.2 Deployment Descriptors and JAR Files EJB 1.0: Packaging the Cabin bean
medical system transactions: 8.1 ACID Transactions
messaging: 1.5.1 TP Monitors
META-INF directory: EJB 1.1: Packaging the Cabin bean
10.7 The ejb-jar File
EJBMetaData interface: A.1.6 EJBMetaData
session beans: ProcessPaymentHome: The home interface
method-driven access control: EJB 1.0: Method-driven access control
method element: 10.6 Describing Bean Assembly
10.6.3 Identifying Specific Methods
method-intf element: Remote/home differentiation
specifying home or remote interface for methods: 10.6.3 Identifying Specific Methods
method-name element: 10.6.1 Specifying a Bean's Transactional Attributes
in method element: 10.6.3 Identifying Specific Methods
method overloading, Java RMI-IIOP restrictions on: EJB 1.1: Java RMI-IIOP type restrictions
method-params elements: 10.6.3 Identifying Specific Methods Specific method declarations
method-permission element: EJB 1.1: Role-driven access control
10.6 Describing Bean Assembly Assigning roles to methods Remote/home differentiation
Method-Ready Pool: 7.2.2 The Method-Ready Pool
stateless session beans in: Life in the Method-Ready Pool
Method-Ready state
stateful session beans: Transitioning to the Method-Ready state
stateful session beans, transition to Passivated state: Transitioning out of the Method-Ready state
methods requiring transaction attributes (entity beans): 10.6.1 Specifying a Bean's Transactional Attributes
ActiveX (GUI component model): 1.6.3 Benefits of a Standard Server-Side Component Model
DCOM: 1.1.1 Distributed Objects
1.1.3 Component Transaction Monitors
3.2.4 Distributed Objects
MTS and: 1.6.1 MTS
Transaction Server (MTS): 1.6.1 MTS
middle-tier application servers: 1.1.2 Server-Side Components
modules: 11.4 J2EE Fills in the Gaps
MOM (message-oriented middleware): 1.1.3 Component Transaction Monitors
MTS (Microsoft Transaction Server) (see Microsoft)
multi-entity find methods: The find methods
in bean-managed persistence: 6.2.1 Making the ShipBean a Bean-Managed Entity
multithreaded access, problems with: Reentrance
mutators (see set and get methods)

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