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Index: P

packages for EJB, downloading from Sun Java site: 4.1.1 Setting Up Your Java IDE
parameters: Specific method declarations
(see also method-params elements)
Java RMI: 6.1.4 Java RMI Return Types, Parameters, and Exceptions
resolving overloaded methods: 10.6.3 Identifying Specific Methods
passing by reference: 5.2.2 EJB 1.1 and 1.0: The Java RMI Programming Model
passing objects by value: 5.2.2 EJB 1.1 and 1.0: The Java RMI Programming Model
9.2 Passing Objects by Value
bulk accessors: 9.2.3 Bulk Accessors
CORBA, limitations of: 3.2.4 Distributed Objects
dependent classes: TravelAgent: The remote interface
dependent classes, use of: Dependent classes: The CreditCard and Check classes
dependent objects: 9.2 Passing Objects by Value
beans vs.: 9.2.1 Dependent Objects
entity objects: 9.2.4 Entity Objects
passivation: 3.1.2 The Activation Mechanism
EJB 1.0 and 1.1, issues with: 7.4.3 Passivated State
JNDI ENC, maintaining during: TravelAgentBean: The bean class
Ready to Pooled state: Transitioning from the Ready State to the Pooled state via passivation
stateful session beans: 7.4.3 Passivated State
JNDI context, closing: TravelAgentBean: The bean class
path, XML deployment descriptors in ejb-jar files: 10.7 The ejb-jar File
improving with session beans: 9.3 Improved Performance with Session Beans
9.4 Bean Adapters
session beans, benefits of: 2.2.2 Modeling Workflow with Session Beans
transaction isolation levels and: 8.3.4 Balancing Performance Against Consistency
transactions across methods and: 8.5.1 Transaction Propagation in Bean-Managed Transactions
permissions, method-permission element: EJB 1.1: Role-driven access control
10.6 Describing Bean Assembly Remote/home differentiation
persistence: 3.2.3 Persistence
9.8 Object-to-Relational Mapping Tools
bean-managed: 6.2 Bean-Managed Persistence
connections to database: 6.2.6 Obtaining a Connection to the Database
deployment of beans: 6.2.11 EJB 1.1: Deploying the Bean-Managed Ship Bean
duplicate records, handling: Why use a Reservation entity bean?
ejbCreate( ), use of: 6.2.7 The ejbCreate( ) Method
ejbLoad( ) and ejbStore( ) methods: 6.3.4 Life in the Ready State
entity bean, defining: 6.2.1 Making the ShipBean a Bean-Managed Entity
exception handling: 6.2.2 Exception Handling
6.2.2 Exception Handling
find methods in: 6.2.10 ejbFind( ) Methods
removing from database: 6.2.9 The ejbRemove( ) Method
sequence diagrams: B.1.3 Sequence Diagrams for Bean-Managed Persistence
synchronizing to database: Transitioning from the Pooled state to the Ready State via activation
cmp-field elements: 4.2.5 EJB 1.1: The Deployment Descriptor
container-managed: 4.2.6 EJB 1.0: The Deployment Descriptor Primary key
6.1 Container-Managed Persistence Transitioning from the Ready State to the Pooled state via passivation
(see also under entity beans)
activation and synchronization: B.1.2 quence Diagrams for Container-Managed Persistence
bean class: 6.1.5 The ShipBean Class
client application, creating: 6.1.9 The Client Application
cmp-field elements: 4.2.5 EJB 1.1: The Deployment Descriptor
10.5.1 Session and Entity Beans
CreateException: 6.1.3 The Home Interface
duplicate records, handling: Why use a Reservation entity bean?
ejbLoad( ) and ejbStore( ), using in: Using ejbLoad( ) and ejbStore( ) in container-managed beans
find methods: 4.2.4 CabinBean: The Bean Class
6.1.3 The Home Interface The find methods
home interface, defining: 6.1.3 The Home Interface
no-argument constructor requirement: 6.1.2 The Primary Key
primary keys: 6.1.2 The Primary Key
6.1.2 The Primary Key
remote interface, defining: 6.1.1 The Remote Interface
sequence diagrams: B.1.2 quence Diagrams for Container-Managed Persistence
synchronization to database: Using ejbLoad( ) and ejbStore( ) in container-managed beans Transitioning from the Pooled state to the Ready State via activation
6.3.4 Life in the Ready State
container-managed fields: 6.1 Container-Managed Persistence
6.1.5 The ShipBean Class
references to other beans: 6.1 Container-Managed Persistence
elements in EJB DTD: EJB 1.1: Deployment descriptors
entity beans: 2.2.1 Getting Information from an Entity Bean
6. Entity Beans
session beans vs.: 2.1 The Enterprise Bean Component
legacy persistence, EJB handling of: Legacy persistence
object databases: Object database persistence
object-to-relational: Object-to-relational persistence
servlets and: 11.1 Servlets
session beans and: What about session beans?
2.2.2 Modeling Workflow with Session Beans
7. Session Beans
stateful session beans: 7.3 The Stateful Session Bean
persistence-type element: 10.5.1 Session and Entity Beans
persistent fields: 4.2.4 CabinBean: The Bean Class
bulk accessors, manipulating with: 9.2.3 Bulk Accessors
mapping to database: The primary key
phantom reads: 8.3.1 Dirty, Repeatable, and Phantom Reads Phantom reads
phantom records: Phantom reads
platform independence, Java language: 1. Introduction
polymorphism concept in programming languages: EJB 1.1: Explicit narrowing using PortableRemoteObject
Pooled state: The entity bean life cycle
6.3.2 The Pooled State
transition from Ready state via passivation: Transitioning from the Ready State to the Pooled state via passivation
transition from Ready state via removal: Transitioning from the Ready State to the Pooled state via removal
transition to Ready state via activation: Transitioning from the Pooled state to the Ready State via activation
transitioning to Ready state via find methods: Transitioning from the Pooled state to the Ready State via a find method
transitioning to/from Ready state via creation: Transitioning from the Pooled state to the Ready State via creation
pooling resources: 3.1.1 Instance Pooling
PortableRemoteObject class: EJB 1.1: Explicit narrowing using PortableRemoteObject
presentation tier (three-tier distributed object architecture): 1.1.1 Distributed Objects
prim-key-class element: EJB 1.1: Deployment descriptors
10.5.1 Session and Entity Beans
primary keys: 2.1.1 Classes and Interfaces
as serializable class: 6.1.2 The Primary Key
in client-side API: Primary key
container-managed entity beans: 6.1.2 The Primary Key
compound and single-field: 6.1.2 The Primary Key
constructors: 6.1.2 The Primary Key
fields, defining: ejbCreate( )
overriding Object methods: 6.1.2 The Primary Key
undefined: EJB 1.1: Undefined primary keys
creating for entity beans: Transitioning from the Pooled state to the Ready State via creation
data types in field: 10.5.2 Specifying Primary Keys
database record, finding with: 6.2.10 ejbFind( ) Methods
defining: The primary key
definition, deferring to bean deployer: Deferring primary key definition
developing (example): 4.2.3 CabinPK: The Primary Key
duplicates, handling of: Why use a Reservation entity bean?
in ejb-jar files: 10.7 The ejb-jar File
EntityContext, querying for: 6.2.8 The ejbLoad( ) and ejbStore( ) Methods
handles vs.: The bean handle
hash codes in compound: 9.1 Hash Codes in Compound Primary Keys
metadata, using with: Bean metadata
preserving in database mapping: Preserving the primary key
removing beans with: Removing beans
serializing and deserializing: Primary key
session beans and: What about session beans?
specifying, deployment descriptors: 10.5.2 Specifying Primary Keys
stateless session beans and: ProcessPayment: The remote interface
primary services in EJB: 3.2 Primary Services
primitive data types: 6.1 Container-Managed Persistence
Java RMI in remote interface: 6.1.4 Java RMI Return Types, Parameters, and Exceptions
primary keys and: Single-field key
wrapper classes for: Single-field key
primkey-field element: Single-field key
10.5.1 Session and Entity Beans
Principal objects, tracking client identity with: 6.2.4 EJB 1.1: EJBContext
Principal types: 3.2.6 Security
Principle objects: EJB 1.1: Role-driven access control
private helper method (bean class): ProcessPaymentBean: The bean class
procedure-based applications, distributed object systems vs.: 1.5.1 TP Monitors
programming languages
inheritance or polymorphism in: EJB 1.1: Explicit narrowing using PortableRemoteObject
object-oriented: 1.1.2 Server-Side Components
propagation of transactions: 8.2.1 Transaction Scope
8.2.4 Transaction Propagation
bean-managed transactions: 8.5.1 Transaction Propagation in Bean-Managed Transactions
business behavior, modifying at runtime: 6.2.5 EJB 1.0: EJBContext
declared under ejb10-properties subcontext: EJB 1.1: EJBContext
deployment: 6.2.12 EJB 1.0: Deploying the Bean-Managed Ship Bean
deployment descriptors, defining in: ProcessPaymentBean: The bean class
JDBC connections, acquiring with: EJB 1.0: Using JDBC in EJB
remote interface, defining in: 4.2.1 Cabin: The Remote Interface
set and get methods, manipulating with: Set and get methods
property files and property sheets, deployment descriptors vs.: 2.1.2 Deployment Descriptors and JAR Files
public declaration of primary key class fields: 6.1.2 The Primary Key

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