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Index: W

.war (web archive) files: 11.4 J2EE Fills in the Gaps
web components
accessing enterprise beans through client APIs: 11.3 Web Components and EJB
client access via HTTP/HTTPS: 11.4.3 Connectivity and Interoperability
deployment descriptor example: 11.4 J2EE Fills in the Gaps
EJB and: 11.3 Web Components and EJB
J2EE specification for interaction with EJB: 11.3 Web Components and EJB
web pages, processing requests for with Servlets: 11.1 Servlets
web servers in application servers: 1.1.3 Component Transaction Monitors
Weblogic deployment wizard: EJB 1.0 deployment tools
wide EJB object type, narrowing remote reference: EJB 1.1: Explicit narrowing using PortableRemoteObject
method-intf element in: Remote/home differentiation
method name in method element: Wildcard declarations
deployment tools: 4.2.9 Deploying the Cabin Bean
object-to-relational persistence, mapping: Object-to-relational persistence
workflow: EJB 1.1: TravelAgentBean
limiting session beans to: 9.9.2 Workflow
separating data from: 4.3 Developing a Session Bean
session beans, modeling with: 2.2.2 Modeling Workflow with Session Beans
7. Session Beans
stateful session beans
management of: 7.3 The Stateful Session Bean
modeling with: TravelAgent: The remote interface TravelAgentBean: The bean class
wrapper classes for primitive data types: Single-field key
write locks: 8.3.2 Database Locks

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