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Index: N

ejb-name element: EJB 1.1: Deployment descriptors
10.5 Describing Beans
10.6.1 Specifying a Bean's Transactional Attributes
in method element: 10.6.3 Identifying Specific Methods
method-name element: 10.6.1 Specifying a Bean's Transactional Attributes
res-ref-name element: 10.5.5 References to External Resources
naming conventions
for enterprise beans: 2.1.1 Classes and Interfaces
set and get methods: Set and get methods
naming services: 3.2.5 Naming
5.1 Locating Beans with JNDI
JNDI drivers for: 5.1 Locating Beans with JNDI
narrow( ) (PortableRemoteObject): EJB 1.1: Explicit narrowing using PortableRemoteObject EJB 1.1: Explicit narrowing using PortableRemoteObject
native Java persistence (entity beans, database mapping): Native Java persistence Native Java persistence
nesting elements (XML deployment descriptor): 10.4 The Descriptor's Body
network communication layer, distributed object architectures and: 1.3 Distributed Object Architectures
network connections: 4.2.10 Creating a Client Application
reducing with session beans: 2.2.2 Modeling Workflow with Session Beans
network messaging (see messaging)
network traffic
latency: 9.3.1 Network Traffic and Latency
minimizing: 9.3.1 Network Traffic and Latency
reducing with session beans: 2.2.2 Modeling Workflow with Session Beans
Never transaction attribute: 8.2.3 Transaction Attributes Defined
new features in EJB Version 1.1: D. New Features in EJB 1.1
newInstance( ) (Class): 6.1.2 The Primary Key
6.3.2 The Pooled State
no-argument constructor, requirement for container-managed persistence: 6.1.2 The Primary Key
no state: The entity bean life cycle
nonreentrance policy, applying to entity and session beans: Reentrance
nonrepeatable reads: Repeatable reads
NoSuchEntityException: A.1.14 NoSuchEntityException (1.1)
Not Supported transaction attribute: 8.2.3 Transaction Attributes Defined
8.4 Non-Transactional Beans
notifications, informing beans of events: The bean class

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