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Index: F

factory classes: 3.4.3. Factory Classes
custom, client and server socket: The Activatable class
defining, example: 3.4.3. Factory Classes
filesystems: 6.3.1. Using the InitialContext Class
initial context: 7.8.1. Finding Home Interfaces Through JNDI
InitialContext, creating: 22. The javax.naming Package
JNDI providers (common), listed: 6.3.2. Other Naming Systems
JNDI service provider: 6.3.1. Using the InitialContext Class
JNDI services: 6.2. A JNDI Example
factory objects: 4.4.2. Getting Objects from Other Remote Objects
failure() (RMIFailureHandler): 17. The java.rmi.server Package
fields (message headers), listed: 21. The javax.jms Package
file-serving servlets: A file serving servlet
file servlet (Java Web Server), status codes and: 5.2.4. Servlet Responses
creating: 6.8. Binding Objects
HTML, servlets returning: A file serving servlet
IDL, converting to Java (options): 12. Java IDL Tools
.shtml extension: 5.6. Server-Side Includes
factory class: 6.3.1. Using the InitialContext Class
factory class (Sun service provider): 6.2. A JNDI Example
providers, directory services and: 6.9. Accessing Directory Services
filtering servlet 5.3. Servlet Chaining
5.2. Servlet Basics
directory searches: 6.12.1. Search Criteria
search syntax: 6.12.4. A Search Command
findByPrimaryKey(): 7.6.7. Container-Managed Persistence
findByPrimaryKey() (EJBHome): 7.6.2. Finder Methods
finder methods
EJB 1.1 specification, changes: 7.9.5. Assorted Other Changes
EJB server providers, differences: 7.6.7. Container-Managed Persistence
entity beans
bean implementation: 7.6.2. Finder Methods
bean-managed persistence: A persistent ProfileBean
container-managed persistence: 7.6.7. Container-Managed Persistence
home interface: 7.4.1. Home Interface
7.6.2. Finder Methods
7.6.5. Life Cycle of an Entity Bean
FinderException class: 7.6.2. Finder Methods
19. The javax.ejb Package
first(), ResultSet interface: 18. The java.sql Package
first() (ResultSet): 2.13.1. Results Handling
fixed-point literals (IDL): Fixed-point literals
FixedHolder class: 30. The org.omg.CORBA Package
flags, turning on and off (idltojavacompiler): 12. Java IDL Tools
FloatHolder class: 30. The org.omg.CORBA Package
floating-point literals (IDL): Floating-point literals
forName(): 2.3. JDBC Drivers
forward-only result sets: 2.13.1. Results Handling
forward() (RequestDispatcher): 5.10.1. Request Dispatching
25. The javax.servlet Package
FREE_MEM class: 30. The org.omg.CORBA Package
freeware database connection-pooling system: 5.9. Databases and Non-HTML Content
scalar (databases): 2.12. Escape Sequences
SQL: 8.5. Functions
string manipulation functions: String manipulation functions

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