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Index: X

X.500 directory services standard: 6.9. Accessing Directory Services
attribute type definition: 6.9.3. The Attributes Interface
Directory Access Protocol (DAP), simplifying: 6.9.1. X.500 Directories
object names, differing from filesystems: 6.9.2. The DirContext Interface
XA API (distributed transactions standard): 1.3.8. JTA: Managing Distributed Transactions
XA interface: 29. The javax.transaction.xa Package
XAConnection interface: 21. The javax.jms Package
27. The javax.sql Package
XAConnectionFactory interface: 21. The javax.jms Package
XAException class: 29. The javax.transaction.xa Package
XAQueueConnection interface: 21. The javax.jms Package
XAQueueConnectionFactory interface: 21. The javax.jms Package
XAQueueSession interface: 21. The javax.jms Package
XAResource interface: 29. The javax.transaction.xa Package
XASession interface: 21. The javax.jms Package
XATopicConnection interface: 21. The javax.jms Package
XATopicConnectionFactory interface: 21. The javax.jms Package
XATopicSession interface: 21. The javax.jms Package
Xid interface: 29. The javax.transaction.xa Package
XML deployment descriptors: 7.9.1. XML-Based Deployment Descriptors
XOPEN specification (data types): 18. The java.sql Package
X/Open XA interface specification: 29. The javax.transaction.xa Package

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