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Index: C

C++ language
code, wrapping with Java interface: 3.7. RMI and Native Method Calls
comments (IDL): 10.3. Comments
IDL interfaces, converting: 4. Java IDL
Java and IDL syntax, modeled upon: 4.2.1. An IDL Primer
modules (IDL), similarity to namespace: 10.9. Module Declarations
multithreading vs. concurrency control (CORBA): 11.6. Concurrency Control Service
nonclass data structure definitions: 4.2.1. An IDL Primer
operators (IDL support): 10.5. Constants and Literals
path to pre-processor (idltojava compiler): 12. Java IDL Tools
unions (IDL), similarity: 10.7.6. Unions
CallableStatement interface: 2.5. Statements
18. The java.sql Package
escape sequences: 2.12. Escape Sequences
stored procedures: 2.11. Stored Procedures
CannotProceed class: 36. The org.omg.CosNaming. NamingContextPackage Package
CannotProceedException class: 22. The javax.naming Package
CannotProceedHelper class: 36. The org.omg.CosNaming. NamingContextPackage Package
CannotProceedHolder class: 36. The org.omg.CosNaming. NamingContextPackage Package
case-sensitivity (attributes): 23. The Package
cast operation (remote object classes): 4.1.3. The Naming Service
catalogs (SQL): 8.1. Relational Databases
catch blocks (SQLException): 2.7. Handling Errors
CGI scripts, servlets replacing: 5. Java Servlets
chaining, servlets: 5.3. Servlet Chaining
char strings: 3.7. RMI and Native Method Calls
character sets
alphanumeric (ISO Latin-1): 10.2. Identifiers
multibyte: 10.4.1. Strings and Characters
servlet output streams: 5.2.4. Servlet Responses
CLOBs (character large objects): 2.6.2. Large Data Types
2.13.4. BLOBs and CLOBs
IDL: 10.4.1. Strings and Characters
literals: 10.5.4. Character Literals
10.5.4. Character Literals
separators (compound names): 6.6.1. How Names Work
wildcard searching: 6.12.1. Search Criteria
CharHolder class: 30. The org.omg.CORBA Package
child (Context)
children of, listing: 6.6.1. How Names Work
listing: 6.6. Listing the Children of a Context
looking up: 6.4. Looking Up Objects in a Context
name and path: 6.6. Listing the Children of a Context
parent object, destroying: 6.7. Creating and Destroying Contexts
class variables, thread safety and: 5.5. Thread Safety
activatable remote objects: 3.6.2. Defining an Activatable Remote Object
activation groups: Registering activation groups
definition, tracking: 9. RMI Tools
directory schema, determining: 6.9.1. X.500 Directories
Dynamic Invocation Interface (DII): 4.5.1. Dynamic Invocation Interface
inner: 4.2.1. An IDL Primer
Java, IDL interfaces vs.: 4.2.1. An IDL Primer
loading dynamically: 3.5. Dynamically Loaded Classes
loading from applets: 3.5.2. Loading Classes from Applets
loading remote: 3.5.1. Configuring Clients and Servers for Remote Class Loading
security: 3.5.1. Configuring Clients and Servers for Remote Class Loading
names for (JDBC): 2.13.3. Java-Aware Databases
public: 4.2.1. An IDL Primer
7.4.3. The Bean Implementation
remote interface, implementing: 3.2. Defining Remote Objects
remote object implementations: 3.2.1. Key RMI Classes for Remote Object Implementations
server, simple (IDL): A simple server class
service providers (JNDI): 6.1. JNDI Architecture
6.4. Looking Up Objects in a Context
stubs and skeletons
rmic compiler, generating: 9. RMI Tools
stubs and skeletons, generating: 3.8. RMI over IIOP
Driver interface: 18. The java.sql Package
DriverManager class: 18. The java.sql Package
classpath: 3.5. Dynamically Loaded Classes
libraries, specifying: 6.5.3. Running the Shell
local default class loader: 3.5.1. Configuring Clients and Servers for Remote Class Loading
RMI activation daemon: 9. RMI Tools
RMI registry: 3.5.1. Configuring Clients and Servers for Remote Class Loading
9. RMI Tools
rmic compiler: 9. RMI Tools
serialver utility (RMI): 9. RMI Tools
clear() (Attribute): 6.9.4. The Attribute Interface
clearBatch() (Statement): 2.13.2. Batch Updates
clearBody() (Message): 21. The javax.jms Package
clearParameters() (PreparedStatement): 18. The java.sql Package
client-initiated transactions: 7.3. Transaction Management
client interfaces (remote object stubs): 3. Remote Method Invocation
client stubs: 3.1.1. RMI in Action Naming/registry service
17. The java.rmi.server Package
classes, loading: 3.5. Dynamically Loaded Classes
classes, regenerating (RMI/IIOP): 3.8. RMI over IIOP
configuring, remote class loading: 3.5.1. Configuring Clients and Servers for Remote Class Loading
containers (EJB), generating: 7.2.3. The EJB Container
CORBA: 4.1. The CORBA Architecture
4.1.2. Object Request Broker
remote object classes: 4.1.3. The Naming Service
remote object references: 4.4. Finding Remote Objects
generating: 3.2. Defining Remote Objects
3.3. Creating the Stubs and Skeletons
idltojava compiler, generating: 4.2.2. Turning IDL Into Java The client and server stubs
Java to CORBA object: 3.7.1. RMI with JNI Versus CORBA
language-specific, generating: 3.8.1. Accessing RMI Objects from CORBA
obtaining: 7.8.2. Creating/Finding Beans
original objects, changing: 3.4.2. Remote Method Arguments and Return Values
remote objects, not instantiated: Registering an activatable object without instantiating
RemoteObject class, using: 3.2.1. Key RMI Classes for Remote Object Implementations
RMI architecture: 3.1.2. RMI Architecture
rmic compiler, generating: 9. RMI Tools
clients: 7.5.1. Stateless Versus Stateful Session Beans
(see also client stubs)
cookies, storing data on: 5.7. Cookies
licensed services, requesting: 11.11. Licensing Service
object persistence, controlling: 11.4. Persistent Object Service
services, trading system: 11.14. Trading Service
EJB: 7.2.1. The EJB Client
JNDI server and home interface name, specifying: 7.2.1. The EJB Client
stubs, method requests and: 7.2.2. The Enterprise JavaBeans Object
enterprise beans, using as: 7.8. Using an Enterprise JavaBeans Object
host, getting name: 5.2.5. Servlet Requests
identifying: 7.5. Implementing Session Beans
7.7.2. Access-Control Deployment Attributes
7.8.1. Finding Home Interfaces Through JNDI
IDL, context: Context values
as Java objects (RMI): 3.1. Introduction to RMI
remote method requests, server objects: 4.5. What If I Don't Know the Interface?
remote objects, communicating with: 3.2. Defining Remote Objects
3.4. Accessing Remote Objects as a Client
4.3. Putting It in the Public Eye
session beans as remote extensions: 7.5. Implementing Session Beans
session tracking: 5.8. Session Tracking
stateful session beans, interaction with: 7.5.1. Stateless Versus Stateful Session Beans
7.5.1. Stateless Versus Stateful Session Beans
stringified object reference, using: 4.4.3. Stringified Object References
web browsers: 5.1. The Servlet Life Cycle
Clob interface: 18. The java.sql Package
CLOBs (character large objects): 2.6.2. Large Data Types
2.13.4. BLOBs and CLOBs
cloning (remote servers): 17. The java.rmi.server Package
Connection interface: 2.5. Statements
21. The javax.jms Package
PooledConnection interface: 27. The javax.sql Package
closing database connections: 2.4. Connecting to the Database
clusters (SQL): 8.1. Relational Databases
CODE parameter (servlet tags): 5.6. Server-Side Includes
code, synchronized blocks: 5.5. Thread Safety
CODEBASE parameter (servlet tags): 5.6. Server-Side Includes
Collection objects: 11.10. Query Service
Collection Service (CORBA): 11.15. Collection Service
collections: 7.6.2. Finder Methods
types: 7.9.5. Assorted Other Changes
data types: 2.6. Results
values, retrieving: 2.6. Results
SQL tables
adding: 8.3.2. ALTER TABLE
constraints: 8.3.1. CREATE TABLE
data types: 8.2. Data Types
columns (database)
Java objects, storing (type): 2.13.3. Java-Aware Databases
null values: 2.6.1. Handling Nulls
Command interface: 6.5.1. The Command Interface
CommandEnvironment class: 14. The java.rmi.activation Package
CommandException class: 6.5.1. The Command Interface
loading and executing (JNDI): 6.5. The NamingShell Application
rmid command: 9. RMI Tools
RMI registry: 9. RMI Tools
SQL: 8. SQL Reference
data manipulation: 8.4. Data Manipulation Commands
DROP: 8.3.3. DROP
schema manipulation: 8.3. Schema Manipulation Commands
SUBSTRING: String manipulation functions
comments (IDL), mapping to Java: 10.3.1. Mapping Comments to Java
COMM_FAILURE class: 30. The org.omg.CORBA Package
Connection interface: 2.10. Transactions
Session interface: 21. The javax.jms Package
Transaction interface: 28. The javax.transaction Package
UserTransaction interface: 7.3. Transaction Management
28. The javax.transaction Package
XAResource interface: 29. The javax.transaction.xa Package
committing transactions: 1.3.8. JTA: Managing Distributed Transactions
2.10. Transactions
auto-commit mode: 2.10. Transactions
Common Object Request Broker Architecture (see CORBA)
CommunicationException class: 22. The javax.naming Package
CompletionStatus class: 30. The org.omg.CORBA Package
complex data types
accessing: 30. The org.omg.CORBA Package
IDL: 10.7. User-Defined Data Types
CompositeName class: 22. The javax.naming Package
compound names: 6.6.1. How Names Work
CompoundName class: 6.6.1. How Names Work
22. The javax.naming Package
support information (DataBaseMetaData): 2.13.1. Results Handling
transactions (EJB container management): 7.6. Implementing Entity Beans
Concurrency Control Service (CORBA): 11.6. Concurrency Control Service
11.9. Transaction Service
configuration information
database metadata: 2.9. Metadata
2.9.1. DatabaseMetaData
servlets, sharing: 5.10.2. Shared Attributes
ConfigurationException class: 22. The javax.naming Package
conformance levels (SQL-92): 8. SQL Reference
ConnectException class: 13. The java.rmi Package
ConnectIOException class: 13. The java.rmi Package
Connection interface: 2.2. JDBC Basics
2.4. Connecting to the Database
18. The java.sql Package
isolation modes, listed: 2.10. Transactions
JMS: 21. The javax.jms Package
transactions (JDBC), managing: 2.10. Transactions
connection pooling: 2.10. Transactions
JDBC 2.0 standard extension: 2.13.5. The JDBC Standard Extension
ConnectionConsumer interface: 21. The javax.jms Package
ConnectionEvent class: 27. The javax.sql Package
ConnectionFactory interface: 21. The javax.jms Package
ConnectionMetaData interface: 21. The javax.jms Package
ConnectionPoolDataSource interface: 27. The javax.sql Package
constant flag: Member availability and flags
constants (IDL): 10. IDL Reference
10.5. Constants and Literals
early binding: IDL early binding
interfaces (inheritance): Constant, type, and exception inheritance
mapping to Java: 10.5.1. Mapping Constants to Java
constrained flag: Member availability and flags
constructors: 3.1.1. RMI in Action
Activatable class: The Activatable class
activatable objects: Implementing an activatable object
activation, class: 3.6.4. Activation Groups
activation in server implementation: 3.6. Remote Object Activation
ActivationDescr: Assigning activatable objects to groups
initial context, naming systems: 6.2. A JNDI Example
InitialContext, naming systems: 6.3.1. Using the InitialContext Class
NameComponent class: 4.3.3. Adding Objects to a Naming Context
public: The holder class
reactivation: The Activatable class
remote objects, initializing, registering, activating: 3.6.2. Defining an Activatable Remote Object
consumers (CORBA events): 11.3. Event Service
container-managed entity beans: 7.6. Implementing Entity Beans
7.6. Implementing Entity Beans
containers: 7.2.3. The EJB Container
bean management: 7.2.3. The EJB Container
classes connecting components: 7.2.3. The EJB Container
Context, implementing: 6.4. Looking Up Objects in a Context
data mapping, persistent data fields: Handling complex data structures
deployment classes, generating: 7.7. Deploying an Enterprise JavaBeans Object
7.7.3. Generating the Container Classes and Deployment Descriptor
deployment descriptors: 7.2.2. The Enterprise JavaBeans Object
7.7. Deploying an Enterprise JavaBeans Object
7.7.3. Generating the Container Classes and Deployment Descriptor
components and servers: 1.3.5. Enterprise JavaBeans
objects, interfaces/classes: 7.2.2. The Enterprise JavaBeans Object
role in: 7.2. EJB Roles
transaction and security, bean methods: 20. The javax.ejb.deployment Package
entity beans
loading state: 7.6.3. Entity Bean Implementation
passivation and pooling: 7.6. Implementing Entity Beans
persistence, managing: 7.6. Implementing Entity Beans
7.6.7. Container-Managed Persistence
7.6.7. Container-Managed Persistence
7.6.7. Container-Managed Persistence
7.7.1. Container-Managed Data Mapping
finder methods, generating (container-managed entity beans): 7.6.7. Container-Managed Persistence
functions: 7.2.3. The EJB Container
handles: 7.6.6. Handles on Entity Beans
JAR files (bean deployment): 7.7.4. Packaging Enterprise JavaBeans
JDBC connections, providing for beans: 7.3.1. Making the EJB Server Aware of Database Transactions
method calls, transferring to EJB object: 7.2.2. The Enterprise JavaBeans Object
pooling entity beans: 7.6.5. Life Cycle of an Entity Bean
7.6.5. Life Cycle of an Entity Bean
primary keys
entity beans: 7.6.1. Primary Keys
remote objects, converting to: 7.6.2. Finder Methods
session beans: 7.6.1. Primary Keys
public class, connecting bean to container: 7.4.3. The Bean Implementation
servers vs.: 7.2.3. The EJB Container
session beans, destroying after timeout: 7.5. Implementing Session Beans
session context, passing to bean: 7.5. Implementing Session Beans
stateless session beans
pooling: 7.5.1. Stateless Versus Stateful Session Beans
transaction management: 7.8.3. Using Client-Side Transactions
boundaries, defining: 7.3. Transaction Management
contains() (Attributes): 6.9.4. The Attribute Interface
containsHeader() (HttpServletResponse): 5.2.4. Servlet Responses
26. The javax.servlet.http Package
IDL clients: Context values
variables (IDL), Java compiler not supporting: Context values
Context class
CORBA: 30. The org.omg.CORBA Package
context clauses (IDL methods), ignoring (idltojava compiler): 12. Java IDL Tools
Context interface: 4.5.1. Dynamic Invocation Interface
6.1. JNDI Architecture
7.8.1. Finding Home Interfaces Through JNDI
bindings, listing: 6.6.3. Listing the Bindings of a Context
children, listing: 6.6. Listing the Children of a Context
JNDI: 22. The javax.naming Package
keys, properties values (JNDI): 6.2. A JNDI Example
naming services, interacting with: 6.3. Introducing the Context
service providers and: 6.7. Creating and Destroying Contexts
service providers (JNDI), implementing: 6.4. Looking Up Objects in a Context
ContextList class: 30. The org.omg.CORBA Package
ContextNotEmptyException class: 22. The javax.naming Package
ControlDescriptor class: 20. The javax.ejb.deployment Package
Cookie class: 5.7. Cookies
26. The javax.servlet.http Package
manipulating: 5. Java Servlets
Netscape specification, original: 5.7. Cookies
CORBA: 1.3.3. Java IDL: CORBA Distributed Objects
architecture: 4.1. The CORBA Architecture
Security Services and: 11.2. Security Service
distributed object services: 4. Java IDL
Dynamic Invocation Interface (DII) API: 4.5. What If I Don't Know the Interface?
Dynamic Skeleton Interface (DSI) API: 4.5. What If I Don't Know the Interface?
exceptions, standard: 10.8.1. Standard Exceptions
mapping to Java: 10.8.2. Mapping Exceptions to Java
IDL: 4. Java IDL
reference: 10. IDL Reference
IIOP: 3.8. RMI over IIOP
4.1.4. Inter-ORB Communication
Interoperable Object References (IORs): 4.4.3. Stringified Object References
language independence: 3.1. Introduction to RMI
method calls, best-effort semantics: Call semantics
Naming Service: 4.1.3. The Naming Service
35. The org.omg.CosNaming Package
remote clients, connecting to: 12. Java IDL Tools
server object, registering: 4.3.2. Registering with a Naming Service
object references, narrowing: 4.4. Finding Remote Objects
objects, adding to NamingContext: 4.3.3. Adding Objects to a Naming Context
objects, creating: 4.2. Creating CORBA Objects
ORBs (see ORBs)
org.omg.CORBA Package: 30. The org.omg.CORBA Package
remote classes, finding: 4.1.3. The Naming Service
remote object references: 4.4. Finding Remote Objects
RMI objects, accessing: 3.8.1. Accessing RMI Objects from CORBA
RMI vs.: 4.1. The CORBA Architecture
RMI with JNI vs.: 3.7.1. RMI with JNI Versus CORBA
root object class: 4.4. Finding Remote Objects
services: 11. CORBA Services Reference
Collection Service: 11.15. Collection Service
Concurrency Control Service: 11.6. Concurrency Control Service
Event Service: 11.3. Event Service
Externalization Service: 11.7. Externalization Service
Licensing Service: 11.11. Licensing Service
Life Cycle Service: 11.4. Persistent Object Service
Naming Service: 11.1. Naming Service
Persistent Object Service: 11.4. Persistent Object Service
Property Service: 11.12. Property Service
Query Service: 11.10. Query Service
Relationship Service: 11.8. Relationship Service
Security Service: 11.2. Security Service
specification (OMG): 11. CORBA Services Reference
Time Service: 11.13. Time Service
Trading Service: 11.14. Trading Service
Transaction Service: 11.6. Concurrency Control Service
11.9. Transaction Service
standard exceptions, IDL methods: Exceptions
create(): 7.4.3. The Bean Implementation
7.4.3. The Bean Implementation
EJBHome, matching object implementation: 7.4.1. Home Interface
entity beans (container-managed persistence): 7.6.7. Container-Managed Persistence
stateless session beans: 7.5.1. Stateless Versus Stateful Session Beans
createBrowser() (QueueSession): 21. The javax.jms Package
create_child(), Context class: 30. The org.omg.CORBA Package
createDurableSubscriber() (TopicSession): 21. The javax.jms Package
CreateException class: 7.4.1. Home Interface
19. The javax.ejb Package
create_exception_list() (ORB): 30. The org.omg.CORBA Package
create_exception_tc() (ORB): 30. The org.omg.CORBA Package
30. The org.omg.CORBA Package
createGroup() (ActivationGroup): 14. The java.rmi.activation Package
create_list() (ORB): 30. The org.omg.CORBA Package
create_named_value(): 30. The org.omg.CORBA Package
create_named_value() (ORB): 30. The org.omg.CORBA Package
30. The org.omg.CORBA Package
createQueue() (QueueSession): 21. The javax.jms Package
createQueueConnection() (QueueConnectionFactory): 21. The javax.jms Package
createQueueSession() (QueueConnection): 21. The javax.jms Package
createReceiver() (QueueSession): 21. The javax.jms Package
createRegistry() (LocateRegistry): 3.4.1. The Registry and Naming Services
16. The java.rmi.registry Package
17. The java.rmi.server Package
17. The java.rmi.server Package
create_request() (Object): 30. The org.omg.CORBA Package
RMIClientSocketFactory interface: 17. The java.rmi.server Package
RMISocketFactory interface: 17. The java.rmi.server Package
createStatement() (Connection): 18. The java.sql Package
create_struct_tc() (ORB): 30. The org.omg.CORBA Package
Context interface: 6.7. Creating and Destroying Contexts
DirContext interface: 6.11. Creating Directory Entries
23. The Package
createSubscriber() (TopicSession): 21. The javax.jms Package
createTopicConnection() (TopicConnectionFactory): 21. The javax.jms Package
createXATopicSession() (XATopicConnection interface): 21. The javax.jms Package
cross-database APIs: 2.1. JDBC Architecture
cryptography, CORBA Security Service: 11.2. Security Service
CTX_RESTRICT_SCOPE interface: 30. The org.omg.CORBA Package
Current interface: 30. The org.omg.CORBA Package
cursor position (result sets): 2.13.1. Results Handling
cookies: 5.7. Cookies
servlet initialization: 5.4. Custom Servlet Initialization

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