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Index: I

id field (NameComponent): Using a naming context
idempotent (HTTP requests): 5.2.3. POST, HEAD, and Other Requests
IDL interface: Method and attribute inheritance
identifiers (IDL): 10.2. Identifiers
IDL: 4. Java IDL
30. The org.omg.CORBA Package
arrays, helper and holder classes: Mapping arrays to Java
arrays, mapping to Java: Mapping arrays to Java
character literals, mapping to Java: 10.5.4. Character Literals
characters, mapping to Java: Mapping strings and characters to Java
comments, mapping to Java: 10.3.1. Mapping Comments to Java
constants: 10.5. Constants and Literals
10.5.1. Mapping Constants to Java
context variables (methods): Context values
converting to Java: 4.2.2. Turning IDL Into Java
CORBA-enabled interface, defining: 4.2. Creating CORBA Objects
CORBA exceptions, mapping to Java: 10.8.2. Mapping Exceptions to Java
data types: 10.4. Basic Data Types
typedef: Mapping typedefs to Java
user-defined: 10.7. User-Defined Data Types
data types, describing in CORBA: 4.1.1. Interface Definition Language
declaration language: 4.2.1. An IDL Primer
default ORB implementation: 4.3.1. Initializing the ORB
early binding (constants): IDL early binding
entities, high-level, listed: 10. IDL Reference
enumerations: 10.7.5. Enumerations
error codes, listed (COMM_FAILURE): 30. The org.omg.CORBA Package
example, complete: A complete IDL example
exceptions: 10.8. Exceptions
identifiers: 10.2. Identifiers
10.2. Identifiers
mapping to Java: 10.2.1. Mapping Identifiers to Java
idltojava compiler, bugs (early-access version): 12. Java IDL Tools
initial object references root objects in Naming Service, storing as: 4.4.1. Initial ORB References
declaring: Data members and methods
inheritance: 10.10.3. Interface Inheritance
interfaces, mapping to Java: 10.10.4. Mapping Interfaces to Java
Java, differences (list): 4.2.1. An IDL Primer
Java stubs to CORBA objects: 3.7.1. RMI with JNI Versus CORBA
Java-to-IDL-mapping: 3.8.1. Accessing RMI Objects from CORBA
keywords, listed: 10.1. IDL Keywords
literals: 10.5. Constants and Literals
literals (character): 10.5.4. Character Literals
literals (numeric), mapping to Java: Mapping numeric literals to Java
methods: 10.10.2. Methods
calls, semantics: Call semantics
context clauses, ignoring (idltojava compiler): 12. Java IDL Tools
mapping to Java: Methods
modules: Modules
declaring: 10.9. Module Declarations
mapping to Java: 10.9.1. Mapping Modules to Java
naming scopes: 10.6. Naming Scopes
Naming Service: 4.3.1. Initializing the ORB
4.3.2. Registering with a Naming Service
12. Java IDL Tools
nonstandard features, Java implementation of CORBA: Using multiple naming services
ORB, properties (standard): 4.3.1. Initializing the ORB
ORBs, properties (nonstandard): 4.3.1. Initializing the ORB
reference: 10. IDL Reference
remote method using inout parameter: The holder class
RMI vs.: 4. Java IDL
sequences: 10.7.3. Sequences
sequences, mapping to Java: Mapping sequences to Java
strings, mapping to Java: Mapping strings and characters to Java
strings and characters: 10.4.1. Strings and Characters
structs: 10.7.4. Structs
structs, mapping to Java: Mapping structs to Java
tools: 12. Java IDL Tools
unions: 10.7.6. Unions
mapping to Java: Mapping unions to Java
IDLEntity interface: 33. The org.omg.CORBA.portable Package
idltojava compiler: 4. Java IDL
12. Java IDL Tools
bugs: 12. Java IDL Tools
context variable, not supported: Context values
downloading from Sun: 4.2.2. Turning IDL Into Java
environment: 12. Java IDL Tools
Java classes, generating from IDL interfaces: 4.2.2. Turning IDL Into Java
stub and skeleton classes, generating: 4.2.2. Turning IDL Into Java
unions (IDL), mapping to Java: Mapping unions to Java
IDLType interface: 30. The org.omg.CORBA Package
IETF (see Internet Engineering Task Force)
IllegalStateException forwarding, servlet requests: 5.10.1. Request Dispatching
IllegalStateException class: 21. The javax.jms Package
Implements: flag: Member availability and flags
IMP_LIMIT class: 30. The org.omg.CORBA Package
inactive() (Activatable): 14. The java.rmi.activation Package
inactiveGroup() (ActivationGroup): 3.6.4. Activation Groups
inactiveObject() (ActivationGroup): 3.6.4. Activation Groups
14. The java.rmi.activation Package
include() (RequestDispatcher): 5.10.1. Request Dispatching
25. The javax.servlet Package
InconsistentTypeCode class: 32. The org.omg.CORBA.ORBPackage Package
index (see primary keys)
GenericServlet class: 25. The javax.servlet Package
JDBC Connection objects, creating (servlets): 5.9. Databases and Non-HTML Content
ORB class: 4.3.1. Initializing the ORB
30. The org.omg.CORBA Package
Servlet API Version 2.1 (changes): 5.10. The Servlet API 2.1
Servlet interface: 25. The javax.servlet Package
servlet persistence: 5.4. Custom Servlet Initialization
servlets, multiple invocations: 5.1. The Servlet Life Cycle
initctx command: 6.5.2. Loading an Initial Context
initial context
changing with initctx command: 6.5.3. Running the Shell
naming systems: 6.2. A JNDI Example
initial references, listing (ORB): 4.4.1. Initial ORB References
InitialContext class: 22. The javax.naming Package
browsing, use as entry point: 6.6.2. Browsing a Naming System
LDAP factory class, creating: 6.3.1. Using the InitialContext Class
loading into NamingShell: 6.5.2. Loading an Initial Context
naming systems: 6.3.1. Using the InitialContext Class
InitialContextFactory interface: 24. The javax.naming.spi Package
7.8.1. Finding Home Interfaces Through JNDI
22. The javax.naming Package
InitialContextFactoryBuilder interface: 24. The javax.naming.spi Package
InitialDirContext class: 23. The Package
initialization (see activation)
servlets, customizing: 5.4. Custom Servlet Initialization
initialization constructors: The Activatable class
initialization methods (ORBs): 4.3.1. Initializing the ORB
INITIALIZE class: 30. The org.omg.CORBA Package
inner classes: 4.2.1. An IDL Primer
inner joins (SQL): Subqueries and joins
InputStream class: 33. The org.omg.CORBA.portable Package
insertRow() ResultSet interface: 18. The java.sql Package
insertRow() (ResultSet): 2.13.1. Results Handling
InsufficientResourcesException class: 22. The javax.naming Package
integers (IDL literals): Integer literals
Interface Definition Language (see IDL)
Interface Description Langauge (see IDL)
interface (IDL), converted to Java interface: A simple server class
interfaces (IDL): 10. IDL Reference
attributes: 10.10.1. Attributes
attributes and methods, inheriting: 10.10.3. Interface Inheritance
constants, declaring: 10.5.1. Mapping Constants to Java
declarations: 10.10. Interface Declarations
declaring: Interfaces
Java classes and interfaces vs.: 4.2.1. An IDL Primer
Java classes, generating from: 4.2.2. Turning IDL Into Java
mapping to Java: 10.10.4. Mapping Interfaces to Java
methods, mapping to Java interface: Methods
interfaces (remote object), unknown: 4.5. What If I Don't Know the Interface?
INTERNAL class: 30. The org.omg.CORBA Package
internal links (servlets), URL encoding: 5.8. Session Tracking
Internet, distributed computing and: 1.1. Enterprise Computing Defined
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) (cookies standard): 5.7. Cookies
Internet Inter-ORB Protocol (IIOP) (see RMI/IIOP)
Interoperable Object Reference: 4.3. Putting It in the Public Eye
Interoperable Object References: 4.4.3. Stringified Object References
interpreters (NamingShell, lacking): 6.5. The NamingShell Application
InterruptedNamingException class: 22. The javax.naming Package
INTF_REPOS class: 30. The org.omg.CORBA Package
IntHolder class: 30. The org.omg.CORBA Package
Invalid class: 31. The org.omg.CORBA.DynAnyPackage Package
InvalidAttributeIdentifierException class: 23. The Package
InvalidAttributesException class: 6.11. Creating Directory Entries
InvalidAttributeValueException class: 23. The Package
InvalidClientIDException class: 21. The javax.jms Package
InvalidDestinationException class: 21. The javax.jms Package
InvalidName class: 32. The org.omg.CORBA.ORBPackage Package
36. The org.omg.CosNaming. NamingContextPackage Package
InvalidNameException class: 22. The javax.naming Package
InvalidNameHelper class: 36. The org.omg.CosNaming. NamingContextPackage Package
InvalidNameHolder class: 36. The org.omg.CosNaming. NamingContextPackage Package
InvalidSearchControlsException class: 23. The Package
InvalidSearchFilterException class: 23. The Package
InvalidSelectorException class: 21. The javax.jms Package
InvalidSeq class: 31. The org.omg.CORBA.DynAnyPackage Package
INVALID_TRANSACTION class: 30. The org.omg.CORBA Package
InvalidTransactionException class: 28. The javax.transaction Package
InvalidValue class: 31. The org.omg.CORBA.DynAnyPackage Package
INV_FLAG class: 30. The org.omg.CORBA Package
INV_IDENT class: 30. The org.omg.CORBA Package
INV_OBJREF class: 30. The org.omg.CORBA Package
DynamicImplementation class: 30. The org.omg.CORBA Package
RemoteRef interface: 17. The java.rmi.server Package
Request class: 30. The org.omg.CORBA Package
ServerSkeleton class: The client and server stubs
_invoke() (InvokeHandler): 33. The org.omg.CORBA.portable Package
InvokeHandler interface: 33. The org.omg.CORBA.portable Package
INV_POLICY class: 30. The org.omg.CORBA Package
IORs (see Interoperable Object References)
IRObject interface: 30. The org.omg.CORBA Package
isCallerInRole() (EJBContext): 19. The javax.ejb Package
isNull() (ResultSet): 2.6.1. Handling Nulls
ISO date escape sequences (JDBC): 2.6.3. Dates and Times
ISO Latin-1: 10.2. Identifiers
isolation levels
transactions: 2.10. Transactions
2.10. Transactions
JDBC support, listed: 2.10. Transactions
isolation levels (transactions): 7.3.2. Transaction Isolation Levels
database isolation levels and: 7.3.2. Transaction Isolation Levels
deployment descriptors, specifying: 7.7. Deploying an Enterprise JavaBeans Object
listed: 7.3.2. Transaction Isolation Levels
IstringHelper class: 35. The org.omg.CosNaming Package

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