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[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Z]

!ed (enemy down) command (PPF) 
EDFinder (PPF plug-in) 
EFnet IRC network 
    channel takeover on 
egg timer bot 
eggdrop bots
        configuring  2nd 
        getting Eggdrop source code 
    managing channels with 
        adding users 
        flood protection 
        joining channels 
    unpacking source code from tarball 
EggTimerBot class (Java) 
EggTimerBotMain class (Java) 
EggTimerTask class (Java) 
elite speak  [See leet speak]
Eliza bot 
email addresses
    identifiers in the trust network 
    mIRC options 
email, sent by Services 
emerge packaging system 
encoded messages, interpreting 
encrypting messages 
    public/private key pairs, using 
end of line characters 
    ASCII carriage return and linefeed (\r\n) 
    IRC messages, line length and 
    IRC protocol messages 
    lines sent via Identification Protocol 
    removing \r characters 
    return and newline characters, appending with IsonBot 
End of MOTD reply code 
Enemy Down system (EDFinder PPF plug-in) 
English (novelty), commonly used on IRC 
ethics of IRC bots 
evaluating mathematical expressions 
event handlers
    IRCLib extension 
    Perl IRC bot with Net::IRC 
    Python IRC client (with IRCLib) 
event-driven IRC bot frameworks 
    Java IRC client with PircBot 
    collection by logging bots (Java SeenBot) 
    list of all possible for Perl IRC bot with Net::IRC 
exceptions, Java IRC bot 
exchange rate for currencies 
/exec command
    calling external commands on XChat 
    displaying output of Unix or Linux commands 
exiting IRC, default message on XChat 
extending Python IRCLib 
external commands, calling with /exec on XChat 

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