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[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Z]

case sensitivity, string comparisons for HashMap keys 
cat (shell command) 
CBFinder plug-in (PPF) 
certificates, self-signed 
    automatic channel fixes 
    calling manually 
    channel monitoring 
    EFnet web site for 
    fixing a channel takeover (example) 
channel management bots
    eggdrop, creating 
    inviting users into channel 
        InviteBot, creating 
    managing with an Eggdrop 
        adding users 
        flood attacks, protecting against 
        joining channels 
    operator status, maintaining 
        OpBot class (Java) 
    protecting channel topic 
        erasure of topic 
        filtering profanity 
        formatting and colors 
        topic protection mode 
        TopicBot class (Java) 
        TopicBotMain class (Java) 
channel operators
    definition of 
    getting channel operator status from ChanServ 
    nicknames beginning with @ 
    topic protection mode, setting 
Channelbar feature (IRCle) 
ChannelCentral (PPF plug-in) 
channels  [See also community bots]
    colored messages, rejecting 
    definition of 
    filtering channel lists 
    finding relevant 
        search engine, using 
    finding users in 
        advanced search 
        irssi, using 
        lookup script 
        Net\:\:IRC module, using 
        seeking nicknames 
        strategy for 
    fixing problems with CHANFIX 
    joining a channel on mIRC with /join #channel command 
    joining from Telnet connection to IRC 
    leaving, default message on XChat 
    limiting and banning clients 
    linking on multiple networks 
        ChannelLinkBot class 
    modifying Channel Message format string on XChat 
    names, prefixes for 
    opened in separate windows, on Snak client 
    per-channel options, XChat 
    preferred, for Snak client 
    QuakeNet L channel bot 
    registering with ChanServ 
    rules, including in welcome message 
    selecting for connections 
    statistics on, studying with pisg 
    storing on XChat user interface 
    tab- or window-based view of, X-Chat Aqua 
    takeovers of
        after TS implementation 
        nick collision attacks and 
        war bots and 
    voice management, automating 
    adding users to access list 
    getting access list from 
    getting help with 
    MLOCK feature, forcing channel modes with 
    sending welcome message when someone joins 
    unbanning you from your channel 
chanset command (Eggdrop bot) 
    times user can do something in given number of seconds 
character sets, RSS news feeds 
chat applications, combining IRC with ICQ, AIM, and JabberIM 
CHAT connections (DCC) 
    acceptance of request by IRC client 
    command-line prompt and 
    limitations of 
    solution to server trust problem 
    tailing log file over separate connections by multiple users 
chattr command (Eggdrop bot) 
ChatZilla IRC client  2nd 
    changing appearance of chat windows with motifs 
    clicking on IRC links to connect to server 
    multiline messages, sending 
    nickname-completion facilities 
    private chat sessions on 
checkTimer setting (PPF) 
chmod command 
ClanBase system (CBFinder) 
!claninfo command (PPF) 
clans, gaming 
    getting information on with BFTracks (PPF plug-in) 
    getting information on with EDFinder 
    querying ClanBase system for information on 
classes, FOAF Person class (example) 
ClearType technology 
Client-to-Client Protocol  [See CTCP]
    bots vs. 
    channel operators 
    ChatZilla, cross-platform 
    console-based IRC client in screen 
    definition of 
    Direct Client Connection (DCC) 
        automating mIRC with scripting 
        automating voice management 
        colorizing text 
        connecting to multiple servers 
        formatting text 
        highlighting lines in mIRC 
        IRC nickname, adding to webcam 
        making IRC clients talk 
        nickname completion, automatic 
        Perl scripts, using with irssi 
        playing sounds 
        secure IRC connections with SSL 
        securing IRC connections with SSH 
        timestamps, adding to mIRC messages 
    Java IRC client (simple) 
        compiling and running the bot 
    Java IRC client (with PircBot) 
        compiling and running the bot 
        documentation, ideas for added features 
        event-driven framework 
    limiting number on or banning from a channel 
    local time for machine they're running on (CTCP TIME request) 
    Mac OS X 
        X-Chat Aqua 
    mIRC, on Windows 
    Òauto-join-on-inviteÓ feature 
    Perl IRC client (simple) 
        output received from IRC server 
        running the script 
    Perl IRC client (with Net::IRC) 
        downloading the module 
        event-driven framework 
        results from 
        running the script 
    Python IRC client (simple) 
    Python IRC client (with IRCLib) 
        extending IRCLib 
    XChat on Linux 
        advanced options and autoconnects 
        nicknames, usernames, and real names 
        setting up user interface 
clue command (trivia bot) 
collisions in nicknames
    fixing with NickServ 
    nick collision attack 
    nick collision attack after TS implementation 
    adding to text 
        IRC color codes, listing of 
        sending colored text from bots 
        using colors in mIRC 
    changing for XChat user interface 
    color codes for XChat 
    customizing for XChat 
    removing from IRC messages 
        different solutions for 
        Perl solution 
Colors class (Java) 
comic strips, creating 
    comic strip templates 
    ComicBot, setting up 
    running ComicBot 
/command commands, replacement on Pocket IRC 
command (in IRC messages) 
command completion, on ChatZilla 
command line, using for Telnet IRC connection 
command-line prompt, DCC CHAT connections and 
command-parameters (in IRC messages) 
    alias for group of (on mIRC) 
    capitalization of 
    CTCP queries 
    from (updated) IRC RFC 2812, acceptance by servers 
    from IRC server, read buffer for 
    IRC, working with BitlBee 
    managing server links 
    PPF core commands, configuring 
    treated as both verbs and nouns 
    Unix or Linux, displaying output from on XChat 
    user, setting up in XChat 
community bots
    FOAFBot, getting information from Semantic Web 
    inferring social networks from IRC channels 
    interrogating trust networks with TrustBot 
    passing notes to other users 
    PPF, using for gaming clans 
completion command (irssi) 
connection state (Python IRC bot with IRCLib), event handler for 
connections to IRC
    with ChatZilla cross-platform IRC client 
    console-based IRC client in screen 
    from Pocket PC 
    hypertext links
        examples of 
        valid HTML IRC links 
    hypertext links to IRC channels 
    with Java Applets 
    from Linux 
    from Mac OS X 
    from mobile phones 
    mobile IRC, enemies of 
    securing with SSH 
    securing with SSL 
    setting up IRC proxy 
    from web page without Java 
    from Windows 
Connections window, IRCle client 
Console window, IRCle client 
console-based IRC client in screen 
Cont class (Java example) 
contact information, setting with set command 
ContextList class (Java example) 
continuity bot 
    compiling and running 
    Cont class (Java example) 
    ContextList class (Java example) 
    ContMain class (Java example) 
    CurrentTime class (Java example) 
ContMain class (Java example) 
contributing a hack 
Controller class (Java) 
Conversation client 
conversations, logging on XChat 
corrections, syntax for 
country codes, hostname ending with 
country list for currency conversion Web Service 
country names, getting for currency conversion 
CryptBot class (Java) 
CSS files (motifs) 
CTCP (Client-to-Client Protocol)
    ACTION command 
    DCC connections, initial negotiation 
    replies, adding on XChat 
    requests ignored by simple IRC bots 
    understanding messages 
        tagged data 
    combining with BitlBee 
        starting CtrlProxy 
        starting the session 
currency conversions  2nd 
CurrencyService class (Java) 
    getting exchange rate 
    parsing input with StringTokenizer 
CurrentTime class (Java example) 
Cygwin Unix emulation environment on Windows 

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