x:forEach tag
x:if tag
x:out tag
x:parse tag
x:transform tag
associating a stylesheet with an XML file
xml attribute
xslt attribute
Xerces2 XML parser
XML Ant build file
creating JSP document as XML file
including XML fragment in a JSP document
JSP document vs. XML view
JSPs as XML files
XML equivalents of JSP directives
JSTL XML and XSLT tags, using in a JSP
JSTL XML core tags, using in a JSP
sending XML file as binary data
SOAP messages on HTTP
TLD (Tag Library Descriptor) files
transforming (x:transform)
web services
XML elements Ant tasks
case-sensitivity in element and attribute names
custom tags used in JSP
namespace for elements related to XML Schema instances
namespace, definition of
path element, defining Ant classpath
XML parsers, JAXP-compliant
XML Schema instances
XML Schemas for JSP 2.0 TLD
in servlet API 2.4 web.xml file
XML view
automatically generating for JSP page
generating from a JSP page
JSP XML document vs.
xmlns attribute (taglib element)
xmlns:xsi attribute (taglib element)
xsi:schemaLocation attribute (taglib element)
XSL (Extensible Stylesheet Language)
XSLT, converting XML to readable format